Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 233: .233 Tiger Fighting Dragon Fighting

When the sun rises above the sea level, the sparkling sea is magnificent. Situ Yunbing and Sigrid are wrapped in blankets sitting on the bow deck of the yacht, leaning against each other, enjoying the beauty of the sunrise on the sea. .

After leaving the Louis II Stadium last night, the two rented a yacht, and then spent the night at sea with empty red wine bottles and their clothes on the deck.

Situ Yunbing enjoyed life in Monaco more and more.

You can get drunk here, and you can also get away here. There are mountains and rivers to the west, and the sea to the east. Beautiful people are accompanied.


If the elimination of Real Madrid has made Monaco, which has disappeared from the top European stage for many years, become famous again, then the elimination of Manchester United will give Monaco a huge shock to fans around the world!

A month ago, fans all over the world met the Marshal Situ Yunbing of Monaco. Today, a month later, he has become a star in the social network football circle!

Various European football stars are commenting on his coaching, and countless fans around the world admire him, as if he is a living inspirational role model.

The craziest ones are the Chinese fans, especially those who have personally visited the Louis II Stadium to see Situ Yunbing directing the game from the sidelines. They used different angles and methods to tell other fans what Situ Yunbing they saw.

A Chinese coach seems to be dressed in a mysterious coat in the eyes of the majority of Chinese fans, making it impossible to see clearly and clearly.

The French media was the first to shout out: Support Monaco to win the championship!

Make up for the regret of 2004.

It\'s too early to talk about the championship. The Champions League itself has not many schedules. There are only 13 games from the group stage to the final, but after all, two teams will stop at the 12th game, which is the semi-final.

Bordeaux worked hard for most of the season, and finally fell on the way to cross the line. The league has a tendency to collapse. The Champions League quarter-finals failed to win Bayern Munich in the second round. Go, failed to win from Bordeaux in the group stage, but in the knockout round, he finished his revenge cleanly and advanced to the Champions League semi-finals!

In this way, the Champions League semi-finals are all released.

France: Monaco.

Germany: Bayern Munich.

Italy: Inter Milan.

Spain: Barcelona.

The Premier League team missed the Champions League semi-finals for the first time since the 03/04 season!

It seems to indicate that the momentum of the Premier League in European football is turning from prosperity to decline!

The Champions League semi-finals will start within a week, and Situ Yunbing sent a substitute to face Lille in the weekend league.

The room for Monaco\'s huge lead in the league is now clear.

When Real Madrid, Manchester United, Bayern Munich and other strong teams are in the league to grit their teeth and send all the elite to play for the league championship, Monaco can give the main players enough time to recover.

The promotion of the Champions League has gradually changed Monaco\'s team temperament. The players are more confident, as if it can help them increase the ball and experience.

The stimulation of the substitute players is a huge incentive.

Monaco fought a wonderful game away with Lille, and finally Monaco drew with Lille 2:2 away.

Hazard is the most shining player in the game, with one goal and one assist. Without him, Monaco might still have a triumph in the away game.

After the game, Situ Yunbing made no secret of his appreciation for Hazard, which seemed to arouse the vigilance of the Lille club, for fear that Monaco will launch an offensive against Hazard in the upcoming summer transfer market.

Situ Yunbing just praised a player frankly, nothing more.

In the Melo era, players like Hazard are actually rare top-level resources. Not only Situ Yunbing can see his value and potential, but the giants all over Europe are staring!

Marseille won again this round, taking Boulogne 2:1 away.

It seems that Marseille is trying to delay Monaco\'s victory.

Situ Yunbing is not worried about this. The Ligue 1 has a slow pace, and there is no time to win the Champions League semi-finals.

Moreover, the probability of Monaco losing the title almost exists only in theory.

Monaco, 79 points.

Marseille, 65 points.

There are only 5 rounds left in the league.


UEFA issued a fine of 30,000 euros plus a warning against Situ Yunbing.

Because his press conference after the game exploded with a reporter from a Fleet Street media.

Even if Monaco fans give him a thumbs up, they still have to pay.

Fleet Street seems to be in the same hatred. Except for the rigorous "Times" which positively reported on Monaco\'s advancement to the Champions League semi-finals, the other media almost implicitly criticized Situ Yunbing for being defiant.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t care about this either. He didn\'t have much intersection with England, which was following a sea of ​​water, and he wouldn\'t be bombarded by news from the English department in Monaco.

However, the German media attaches great importance to and careful reporting of Monaco, which is in line with their usual rigorous and serious style. The German Bild’s warning to Bayern Munich is: the Galaxy battleship crashed at the Louis II Stadium, and Manchester United also put the aircraft carrier in The same place opened!

While preparing for the first round at the Allianz Arena, Situ Yunbing still had no tactical planning. He was more about adjusting the state of the team. Monaco needed half a month of rest except for Moreau\'s injury and could not keep up with Bayern Munich\'s two rounds. In other aspects of the war, there is no question of personnel selection.

The tactical level does not require careful training, because Alonzo\'s current investigation of Bayern Munich\'s strength, tactical research and Situ Yunbing\'s memory are consistent.

I remember how Mourinho led Inter Milan to defeat Bayern Munich in the 2010 Champions League final, which can be regarded as the best reference for Situ Yunbing.

It just so happens that Monaco is also very good at defensive counterattacks.

At the press conference before the first round of the Champions League semi-final, Situ Yunbing simply answered a few questions from the reporter and got up and left.

It seems that after being warned by UEFA, it was over-converged, and the words are like gold.

Van Gaal was talking eloquently before the game. His Bayern Munich has now escaped the haze of the first half of the season. In the second half of the season, the third-line battles are advancing, and the league has reversed and reached the top of the standings, although he has not opened up and competed behind him. The gap between the opponents also made the Bundesliga, who has always been self-satisfied, little sense of crisis. The German Cup also advanced to the final, and the Champions League is one step away from the final.

How can Van Gaal not be complacent?

After experiencing the humiliating defeat of Barcelona in the second entry palace, returning to the Eredivisie and leaving Ajax, and then starting from Alkmaar, he finally returned to the elite circle of European football.

Van Gaal used Monaco\'s elimination of Real Madrid and Manchester United as a benchmark and analyzed Monaco. He said that he had no secrets in the study of Monaco, and his well-thought-out conversation seemed to have a way to defeat Monaco. .

As for Situ Yunbing, he said that he was cautiously optimistic about Situ Yunbing. This is a beautiful thing on the scene. If you are not polite, it means that he is not optimistic about Situ Yunbing\'s future coaching path.

Situ Yunbing has no fluctuations in his heart, and his heart is hidden in the mountains. Why should he be afraid of the wind?

In late April, Situ Yunbing led a team to visit the Allianz Arena in Munich, Germany.

I have personally experienced battles at the Bernabeu and Old Trafford. This Allianz Stadium does not seem to be worth the excitement of Monaco coaches and players. After all, the Allianz Stadium is a new stadium, and there have not been many classic stories born here. At best, Bayern Munich’s historical heritage and pride and pride are admirable.

When Situ Yunbing got off the bus, many reporters around were taking pictures, and the treatment of the Champions League semi-finals was raised by another level.

Situ Yunbing walked into the stadium passage as usual, and his disciples also looked calm.

Thanks to the cruel schedule of the Champions League, Chelsea in the group stage, Real Madrid and Manchester United in the knockout stage. These games are too important for Monaco\'s promotion!

Playing Chelsea is to meet the world, playing Real Madrid is to boost morale, playing Manchester United is to enhance the experience.

Strictly speaking, Monaco is a new born calf. No player in the team has experience in the Champions League before this season, but it is the fierce battle with traditional giants that has accelerated their growth and made the team mature quickly.

Coming to the dressing room to make preparations, the coaches changed their clothes and went outside with the players for warm-up activities. Situ Yunbing, who was in a suit and shoes, sat alone in the dressing room. The staff waiting to be accompanied pushed the dining car, Situ Yun Bing took a bottle of water from the dining car, opened it and took a few sips.

Then he took out the tablet computer from his backpack and looked thoughtful after opening the game\'s prop warehouse.

Monaco has played 10 UEFA Champions League games this season. Monaco won 4 games in the group stage, tied 1 game and won 3 knockout games.

After 8 games where rewards can be obtained, Situ Yunbing has drawn a total of 15 cards.

And these 15 cards from the "99 Champions League Champions Manchester United Deck", Situ Yunbing hadn\'t used one before today!

Because the local tournament is not available, it feels a bit violent. In the knockout round, he only used the Monaco history star card drawn in the league, which was used up.

The cards of the Champions League feel too precious to him, and he always hopes to use them more valuable.

Using one sheet at a time has no effect, just use 5 sheets for best results.

Originally he was training this year, if he can continue to coach Monaco next season, he will definitely hit the Champions League.

The experience is praised in the first year, and the results in the second year

This is also a very regular idea for him.

But now that we are all in the semifinals, there is nothing left to keep for a try.

So he has a very complete set of Manchester United\'s main lineup in 1999.

Schmeichel, 2 photos.

Gary Neville, 1 photo.

Johnson, 1 card.

Stam, 2 photos.

Irwin, 2 photos.

Beckham, 1 sheet.

Keane, 2 photos.

Scholes, 1 sheet.

Giggs, 2 photos.

Cole, 1 sheet.

York, 1 sheet.

There are many cards, but he has a choice problem.

After careful consideration, he used different cards for the 5 starting players who played today.

Give De Gea a sheet of Schmeichel.

Give Benatia a stam.

Give Nkulu a Keen.

Give Bell a Giggs.

Give Suarez a Cole.

Putting away the tablet, Situ Yunbing sat upright in the locker room of the visiting team at the Allianz Stadium with his eyes closed.

In the early summer of Cuiyin, tigers and dragons fight!