Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 226: .226 Treating his body in his own way

In mid-April, the second round of the Champions League quarter-finals struck.

The tournament has come to this stage, but any team participating in the Champions League will definitely receive attention from all parties. There are only 8 teams left in the Champions League.

The British media Fleet Street has only one sentence comment on Monaco\'s preparations: Monaco has no expectations!

Because Monaco\'s training is done step by step, even Situ Yunbing has reduced the amount of training by half an hour every day.

No matter how you look at it, Monaco seems to have been satisfied with the current achievements in the domestic arena and intends to finish the season smoothly.

The French League Cup champion, the Ligue 1 League champion, if you can win the French Cup again, then Monaco\'s results this season can be called a great feat.

Triple crown for two consecutive years? !

At the pre-match press conference, Situ Yunbing asked reporters what Monaco\'s expectations for the upcoming UEFA Champions League quarter-final second round, as predicted by the outside world, besides performing on the spot and giving hope to miracles, There is no reversal plan that can be drawn.

Situ Yunbing looked relaxed. He smiled and said: "In the past two weeks, I have read some European media reports in my spare time. It seems that they have given up their morale and ambition to enter the Champions League semi-finals for Monaco. It is really strange.

It seems that the whole world takes Manchester United to qualify for the Champions League semi-finals for granted. Monaco has no hope of a comeback after losing the first round.

Prudent football critics will also say that football is possible, but no matter whether it is words or between the lines, Monaco is not at all optimistic.

I understand that if I were a neutral fan, I would not be optimistic about Monaco.

But every day when I go to get off work and leave work, I see many fans outside the training ground holding up slogans in support of Monaco. They are not afraid of the wind and the sun to cheer the players. They may have misunderstood a little. Monaco is not depressed. It is in our dictionary. We have not given up, we are preparing for the battle in a planned way. Of course, what I say does not seem to matter to many people who have already determined that Monaco has been eliminated.

I don’t need to convince those people. I just need to convince the fans of Monaco that the team they love from the bottom of their hearts, the team they support all the time, will defend our dignity at the Louis II Stadium, not only the dignity of Monaco, but also Ligue 1 champion, the dignity of Ligue 1 hegemon!

I want to be more blunt. I will not say that Monaco will fight for dignity tomorrow. There is only one goal we have to achieve: eliminate Manchester United! "

Situ Yunbing seemed to sweep away the slump of the past two weeks in the eyes of the outside world.

Of course, he sat on the coach’s bench for three consecutive league games and did not direct the game on the sidelines. This is a negative performance. Who made him always stand on the sidelines and direct the game before? The contrast is too big and it is easy to think of being in old age. Trafford\'s defeat brought him a huge blow.

Regarding tomorrow’s starting lineup, Situ Yunbing smiled: “I don’t think I have much choice. When playing the Champions League, I don’t think you need to ask me this question. Monaco will definitely be our strongest lineup. , Any reservation is ridiculous and ignorant."

Situ Yunbing\'s posture before the game was relatively strong, and of course the British Fleet Street thought he was a dead duck.

Ferguson was in a bad mood before the game, because they were drawn by Blackburn in the last league game.

This resulted in them leading Chelsea by 1 point two rounds ago, but now they are 4 points behind Chelsea!

The pace of the Premier League is faster than that of Ligue 1, and the Premier League now has four league rounds left!

4 points behind 4 rounds, this gap means that Manchester United want to defend the probability of success has been significantly behind the probability of Chelsea to win.

In this context, Manchester United went to the Louis II Stadium in Monaco, and they were not ideal in terms of psychological pressure and physical condition.

If you only look at the Champions League, Manchester United\'s victory in the first leg at least allowed Ferguson to fulfill his previous promise.

Unable to let Monaco marshal Situ Yunbing rush to celebrate at Old Trafford.

But the loss of the ball at the end of the game has buried hidden dangers.

If Manchester United wins Monaco 3:0 at home, the idea of ​​coming to Manchester United away is very simple.

Only one goal is needed, and only one goal can completely kill Monaco.

Because they get one, Monaco will get five!

Now with a 3:1 lead, even if Manchester United lead by one, Monaco only needs to score 3 to get the game back to the starting point.

Ferguson, who has read all the sails, knows the seriousness of the situation. He said deeply at the pre-match press conference: "Again, we can\'t underestimate Monaco. The last goal loss in the last game is a lesson. We have already Almost sent them out, but Monaco returned to the game with a genius goal.

Going to the Louis II Stadium is not good for Manchester United. Monaco will be more confident and I don’t think they will make the same mistakes as in the last game. They will definitely be well prepared. Manchester United need to be fully aware. If we want to enter In the semifinals, we need to come up with championship standards! "

Fleet Street still thinks Ferguson looks too high at Monaco.


Match day finally arrived.

Monaco is sunny during the day, and in the evening, crowds of fans flock to the Louis II Stadium like a long queue.

Sigrid took her sisters to the middle of the main stand, a little closer to the coaching bench of the main team. She painted a pattern on her face today with the name of Situ Yunbing on it.

She never hides her position.

She only supported Situ Yunbing, because Situ Yunbing only supported Monaco.

Even so, there are still many Monaco fans who like her very much.

Prince Albert and De Bondin sat in the royal box, and neither of them found it easy before the game.

It may be that the team is not very optimistic about entering the Champions League semi-finals.

Take a step back, the Champions League quarterfinals, this is also a result acceptable to everyone in Monaco.

So there is no need to be depressed.

Just enjoy the game.

Situ Yunbing was still in suit and leather shoes. He sat in the locker room waiting for the players to warm up and return.

As usual, everyone came back and ignored his existence automatically. After finishing the pre-match preparations, Situ Yunbing stood up.

In fact, the Monaco players are also at a loss. As usual, at the pre-match preparation meeting in Monaco, Situ Yunbing will arrange the tactics for the next day in detail.

But at the pre-match preparation meeting yesterday, they did not hear any new tactical settings, and only Falcao entered the starting list.

It seems that Monaco is playing very routinely, which puts a bit of pressure on their hearts.

On the night of the defeat at Old Trafford on the plane, Situ Yunbing looked confident, making everyone think that he had some cunning plans, but now he was a little disappointed.

Situ Yunbing looked around everyone\'s faces, he saw the worry in their eyes, and saw a touch of confusion.

It seems that they are not confident.

After Situ Yunbing cleared his throat, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he spoke loudly to everyone before the war.

"I know you must be a little pessimistic, thinking that we have no way to reverse Manchester United, or that we have to rely on luck to defeat the Red Devils.

Now I will tell you the secret of the reversal of Manchester United at home today! "

In just a few words, everyone\'s eyes lit up, and everyone stared at Situ Yunbing, waiting for the following.

Situ Yunbing raised his hand, raised a finger, and said: "Our first advantage, the league lead is huge!"

Everyone is at a loss, how about Monaco\'s huge lead in the league? Not in the same league as Manchester United!

"In the past three league games, I have basically given you enough rest. Your average playing time is no more than 50 minutes. Now do you feel like it was before the start of the new season, without the fatigue of the game, or spent it? Feeling relaxed like a short holiday?"

Everyone can\'t help but nod, the main players have indeed been too relaxed in the past two weeks!

Let them ease the fatigue since the second half of the season.

"But Manchester United is different. Manchester United has lost the top position in the past two rounds of the league. They spent a lot of time in the game. At the same time, they came to Monaco as a guest today. We have the advantage of the home court. It is our overall advantage!"

Looking around everyone, Situ Yunbing\'s eyes were extremely firm, which made his words more convincing.

"Second advantage, psychological advantage! Manchester United just lost the top of the league table. Three days ago, Chelsea\'s lead was extended to 4 points. They may not be relieved from the panic of losing the championship and failing to defend the league. What about us? Defend the title as soon as the next round of the league!

Manchester United leads us in the score, they may not be as focused as we are in their thinking!

We have no worries, and our belief in this game is even stronger! "

The players nodded, and Situ Yunbing continued: "Third, this is the point I want to talk about. In the first round, we lost to Manchester United. At what point did we lose? Tactics? No, it\'s rhythm!

With the difference in rhythm and rate, the role of tactics will be weakened. Therefore, we are playing Manchester United today. We do not pursue surprises in tactics. We must treat others in their own way!

We beat each other on rhythm shock!

The secret is to be fast, fight and run!

Don’t you feel ashamed if you can’t run Manchester United, which is exhausted and psychologically stressed today?

Today, you gave me your life to run on the court, actively occupy every piece of turf, pursue offensive and defensively, make mistakes do not matter, suppress Manchester United, we don\'t worry about opportunities!

Remember, in the battle with Manchester United, the side that wins must be the braver, more aggressive, more fighting spirit, more crazy and magical side!

We want to tell Manchester United that this is the Louis II Stadium. Although it is not as famous as Old Trafford, it is not magnificent, but this is our home!

It is a place where everyone in Monaco loves and fights every day. Here, no one is allowed to run wild, and neither can the Red Devils!

We are Ligue 1 champions, we are Ligue 1 hegemons, we may not shoulder the glory of France, but should we **** be eliminated by Manchester United?

Let those who are not optimistic about you close their mouths, let them obediently stretch out their hands to applaud you, so that they never dare to look down on Monaco again!

Today, defeat Manchester United! "

In the dressing room of Monaco, every Monaco player and coach has a strong expression, as if there is a raging flame in his eyes!