Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 208: .208 Towards a world class

The highly anticipated first leg of the 1/8 final of the Champions League, Monaco\'s home game against top giants Real Madrid is over.

Monaco 3:2 Real Madrid.

Perhaps it was because of the loss of the ball near the end of the game, the Louis II Stadium was silent for a while before applause rang again!

Although Monaco fans are no longer so excited, they all applaud the coaches and players who have fought for the team for the entire game with recognition and pride.

Take 10,000 steps back, do not look at the trend, do not look at the process, do not care about what happened in the game, in terms of the result, the score of 3:2 is not acceptable to Monaco fans?

of course not!

For this reason, they applaud the team from the heart, hoping to give the team more strength.

Situ Yunbing shook hands with Pellegrini after the game. The two separated without verbal communication. Situ Yunbing stood on the sidelines and looked towards the Monaco goal. He saw Modesto walking to comfort the extremely lost De Gea. See At this scene, Situ Yunbing put away the idea of ​​entering the field to find De Gea to encourage the opponent, and he turned and walked into the player channel.

At the press conference after the match, a reporter asked about De Gea’s feelings about losing the ball in the final moments of the game. Situ Yunbing said calmly: "It is normal for a goalkeeper to make a mistake. I think today De Gea has done well enough. In my memory, he saved at least three very threatening shots from Real Madrid today, including Ronaldo, Higuain, and Kaka\'s shots. If he didn\'t make the last mistake today, I think he is a perfect performance, but since he made a mistake, I think I can at least give him a higher score than passing. Of course, I will ask him to improve his ability when summing up the game after the game to avoid committing similarities in the future. mistake.

I hope that the media will not make a fuss and put too much pressure on him. It is completely unnecessary. If you must attack him, then come to me. Reusing him is my stubbornness. He has made mistakes now, so the responsibility is mine. You can freely express your views against me, but for a 19-year-old player, I hope you see his shining points. "

Situ Yunbing\'s answer was very objective. He admitted that De Gea made a mistake. It was not his character to open his eyes to tell nonsense. A mistake made a mistake. He frankly admitted that this was shameless, but he also guarded the calf and made it clear on the spot.

If the reporter really has nothing to write about, and insists on using De Gea to make an article, then he should simply address Situ Yunbing!

Compared to De Gea, Situ Yunbing is obviously more famous!

Many reporters at the scene still expressed recognition and praise for Situ Yunbing\'s remarks.

The coach is at least very responsible and did not put pressure on the players.

A reporter asked about his satisfaction with Monaco\'s 3:2 defeat of Real Madrid.

A smile appeared on Situ Yunbing\'s expression and said, "Of course I am satisfied.

Turning time back three hours, how many people thought Monaco could win at that time?

Many people even think that Monaco draws against Real Madrid at home is very good!

But there are still results in the course of the game. I think it can satisfy me and the team. The course of the game proved that we don’t have to fear Real Madrid. We can break through their gates. We can limit their attacks. The result of the game. Prove that we are stronger today!

This result makes us go to the Bernabeu and may not fall into a passive position. What are we not satisfied with? "

In fact, when I changed my mind at this time, the reporters also felt that what Situ Yunbing said was reasonable.

With Monaco\'s reputation and strength, defeating Real Madrid at home, it seems that there is no better result than this.

If you have to be careful to distinguish the differences in the advantages of different leads, it can only be said that Monaco has not got the most ideal result. Generally speaking, it is already satisfied.

Regarding looking forward to the next round of the game, Situ Yunbing said that the team is naturally going to fight tenaciously at the Bernabeu and will go forward with the determination to advance to the Champions League quarter-finals. Without this awareness, their efforts today and the results obtained Will be meaningless!

In the post-match press conference, Situ Yunbing\'s image, words and deeds were relatively relaxed and natural and his mentality was also very positive.

When he returned to the locker room, most of the players had already taken a shower and got ready to go to other rooms to receive a post-match muscle relaxation massage from the club masseur.

But De Gea was still sitting in his chair, bending over, covering his face with one hand, tears slipping from the tip of his chin, Modesto, Perez and Moro were comforting him together.

Perhaps for a 19-year-old player, his professional career has only really been played for less than a season. In the Champions League knockout game against Real Madrid, he has made a low-level mistake on the stage of such a starry and great glory. This pressure and guilt It is the weight he cannot bear!

Especially seeing the hard work of his teammates, he was like a sinner who had ruined everything. De Gea couldn\'t help tears at this time.

But Situ Yunbing frowned and said to the others: "You all go and rest, I\'ll talk to him."

The others are gone. De Gea raised his head and looked at Situ Yunbing. He wiped away his tears. His red eyes were a bit afraid to look directly at Situ Yunbing’s eyes, especially when he saw Situ Yunbing’s expression clearly marked. With an unpleasant color.

Situ Yunbing whispered to him: "From tomorrow on, Monaco\'s goal should be guarded by Rufael."

De Gea suddenly raised his head and looked at Situ Yunbing in surprise and a little panic. He opened his mouth but didn\'t know what to say.

Is this punishment for him?

It seems that he deserved it.

Situ Yunbing stepped forward and stared at De Gea\'s eyes solemnly and said, "Not reconciled? Not reconciled, it\'s **** right! Is a mistake that makes you unable to let go? I don\'t want to see you like this, I think Seeing you apologize to your teammates with a self-blaming expression, and hearing you say to me that you will never make the same mistake again in the future.

Can you show me a De Gea who has lived up to the trust of me and your teammates? A De Gea who is worthy of the whole team to drive you and accompany you to grow!

A De Gea who truly shines with the world-class goalkeeper! "

De Gea was dumbfounded and didn\'t know what to say.

Situ Yunbing sighed slightly, and the momentum that forced De Gea suddenly disappeared. He turned and sat next to De Gea. There were no other players near them.

Situ Yunbing leaned on the closet and said tiredly: "I will make mistakes, because I am a human, and you will make mistakes, too, because you are also a human.

Even masters make mistakes when playing games. Why can\'t you make mistakes? Why can\'t I make mistakes?

There are some things I shouldn’t tell you, because I am a coach and you are a player. I need to defend my unquestionable authority, but I can tell you frankly that I made a mistake during the intermission of today’s game and I was too anxious. A two-goal lead makes me even more eager not to give Real Madrid a chance. I want to impede Real Madrid everywhere. Sometimes this strategy is right and it can make me different. I am a thoughtful and competitive The opponent is a smart coach, but mistakes like today make me look like a fool. I am smart but I was mistaken. The killing was too heavy and the killing was too heavy. The lessons of the loss to Chelsea have not been fully digested. I really want to Slap yourself twice to wake yourself up. "

De Gea looked at Situ Yunbing in amazement, and then said for a long time: "Boss, you are really good and good."

Situ Yunbing leaned back against the closet, turned his head against the closet door and looked at De Gea. His eyes met. He said lightly: "You are also very good. If you are mediocre today, the score may be 2:3. 3:5, who knows, it\'s probably impossible to win anyway."

"You don\'t have to comfort me like that, it\'s too exaggerated."

"Just as I am comforting you, but what I want to tell you is that the top goalkeepers are actually two points in the final analysis, the most basic saves are not mistakes and stable and wonderful performance. Go and see how much Buffon has lost this season Ball, you have at least half of his conceded goals.

Will he not make mistakes? He will, but absolutely rarely.

But he also has a lot of **** that he can\'t hold, but they are all unable to completely shift the responsibility to the goalkeeper.

So you must keep in mind two points, not making mistakes is the first, always the first, on this basis, often have wonderful performance, you will be a **** world-class goalkeeper. "

De Gea nodded seriously.

Situ Yunbing closed his eyes for a while and then opened them, cheered up, stood up and patted De Gea\'s shoulder, and said, "Okay, it\'s time to take a bath, rest and rest. Remember today\'s mistakes, but don\'t sink into guilt. In emotions, don’t care about what the outsiders say. It’s just bullshit. You should do what you should do and treat Monaco’s goal as something more important than life. Try to do your best. No one will give If you are stressed, I will continue to trust you and thank you."

After saying that, Situ Yunbing left the locker room, De Gea\'s expression was unusually firm.


Relatively speaking, the French media praised Monaco\'s performance. At the same time, it did not exaggerate public opinion bombardment and over-magnify De Gea\'s mistakes. With the goal of hoping that Monaco can go further in the Champions League, France The media gave more encouragement to Monaco. On the contrary, the Spanish media was optimistic about the situation in Real Madrid, and at the same time gave De Gea a relatively low evaluation, just as a mistake determines De Gea\'s future height.

In fact, although the entire Monaco team realized that 3:2 is not a safe score, it is not an advantage in the final analysis, but the team itself is a type of dare to fight and go all out. On the contrary, there is no ideological baggage and just feel that it has won In the first round, it is natural to work hard in the second round. Of course, they are looking forward to another confrontation with Real Madrid, especially in the football temple: Santiago Bernabéu!