Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 215: .215 Reading and prosperous

Monaco triumphantly brings the prestige of qualifying to the quarter-finals of the Champions League!

On the plane, the players were all celebrating wildly, and Situ Yunbing and Alonzo were sitting together and they were happy from ear to ear!

On this day, Monaco seems to rise strongly in European football!

On this day, Marshal Situ Yun was famous all over the world!

On this day, Monegasques began to look forward to peak glory!


Returning to the league at the weekend, Situ Yunbing led his team against Bordeaux led by Blanc at home.

Both Ligue 1 teams have received unprecedented praise from the French media!

Because the two teams reached the Champions League quarter-finals at the same time!

Bordeaux eliminated Olympiacos and Monaco eliminated Real Madrid.

The encounter between the two teams at this time must have been unexpected by the French Football Association. If the two teams could have been envisioned to enter the Champions League quarter-finals, they would definitely not arrange the confrontation at this time.

But who can dare to make this bold assumption?

Situ Yunbing had a rotation at home, and Blanc also had a certain rotation. The two young marshals did not make the main players to charge again, and they are now focusing more on the Champions League 1/4 Preparation for the final.

The preparations start from the moment they are promoted!

Not surprisingly, the two teams played a seemingly fierce but cautious match at the Louis II Stadium. The final result was a goalless draw between the two teams.

After the game, Situ Yunbing and Blank had a long conversation about drinking and talking in his office.

The UEFA Champions League quarter-final draw has not yet been released, and the results will be announced five days later. The two teams may meet, or they may not, but they both wish each other good luck.

What surprised Situ Yunbing was that Marseille did not seize the opportunity of this round of Bordeaux and Monaco draw to achieve a point overtake of Bordeaux. They also drew with Toulouse in the away game.

After 28 rounds, there are 10 rounds left in the Ligue 1 league, and Monaco is getting closer and closer to defending the title.

Monaco, 70 points.

Bordeaux, 50 points.

Marseille, 50 points.

Montpellier, 50 points.


"Real Madrid is very interested in Gareth Bale!"

"Manchester United began to pay attention to Suarez."

"AC Milan is interested in Benatia."

"Arsenal visit Witsel."

Only a week after Monaco eliminated Real Madrid, rumors abounded in the transfer market, as if Monaco opened a player supermarket, and European powers wrote the names of Monaco players on their shopping lists.

Situ Yunbing saw this very openly. He didn\'t want to talk to the players in the past, and he didn\'t want to announce the ownership of the players in public.

At present, some of the players in the team who are considered by the European media to be supernova or have the potential of top stars, their destiny is definitely not in Ligue 1, not Monaco!

If their ambitions are only in Monaco, only at the level of Ligue 1, then they will not work so hard!

Ligue 1 is a springboard, Monaco is just a stop in their career, not the ideal destination.

As for whether Debondan will do or say, he can\'t control it, so he simply doesn\'t think about it.

On the contrary, the European giants\' interest in players can inspire greater motivation and fighting spirit. It is not convincing just to rely on one or two heavyweight matches.

The result of the midweek UEFA Champions League quarterfinal draw was announced.

Monaco drew Manchester United, with two teams in one and a half, Bayern Munich and Bordeaux.

Bordeaux once scored one win and one tie in the group stage against Bayern Munich, which made the French media believe that Bordeaux has a high probability of qualifying for the Champions League semi-finals.

On the contrary, it is Monaco\'s view that once runner-up in the past two years and Manchester United, a champion once again, is a bad idea.

Situ Yunbing\'s mentality was already very peaceful, and it seemed that it didn\'t matter who he played against.

The training ends early on Friday afternoon because there will be a game tomorrow.

Situ Yunbing drove away from the club and drove to a hotel in the city. He suddenly found a familiar looking car following him. When he stopped at the traffic light, the red Ferrari came next to him. Go straight.

Situ Yunbing dropped down the car window, surprised but somewhat helplessly shouting to the beautiful girl sitting in the car smiling at him: "Why didn\'t you tell me when you came? He followed me secretly!"

Sigrid shouted to him: "If I want to follow you secretly, I won\'t let you find out. Where are you going? Do you want me to take you for a ride? Wonderful young man!

Situ Yunbing smiled silently, the title of Marshal Marshal seems to have become a household name, especially after he led the team to eliminate Real Madrid.

After crossing the intersection, Situ Yunbing parked his car in a nearby parking lot and then got into Sigrid\'s car.

As soon as he got into the car, Sigrid rushed over, and the two kissed passionately for a while before drove away.

When Situ Yunbing came to the destination hotel, Sigrid followed him at a cheerful pace, holding hands, and didn\'t mind the sight of others.

From time to time, someone greeted Situ Yunbing politely, and Situ Yunbing took the trouble to respond politely. In the mainland of Monaco, he is now respected second only to the royal family.

Sigrid bird hugged Situ Yunbing\'s left arm like a human, as if he was very proud of Situ Yunbing\'s extraordinary respect from the locals.

"Why do you hold so tight?"

"I\'m afraid you are gone."

Situ Yunbing couldn\'t laugh or cry, walked into the hotel lobby, Situ Yunbing asked the front desk attendant which floor the meeting room was on, and then went into the elevator.

Sigrid asked puzzledly: "Are you here for a meeting?"

Situ Yunbing smiled and nodded, and after hesitating for a moment, he said: "I want to set up a charity fund, transfer my assets into it, and then regularly build schools and orphanages in China."

Sigrid suddenly put a smile away, her beautiful face was full of seriousness and stared at Situ Yunbing\'s expression. Situ Yunbing stared at her without changing his face. After a long while, Sigrid suddenly said to him: "My dear, I have a new understanding of you. I am so lucky to meet you."

Situ Yunbing showed a bitter smile, he was not as noble as she thought.

If it were not for the risk of sudden death, he might have never thought about helping the world, a layman, and there is no noble family and world feelings and minds, nothing more than being forced!

But after thinking about it, he was grateful again.

The game reborn him, he can live so fulfillingly, and it also makes him a better person.

He can choose to splurge, but the first thing he thought of was to distribute the property to the helpless children, perhaps because he was an orphan, hoping to improve the growth environment of this disadvantaged group.

In any case, he is sure that he will not regret doing this and is willing to do it.

Before entering the conference room, Sigridela lived with Situ Yunbing and said to him categorically, "My dear, I also want to participate in your charity fund. Although I am not as rich as you, I can make an effort."

Situ Yunbing shook his head and refused, saying, "No, this is my personal decision. You don\'t need to be involved."

"I want to do meaningful things with you, isn\'t that bad?"

Situ Yunbing stared at her for a while and then smiled and said, "Well, if this is your decision, I respect it."

Sigridela pushed open the door of the meeting room with his hand.

The conference room is very large. Six men in suits and ties have been waiting for a long time. Two of them are lawyers and the remaining four are investment agents.

The purpose of Situ Yunbing\'s establishment of a charity fund is to ensure that if he suddenly dies one day, his property cannot be dealt with.

Today, he will sign an agreement to be notarized by a lawyer for safekeeping. Once he dies and has no heir, all his property will be realized and transferred to the charity fund account.

Then there is the operation of the charity fund. Situ Yunbing will first give them 1 million euros for investment in the areas he designated, and then add funds no less than three times a year, each time the funds are not less than 500,000 euros, when will the additional funds be stopped The funding is determined by Situ Yunbing.

The charitable fund needs to do two things, make the right investment to generate income from the assets, and then use the proceeds to establish Hope Primary Schools in China and fund or jointly run orphanages with the local government.

After consulting a large amount of information and calling for consultation in person, Situ Yunbing calculated an account. The funds needed to build a Hope Primary School were between 30,000 and 80,000 Euros. The orphanage had many problems, and the long-term Maintenance requires more funds. Of course, private individuals cannot build orphanages and must cooperate with the local government.

He will prepare another 500,000 euros of start-up funds for the charity fund, and carry out this project at an average rate of constructing one Hope Primary School every month in the next year. After one year, the rate of return on investment will only exceed 10%. , Then 1 million euros has 100,000 euros, and 2 million euros has 200,000 euros. He will add additional investment funds in the process.

Simply put, he hopes to expand the scale of the charity fund while making money while investing, and finally achieve a stable and healthy operation.

Of course, with his current investment target, the annualized rate of return will definitely far exceed 10%.

After learning about Situ Yunbing’s plan, Sigrid said that he could invest 300,000 euros per year. Situ Yunbing did not stop it, but on the investment side, it stipulated that 5% of the investment income should be returned to her. It may seem that it will Very few, but if it can operate for a long time and expand in scale, the future benefits will be very considerable.

She is eating a youth meal now. If it goes well, she will have no worries in the next ten years, but what about after 30 years old?

Situ Yunbing must make plans for her future considerations.

After finalizing the matter and signing the documents, Situ Yunbing resolved one of his concerns.

On the branch of the moon, Situ Yunbing was standing naked and wearing pajamas on the balcony of the hotel to admire the bustling night view of Monaco’s bustling lunch. Sigrid hugged him from behind, his face pressed against his neck and his eyes closed The color of Enron.

Under Ye Yue, Situ Yunbing lit a cigarette. At this moment, he remembered that when he first arrived a year and a half ago, he had the same mood as he stood outside the cathedral.

The left foot is extravagant, and the right foot has little desire!

Reading all the prosperous things, you will know that Youlian is priceless!