Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 2: .002 Half dead

Situ Yunbing, who was covering his eyes tightly with his hands, felt the strong light dissipate, and he put down his arms and slowly opened his eyes, his face was immediately shocked.

He rented the living room for 10 years as if he had just moved in. The old furniture, outdated electrical appliances, even the New Year\'s grilles on the windows were not torn off.

He looked down at the tablet computer in his hand, and a paragraph was displayed on the screen.

"Please go to the Monaco club to find a job, and the team management function will be activated after your job."

Situ Yunbing was like a bolt from the blue!

To find a job at the Monaco Club?

Is this still a game?

He hasn\'t even been to other places to travel a few times, so is he going abroad?

At this time he noticed several documents on the coffee table.

He picked it up and looked carefully.

Passport, French visa, Monaco work visa, Monaco club invitation letter.

Situ Yunbing\'s whole person is a bit lighthearted. Is he really going to Monaco?

He immediately went to take out the phone in his pocket, and when he looked down, he found that he was wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt, and he felt that his body was lighter, and he was surprised when he took out the phone.

How did his Android phone become Nokia?

This is the cell phone he used when he graduated from college.

He glanced at the date on the phone screen, September 2, 2008.


Situ Yunbing\'s brain went blank. After a brief loss of consciousness, he ran into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror with Qingjun with short hair and an expression of disbelief!

He went back ten years ago!

It turns out that the opening time selection is back to 2008, including himself!

Situ Yunbing shouted in excitement!

Young, so cool!

After he returned to the living room, he called on the phone on the invitation letter from the Monaco Club.

He found that the English that he had basically forgotten in 2018 seemed to be back again!

Think about it, too, not long after he graduated from university, the CET-6 certificate obtained by his ability is still useful.

After he confirmed with the Monaco club that he had coached the team in the past, Situ Yunbing jumped up in the living room happily.

But he was dumbfounded again!

How should he get to Monaco?

He ran into the bedroom and took out his bank card, and ran away from home to check the balance at the bank.

At this time, he was officially employed for less than half a year, and his salary was only about two thousand. He didn\'t know how much money he had.

After seeing his bank card balance on the bank ATM, Situ Yunbing breathed a sigh of relief.

The balance on the card is more than 6,000.

He remembered that after working, he saved up to the end of the year and bought a computer in January 2009!

Now the money on the card is saved to buy a computer.

If the time is delayed by three months, maybe he will have only a new computer and no money.

Situ Yunbing took a car to the airline ticket office and asked about the ticket to Monaco. He was told that he could not go directly to Monaco because Monaco was too small and there was no airport at all. He had to go to France first and then take the car to Monaco.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t care so much. After buying a ticket to France, Situ Yunbing found that he couldn\'t even buy the return ticket with the remaining money.

Situ Yunbing left a small portion of the money for domestic use before going abroad, and the rest was exchanged for euros.

Bring two changes of clothes, take the bus to the airport, and fly to France.

Situ Yunbing, whose parents had both died and had no other relatives since childhood, embarked on a journey abroad with anxiety and expectation.


The Principality of Monaco is located in southwestern Europe, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and borders on three sides with France. The entire territory is within France, known as the country of China. This is a beautiful small country built on the cliffs of the Mediterranean Sea.

This small principality with only 1.9 square kilometers is the second most compact country in the world and also the most densely populated country in the world.

It can be said that you can\'t walk through China in a lifetime, but you can visit Monaco in one day.

The scenery here is beautiful, sunny, the waves are gentle, the waves hit the shore, and the snow-washed beaches and the azure Mediterranean complement each other. There are more than 300 days of sunshine a year, which has attracted countless British poets. The place of chanting is still another courtyard of the European royal family, as if it can only be a place where princes, princesses, crown princes, and princesses live happily.

Monaco is now a world-renowned tourist attraction with Monte Carlo, a world-renowned casino and picturesque bay.

In addition to casinos and F1 events, Monaco football has been supported by the Monaco royal family in the past half a century!

The Monaco Club and the Louis II Stadium are located just south of Monaco.

A generation of famous players such as Petit, Henry and Trezeguet have emerged here. Wenger has also had a seven-year itch with Louis II Stadium. Eleven years ago, Tigana also led the team Brilliant, a Ligue 1 champion, twice reached the semi-finals of the UEFA Cup and the UEFA Champions League. After Tigana, the former Monaco legend Puel took over the pointer and led his team to the Ligue 1 throne in the millennium.

In the "post-Marseille era" in the mid-to-late 1990s, Monaco and Nantes were the teams that won two league titles before the arrival of Lyon’s seven crown hegemony era, but unfortunately the team fell into an economic crisis since then, even in 2004 Deschamps once led the team incredible in the UEFA Champions League and repeated miracles, but eventually lost in a contest with Porto led by Mourinho. The runner-up in the final failed to reverse the fate of Monaco in the next four years. It also determines the fate of Deschamps and Mourinho for the next ten years.

From a competitive point of view, Monaco\'s 03/04 season was undoubtedly a success, but from an economic point of view, that season was extremely bad.

The then chairman Svala paid a huge bonus for their top star, but he quickly resigned and the financial deficit further expanded. Deschamps also left the club five months after the Champions League final. He and the new chairman Pastor You and the board fell out!

From 2004 to 2008, Pastor changed six coaches. Monaco has stabilized at the mid-range level in the past three years in the league, 10, 9, 12, and it is not far from the 15th worst place in the Ligue 1 team. Up.

At this time, the state of Monaco could not be better described in four words: half alive.

Pastor resigned in the summer of 2008. At this time, the new chairman De Bondin had a deep friendship with Prince Albert, who directly managed the Monaco club, but he also had real talents. The prince invited the Chicago financier who was in charge of the overall situation to carry out reforms vigorously after he took office. At the beginning of his appointment, he fired the team’s sports manager, former goalkeeper Ettori, and general manager Keller. The former is one of the symbols of Monaco and is for the club. Service for more than 30 years!

He also cut the wages of players by 40%. At the same time, in order to open up the international market, he rented the American prodigy Edu from the transfer market and introduced South Korean player Park Zhouyong. De Bondan manages the Monaco club entirely in the way of managing enterprises.

Monaco had a bad start to the new season, except for the 1-0 defeat of Paris Saint-Germain in the first game, which seemed to have brought about the miraculous effect of "reform". In the following three games, 2 draws and 1 loss, ping Nantes, ping Caen, losing Grenoble .

Monaco was quickly beaten back to its original form!

The mediocre Brazilian coach Gomez was fired by De Bondin!

During the FIFA game day in September, the club enters a temporary rest period, and Monaco is waiting for the arrival of the new coach!

On September 5, De Bondin was working in the club, but received a call from the secretary, and a policeman wanted to see him at the door.

De Bondin, in a suit and leather shoes, came to the gate of the club with a bewildered look. He saw two police officers from left to right sandwiched by an Asian young man with shabby clothes and a haggard look.

Situ Yunbing never thought that he had just got off the car in Monaco, before he felt the sunny beach and the magnificence of the city, he was stopped by the police!

In Monaco, even if the second generation of the rich are undressed, it will cause police suspicion and questioning. Who makes the rich here all over?

Even though he took out his passport and visa, including the Monaco club invitation letter, the police still didn\'t believe him and drove him to the club responsibly in a police car to verify.

De Bangdan took Situ Yunbing\'s passport and the invitation letter sent by the club to look at it, and nodded at the two police officers with a wonderful expression.

After confirming the identity of Situ Yunbing, the two police officers let go of Situ Yunbing.

Unexpectedly, after letting go, Situ Yunbing took a step forward and his feet softened. Fortunately, De Bangdan stepped forward to help, otherwise Situ Yunbing would really fall to the ground.

The haggard Situ Yunbing smiled at De Bondin and said, "Thank you, can you give me something to eat? I haven\'t eaten anything since I got off the plane."

In places like Monaco, dressing up like Situ Yunbing in cheap jeans and a shirt is really like a beggar.

Debondan asked suspiciously: "Why don\'t you eat?"

Situ Yunbing wanted to cry without tears.

"My wallet was stolen on the bus! Who knew that French thieves were also so rampant! My 180 euros were gone!"

In fact, I blame himself, who made him so excited that he couldn\'t sleep on a plane, after all, it was the first time in his life to fly...