Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 222: .222 Survive in the cracks (fix)

"Rooney scored with a header! Manchester United is another city! Monaco is a bit beaten to find North!

Both Manchester United\'s goals came from consecutive attacks. Although Monaco was passive, he was able to cope with the first wave of attacks frontally, but every time they resolve a wave of danger, Manchester United\'s offensive will immediately come down and adjust. The slow-paced Monaco finally couldn\'t resist the continuous offensive of the Red Devils!

The score became 2:0, the situation is extremely favorable for Manchester United! "

Ferguson stood up and applauded, smiling indifferently, as if everything was under control.

So far, Monaco hasn\'t really brought the threat of fear to the Red Devils.

Relying on the top line of defense and good rhythm, the Red Devils have no reason to fear Monaco.

The focus of the scene seemed to be Situ Yunbing. The Red Devils fans wanted to see how the young coach would react under such a disadvantage. The Monaco fans hope that Situ Yunbing can turn things around through on-site scheduling.

Situ Yunbing\'s expression was young and stubborn, and he refused to admit defeat and did not want to bow his head, but he pragmatically chose to give the team a gesture of retreat.

After losing two goals, Monaco\'s first half was basically out of play!

The team\'s own foothold in the game is not stable. The rest of the first half of the game is difficult to support the team\'s phased tactical changes. Moreover, this is at Old Trafford. If this is not adjusted, then Monaco can still How to do it?

Are you planning to get into trouble?


Even the offensive and defensive transition has not been able to do a good job, how to threaten the opponent?

Once the attack is strengthened, the risk of losing the ball will inevitably increase. Once the opponent scores another goal in the first half, Monaco will collapse!

There is no suspenseful collapse, and no one dares to pack votes to turn the tide in such a situation!

Let\'s talk about it after the first half.

Monaco\'s absolute trust in Situ Yunbing allowed them to implement Situ Yunbing\'s tactical adjustments without any hesitation at this moment.

After shrinking the defensive line, Monaco\'s formation became 451. During the previous preparations for Real Madrid until today, they have been running in training and competition many times, so the adjustment will not bring out the phenomenon of synchronization.

Manchester United are still attacking with a two-goal lead, but Monaco has further compressed the line of defense. First of all, they have greatly reduced the threat of their right attack. Gary Neville\'s own offensive ability is also extremely limited. If it is not the usual traditional play of the Red Devils, plus Neville is the veteran Red Devils under Ferguson for more than ten years. He has a high level of tactical understanding and rich game experience, which makes him always able to appear in the right area at the right time.

And if Manchester United only play the left and center, the offensive threat is also weakened to a certain extent.

However, although Monaco has improved its defense, the offensive and defensive transition links have also been improved, but because the starting position of the offense is too late, Manchester United’s defense has enough time to adjust. Monaco\'s sporadic counterattacks or the last chance is slightly narrow. Either he died halfway.

Manchester United fans are not overjoyed. In their view, winning Monaco is a gift package.

As for Monaco\'s elimination of Real Madrid, it is not worth mentioning in their eyes.

What role has Real Madrid played in Europe in the past few years?

Insignificant role.

However, Manchester United has been in the Champions League semi-finals for three consecutive years, including the semi-finals, the champion and the runner-up.

From the time Real Madrid took away Beckham, Manchester United fans did not have a lot of good feelings for Real Madrid. This was when Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid became a reality last summer, and this sentiment reached its peak.

So they selectively ignored the objective strength of Monaco to eliminate Real Madrid.

Just treat Monaco as a strong French team. As for the position of the strong French team in the Champions League, it is nothing more than studying with the prince.

In all fairness, Monaco\'s performance in the first half is not a disaster, but it shows the gap between it and the Red Devils.

When the Red Devils began to strengthen their defense at the end of the first half, Monaco did not counterattack. This is not wise to do so, especially when the counterattack speed is not slow.

Their midfield conversion efficiency is much higher than Monaco, and Scholes and Carrick are the guarantee.

The whistle at the end of the first half finally sounded. Maybe even the Monaco players would feel that the first half was a torment.

Situ Yunbing calmly walked from the sidelines to the player channel in the corner of the stadium. The Red Devils fans in the nearby stands harassed him in various ways. Some people cheered, some sarcastically clapped him, and others made crying moves. .....

Suddenly, Situ Yunbing felt that the road was a bit long, and in addition to admiring Ferguson\'s changes to the stadium design, there was also a somewhat disgusting emotion in his heart.

But this "long" road gave him more time to think.

As far as technical performance is concerned, Monaco\'s performance has no mistakes, but it is not particularly good, but it has reached the passing level.

This is also very good, not intimidated by the Red Devils, but the discomfort caused by the high-intensity rhythmic impact reduces the technical performance.

If you want to improve Monaco\'s performance at Old Trafford, it is nothing more than three elements. Skills can exceed their opponents, control of the rhythm of the game, and unexpected tactical coordination!

In fact, Situ Yunbing\'s plan before the game today is to defend and counterattack first. As long as Monaco has a firm foothold, it will intermittently give the Red Devils the impact of anti-robbing oppression, just like playing Real Madrid!

But under the background that Monaco\'s rhythm is completely out of control, this tactical plan can be thrown into the trash can.

Moreover, the obvious disadvantages made Situ Yunbing hard to adjust.

The technical link cannot reverse the opponent, and it is also a luxury to dominate the rhythm of the game.

Only at the level of tactical coordination has to figure out a solution.

He also made a mistake today, that is, his estimation of the rhythm of the game.

If he can foresee the Red Devils\' offensive impact so fiercely, then he will definitely let Monaco fight the limit from the first minute of the game!

If the offensive and defensive engagement is expressed in a quantitative way, the overall score is 10, then the defensive engagement for extreme defense is 9, the offense is 1, and the general defensive counterattack is almost 7 and 3, and Monaco\'s opening stage today is 7 And 3, after losing one ball, it became 8 and 2, and after losing the second ball, it was 9 and 1, but the situation is completely different.

The effect of playing the ultimate defense at the opening and playing the ultimate defense with two goals behind must be different. The situation and the psychological difference of the team are too great.

After returning to the locker room, Situ Yunbing made adjustments intensively. Before that, he first boosted the morale of the team and avoided making the players excessively pessimistic!

The two teams changed sides in the second half.

Ferguson was still sitting on the coach\'s bench and did not come to the sidelines, and Situ Yunbing stood alone in the visiting coach\'s command area to supervise the battle.

Even though the situation is not good, Situ Yunbing did not show any sadness. He knew that his expression would also affect the team, and he would not bring negative psychological pressure to the players.

Monaco still played defensive counterattacks in the second half, but had a slightly higher offensive tendency than at the end of the first half, that is, it improved from 9 and 1 to 8 and 2.

Unlike the first half, Monaco\'s adjustment in the second half appeared on the striker at a glance.

Gareth Bale is on the left, Suarez is on the right, the two forwards are on the side, no center forward!

In this way, Monaco is forcing Manchester United to attack frequently from the center, but at the same time, Monaco is tightening in the center.

Manchester United may be leading by two goals in the second half, so their crazy momentum has declined, but they paid more attention to the control of the ball.

In the 51st minute of the game, when Evra made an assist from the left and formed a match with Nani, he made a cross from the bottom. The football flew to the middle of the goal and was headerd by Benatia.

Perez controlled the ball on the right side of the backcourt and quickly knocked the ball back without waiting for Scholes to force it. Monaco reduced the tendency to attack from the midfield and instead passed the ball back to the defender as soon as possible. Line, attack by the back line!

Because if the midfielder is not clear about the situation behind him, the longer the possession of the ball, the more likely it is to lose the ball. Monaco\'s first goal in the first half was lost like this, and the lesson was learned.

Modesto stepped forward and sent a long diagonal pass directly.

The football quickly rolled to the right side just past the midfield.

Suarez stopped the ball here and turned and quickly launched a fast attack.

At this time, we can see signs of constraints that Manchester United’s defense line does not dare to leave the center easily. Situ Yunbing’s adjustment is to first suppress Manchester United’s wing attack.

Although Fletcher\'s offensive force was greatly weakened in the second half, he did not dare to quickly assist in defending the wing from the middle, because once he was gone, Gareth Bale could quickly cut in and kill the middle.

The same goes for defenders. Whether it is Vidic or Ferdinand, they may be caught by their opponents after leaving the center.

In this case, they can only retreat actively to ensure the safety of the front area.

Suarez waded the ball unimpeded to the outside of the penalty area. Fletcher came to intercept him after he made an inside cut. At this time, he was able to form a defense with Vidic, so he relieved his worries.

Suarez knocked the ball diagonally back to the right of the penalty area before reaching the penalty area, and quickly cut inward after the ball.

Witsel followed up to welcome the ball and sent a kick pass!

The ball is not for Suarez, but for Gareth Bale!

Gareth Bale cut from the left to the left side of the penalty area. When Witsel\'s pick and transmission came, he shook his head and attacked the goal after taking off. Ferdinand was a step slower to return to the defense, or he did not Think of Gareth Bale so fast!

Van der Sar steadily blocked the near corner of the goal. When Gareth Bale\'s header flew towards the upper left corner of the goal, Van der Sar took the ball easily from the air after taking off.


Situ Yunbing didn\'t care about the result. He nodded and applauded the team on the sidelines. This is a positive phenomenon. Monaco can at least form an attack in Manchester United\'s penalty area!

It shows that his adjustment is still very effective!