Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 164: .164 The Blues are coming!

Monaco is in good condition, all fronts are advancing vigorously, Situ Yunbing\'s team in Ligue 1 has almost become a hard-to-find defeat, no, it is difficult for opponents to get a draw.

In the seventh round of the league, on the eve of the second round of Monaco\'s Champions League group stage, Situ Yunbing only gave Suarez 60 minutes to play in the home game against Saint-Etienne, but Suarez was in the first half of the game. Scored twice.

A long shot 30 yards from the goal made the Saint-Etienne goalkeeper stunned, and a kick from outside the penalty area hit the teammate and immediately inserted the penalty area to outflank the corresponding pad and scored the goal. Falcao scored two goals in the last round. Suarez also scored two goals immediately, and the two forwards of Monaco competed for the top scorer list!

Monaco defeated Saint-Etienne 3-0 at home, and Situ Yunbing\'s team began to scare the French first.

Marseille lost the chain in this round and lost to Valenciennes away. As a result, the gap between Marseille and the top of the table began to become a little bigger.

Monaco, 21 points.

Bordeaux, 19 points.

Lyon, 17 points.

Marseille, 14 points.

Monaco will have a direct dialogue with Marseille in the next round. The downside to Monaco is that they need to play away, and it will be after the Champions League game.


Chelsea is about to visit Monaco, which makes the local fans extremely excited. Two days before the game, the fans talked about the upcoming battle.

Monaco was prepared for battle with high morale, and Situ Yunbing also pondered repeatedly for the formation of troops.

At the pre-match press conference, Situ Yunbing was asked by reporters about the desired result of the match.

He said without hesitation: "Of course we don’t want to lose at home. Winning is definitely the best result. In that case, we will become the top name of this group. Although it is temporary, it will give us psychologically. Brings a huge advantage and helps us better meet future games."

Regarding how to limit Chelsea’s forward line, Situ Yunbing said: "The good news is that Chelsea’s main center, Drogba, is injured. He can’t play, and we will suffer less offensive pressure.

But Chelsea is a world-class team. They not only have Drogba, Anelka, Malouda, and Kalaw, they also have an enviable midfielder. This will be a game that will test the team. Chelsea\'s strength is not because they have a strong striker, but their balanced configuration, especially the fighting spirit is a tenacious representative team in the entire European football scene. "

Situ Yunbing smiled when confronted with a famous coach like Ancelotti: "I remember when I was young, I watched Ancelotti\'s directing game on TV. He always felt calmer. But he is the kind of coach with a confident mind, and people always like to talk about his glory in AC Milan. He is the top coach in Europe. It is my goal to learn and catch up. To be able to compete with him, I think I want to fight. 200% spirit will do."

These words can\'t be regarded as Situ Yunbing\'s compliment to Ancelotti. Based on the glory of Ancelotti\'s player era, and his two Champions League titles in AC Milan as coach, he really deserves any praise.

Although there is also a black history of miserable losses, which top coach does not have such a history?

Oh, Guardiola hasn\'t yet, but there will be in the near future. This is the most normal football rule.

When Ancelotti attended the pre-match press conference in London, he spoke of a different opinion when he talked about Monaco.

"I really want my assistant to stay in Monaco for a while. Really, after carefully understanding Monaco\'s past season, I am surprised by Monaco\'s growth and progress!

I really want to know how Monaco trained after their young coach took office. The players\' progress is obvious, and the young players are improving at a speed faster than light. This is incredible!

Maybe that young marshal does have mysterious power from the East. "

Ancelotti can be regarded as a major element of Monaco\'s soaring strength.

Monaco has grown rapidly, as if Situ Yun led his troops to fight, and the war was raised by war. The more the war, the stronger!

Last season\'s Moro, Muratori, Falcao, Matic, Benatia, Nkulu, Nimani and other players.

This season\'s Gareth Bale, De Gea, Suarez, Witsel, Vertonghen, in just two months, some players have not improved much, but some players have made progress. Fei, overall, the Monaco team has grown too fast!

This situation tends to happen in relatively rich teams, such as Manchester United in 1999. A group of young players under Ferguson were promoted to the main players and created glory for the team, but Manchester United itself also has a strong foundation. For example, in 2004, Ajax caused a youth storm in the European war, but Ajax was originally known for its youth training. The group of young talents when Van Gaal led Ajax to the top of the Champions League, Recognized as a player with top talent and potential.

There have been some star players in the youth training of Monaco, but the youth training of France has never been able to bypass Claifontaine, that is, when the players are young, they will go to Claifontaine, and then the club will pick players from Claifontaine, because it takes away. When he was young, he always belonged to various clubs in the background of youth training.

On the road of cultivating players to become stars, the role of coaches in Monaco is far greater than the hematopoietic ability of the club itself. For example, when Wenger was in charge of Monaco, and when Tigana was in charge of Monaco, they all vigorously promoted young players and cultivated them. Since then, Monaco has hardly seen any outstanding stars in youth training. Most of the players who led the team to the Champions League final that Deschamps were bought after the players had become famous.

Ancelotti hit the key, as if to herald another glory of Monaco has begun.

Regarding the game tomorrow night, Ancelotti said: "After watching the game between Monaco and Atletico Madrid, I think it will be enough to draw our players\' attention to Monaco. If Monaco has not participated in the Champions League for many years and we despise them, then we Unforgivable mistakes will be made!

As a hot spot, we should be more cautious, otherwise, this will be our dead group! "

Ancelotti had to pay attention to Monaco. Monaco defeated Atletico Madrid 4:2. He had a very intuitive threat after watching it.

I just don\'t know whether Monaco can remain rational when he returns to the home court.

On September 30, Chelsea arrived in Monaco, at 8 pm, the two teams met as scheduled at the Louis II Stadium.

It\'s hard to get a ticket for this game.

In the royal box, not only Prince Albert, but also other royal family members, Monaco\'s record is shining, and even the royal family is bright.

Situ Yunbing entered the field early and took the initiative to wait for Ancelotti\'s arrival. When Ancelotti walked out of the player channel, Situ Yunbing stepped forward and shook hands with the opponent to express welcome.

Before the game, Ancelotti and Situ Yun’s soldiers complimented each other. This is considered to be a courtesy first and then a pawn. The two teams are about to meet each other on the court, but it does not prevent the coaches from cherishing each other.

In the memory of Situ Yunbing, Ancelotti will remain the protagonist of the European football coaching circle for at least the next ten years. It can be said that the ranking in the top ranks has been declining, but he has never fallen out of the top ranks.

At least Ancelotti\'s status, Situ Yunbing is still far away from him.

The two greeted before the game, and then each came to the coach command area to stand and wait for the game to start.

The starters of the two teams received enthusiastic cheers from the fans when they entered the field!

This should be Monaco\'s most famous opponent at home after playing Real Madrid in the 04 Champions League knockout games!

How can this not let the fans of Monaco look forward to it, not to mention the fans of Monaco, many French neutral fans are eager to watch the matchup with their own eyes at the Louis II Stadium.

You can imagine how hot the atmosphere is!

"Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the second round of the UEFA Champions League group stage. Today we will broadcast live for everyone to explain a focus of the second round of Group D.

Ligue 1 champion Monaco is at home against Premier League giants Chelsea!

In the first round of the group stage, the two teams both won. Monaco defeated Atletico Madrid 4:2. The game was very exciting and bloody. Chelsea won 1:0 at home. Get off Porto.

In terms of style, Monaco and Chelsea have similarities. Both teams pay great attention to defense, but Monaco has a more prominent rhythm in the game, while Chelsea is more stable. Monaco is a newcomer to the Champions League and returned to the Champions League after a long absence. The green passion set off is something to look forward to, while Chelsea is somewhat regrettable. In the past many years, they have been regulars in the Champions League quarter-finals and semi-finals. The year before last they reached the Champions League final. Unfortunately, in the rainy night in Moscow, they were on the spot. Lost to Manchester United in the ball game, and was unfortunately eliminated in the semi-finals last season by Barcelona, ​​who later won the championship.

In general, Monaco may surprise the audience, but Chelsea will definitely not overturn the boat easily!

Let\'s look at the starting lineups of the two teams.

Monaco started with 442.

Goalkeeper: De Gea.

Defenders: Modesto, Benatia, Virtonghen, Moreau.

Midfielder: Perez, Nkulu, Matic, Gareth Bale.

Forwards: Falcao, Suarez.

The lineup of Monaco is not surprising.

Chelsea coach Carlo Ancelotti lined up a 433 formation.

Goalkeeper: Cech.

Defenders: Ivanovic, Terry, Carvalho, Ashley Cole.

Midfielder: Belletti, Lampard, Essien.

Forwards: Kalaw, Anelka, Malouda.

Chelsea\'s starting lineup is also relatively unsurprising. Chelsea is clearly beyond Monaco\'s substitute in terms of substitution. The Blues have Joe Cole, Deco, Zhirkov, Sturridge and others on the bench.

What kind of passion will this game deduce, and who can win in the end?

Let\'s wait and see! "