Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 147: .147 Preparing for the new season

Monaco, the miniature principality.

However, the average daily number of tourists throughout the year is as high as 300,000.

All hotels in Monaco can only accommodate no more than 4,000 tourists.

Monte Carlo Paris Hotel, in the bedroom of the hotel\'s high-level independent ocean view luxury suite, Situ Yunbing washes and dresses step by step after waking up from his sleep. This suite has a separate cloakroom, standing in front of the mirror from top to bottom. When he went outside, he took out a full set of Armani, took out the Breguet watch given to him by Sigrid from the drawer and put it on, then put on a dark blue tie, and put on the suit jacket. The young man in the mirror has already become arrogant. Chic and extraordinary.

The doorbell rang, Situ Yunbing came to the extremely spacious living room and opened the door, and the hotel staff enthusiastically delivered breakfast.

Pressing the remote control of the electric curtain, the curtain of the east-facing floor-to-ceiling window in the living room separates from it to the wall. Situ Yunbing walks to the floor-to-ceiling window with coffee, and the curtains open wide and slowly present the beautiful scenery like a scroll.

The distant azure coast came into view. This morning was refreshing. Situ Yunbing drank coffee and had breakfast while admiring the beautiful scenery outside.

He moved out of Capday’s apartment, and the apartment Debondan recommended for him ended up not being seen on the spot because he wanted convenience and comfort.

So he stayed at the 5-star Monte Carlo Paris Hotel in Monaco.

It starts at 600 euros a night, and his luxurious suite is more than doubled. Situ Yunbing directly signed a long-term lease agreement with the hotel, renting it at a price of 250,000 euros until the end of June next year.

Before the end of last season, Situ Yunbing, who lost his fortune with Sigrid at the Monte Carlo Real Casino, received a 2 million Euro winning bonus after the season.

But a month and a half later, there were only more than 700,000 euros left in his account.

He gave Alonzo 500,000 euros and a permanent hotel hotel of 250,000 euros. In addition to buying Ferraris, he took the shortest time to obtain a driver\'s license that can be used in Schengen countries. He bought two more cars, both of which were parked in Monte Carlo Paris. The hotel’s parking lot is in his exclusive parking space, and his road race is still there. Situ Yunbing didn’t throw away his previous things, just like in his cloakroom, there is still a closet with the old cheap His clothes always reminded him where he came from.

An Audi, usually when you go to the club, a Porsche sports car, if you want to go for a drive along the coast in your free time, you can drive out.

Today is the day of the Monaco team training, Situ Yunbing drove to the club very punctually.

Monaco did not hold a new aid debut ceremony, there is not much need, after all, the players here do not have the familiar stars of the top European leagues.

Although Suarez and Gareth Bale were bought at sky-high prices, but in terms of fame, they are still far from the first-tier stars.

In the original history, in another two years, they will be thunderous stars in European football, but they are not yet.

The sun is shining, the old and new players on the Monaco training ground are chatting and laughing together easily, and those with language barriers try to communicate with each other in the simplest English. This is a good phenomenon.

When Situ Yunbing in a suit and leather shoes brought the coaching staff to the training ground, the captains Modesto and Perez set an example first, asking everyone to stand in line and prepare to start training.

Situ Yunbing is very satisfied with the players\' attitude. He doesn\'t like lazy players, and even less like players who are proud after winning the championship.

Standing in front of everyone, Situ Yunbing cleared his throat, and then began his preparations for the new season with a serious face.

"Congratulations, we are all defending champions in the third-line battle in France in the new season!

This is a symbol of glory, but it does not mean ease.

On the contrary, it is difficult to win the championship for the first time, and it will be even harder to defend the title!

Throughout the European football team that can win the championship for two consecutive years, three years or more, they all have a unique temperament.

Do we have?

Before we achieved the defending title, we actually had nothing!

Because at the same time, I can imagine that Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux, even Lille, Toulouse, Paris Saint-Germain are gearing up, they are polishing their weapons, they are sharpening their swords!

What are they going to do?

Of course they will kill Monaco!

They want to kick Monaco from the championship position!

We overturned the rule of Lyon, and now it is our turn to raise the shield with one hand to resist attacks from other teams, and with the butcher knife in the other, to chop all opponents who dare to challenge us to the ground!

I want the championship, you also want the championship, I will work hard, I also hope and believe that you will also work hard, let us work hard together!

Always keep one thing in mind: There is only one champion, and it must be Monaco! Either don\'t pay, if you pay, you have to reap the much-anticipated glory! "

The players never expected that Situ Yunbing would say such a thing before preparing for the new season.

In the pre-season preparations they are used to, most of them are plain as water, and everyone is relaxed.

But Situ Yunbing only took 2 minutes to ignite the passion of everyone!

Drag them from the leisure of the holiday back to the cruel competitive football!

Everyone applauded in unison and nodded firmly.

Starting to formally prepare for the battle, Situ Yunbing handed over these systematic routine training projects to Petty to chair, and he and Alonzo walked aside, monitoring the players’ training attitude while waiting for the test reports of various indicators. .

At the same time, he also talked to different players during the team training break.

The first person he found was Moreau.

Moreau sweats like rain, and his training attitude is very diligent. The young man is full of yearning for the new season and looks forward to a better performance on the big stage.

The friendship between Situ Yunbing and Moruo was profound. It was Situ Yunbing who supported Moruo in the position and gave him the opportunity to make his blockbuster.

Therefore, the conversation between Situ Yunbing and him likes to go straight and straight to the point: "I want to transform you in the new season. You revert to the position of the left back. From the aspect of ability, the field of vision needed by the full back assists you. Yes, you have the speed, technology, and the ability to cross. You also meet the requirements. The only thing that needs to be strengthened is the defensive ability, as well as the technical and tactical ability to cooperate with the defense line."

Moreau was a little surprised. He didn\'t expect that Situ Yunbing would change him. He subconsciously looked back at Muratori on the training ground. He looked back at Situ Yunbing and asked seriously: "BOSS, I Can you know the reason for this change?"

Situ Yunbing frankly told each other.

"Of course you can. In terms of ability, you are a very good full-back. If you are placed in the Premier League, in addition to the giants, other teams will compete for you, but that is determined by the characteristics of the Premier League. Monaco last season You can meet the technical and tactical requirements of the team well.

But in the new season, we have to defend our title in the league on the one hand, and on the other hand we have to meet the challenge of the Champions League.

We need to keep up with the changes in the situation, so we are going to make changes to the technical and tactical system this season. All our signings in the summer are for this change. I hope you can understand.

Specific to the tactical level, the team needs a strong left winger, not only to create opportunities to deliver shells to teammates on the wing, but also to be able to produce an intuitive threat to the opponent\'s goal!

Once the threat of the left wing to the goal is formed, our left back will have more space on the wing, so I hope you can change to the left back. "

Moro understood it. Simply put, he didn\'t threaten enough to make a shot.

Moreau thought for a while and said, "Okay, no problem, I will try to adapt to the new position."

Situ Yunbing nodded, patted Moruo on the shoulder and told him to go back to training.

The second person who was called by Situ Yunbing to talk was Captain Modesto.

He informed Modesto that the position of the new season will change, from center back to right back, still the absolute main force.

Modesto has no meaning to this.

In this way, the main back line of Monaco\'s new season has surfaced.

Modesto, Benatia, Virtonghen, Moreau.

Compared with Simic’s offensive ability when he was the right back, there is no need to worry about the defensive ability of Monaco’s new back line. Although Moreau needs to adapt, Modesto’s defensive ability and Vertonghen’s defensive ability are both capable Bringing the improvement of the team\'s entire guard line, and at the same time, Wiltonghen, who is born in Ajax, will also bring a stronger ball ability to the guard line that he did not have before!

This combined with the rapid offensive and defensive conversion of Monaco\'s technical and tactical core can promote and help improve.

There is no suspense about the midfield trio.

Nkulu, Perez, Matic, just one word: Hard!

In the second half of last season, Perez and Matic have been running in a tacit understanding of attacking in turn. After losing Merian, Nkuru strengthened defensive mobility and can further liberate Perez and Matic. Although it is undeniable that the midfield offensive creativity has declined, the midfield defense has definitely improved significantly.

There is no suspense on the front line.

Gareth Bale will be the left winger, Luis Suarez will be the center, and Falcao will be the right winger. Although the right attack is weak, Situ Yunbing’s plan is to create a golden left. The team must have an attack The explosive point of the acceleration, Moreau and Bell have no problems with speed. The midfielder is tough to create opportunities. The rest depends on the ability of Suarez and Falcao to seize opportunities. Of course, it is Suarez and Falcao\'s personal. In terms of ability, their ability to create opportunities in single-handed combat cannot be underestimated.

Nimani on the bench can bring forward tactical changes, the midfielder Witsel will also provide vitality and flexibility to change, the full-back Adriano can still be prepared for emergencies.

Players like Mangani, Mendy, Muratori, and Mongungu, although it is difficult to bring miraculous effects, they will not make Situ Yun\'s formations stretched out. The minimum rotation is still no problem.

Monaco\'s lineup still looks a bit thin, but what Situ Yunbing wants is good soldiers and strong generals. Give him a few extras, which is tasteless, maybe even tasteless.