Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 135: .135 I give myself to you

When Situ Yunbing saw Sigrid wearing a black self-cultivating trench coat in the parking lot of the French Stadium, an excited smile appeared on his face.

Sigrid rushed towards him, and Situ Yunbing shouted to her: "Today I won the first championship in my coaching career! The first!"

"I know! You are amazing! The youngest champion coach!"

Sigrid flew over, and the two embraced and kissed each other. Then Situ Yunbing hugged her naturally. Sigrid also held his hand. Situ Yunbing smiled and asked, "Where do you want to go?" How about we go shopping in Paris?"

This is on the outskirts of Paris and it is the closest to Paris.

Sigrid shook his head and said with a smile: "Let\'s go to Monaco. There will be a grand celebration and it will definitely be fun!"

Situ Yunbing immediately took her to the airport. It would take at least 5 hours to return to Monaco by train from Paris. When the two of them return to Monaco, it might be dawn.

Going to Nice by plane first, the two of them still clenched their fingers on the way, and they could not finish talking. Sigrid recounted her work schedule after she was promoted to a supermodel. She would travel back and forth in famous European cities every week, while Situ Yunbing Then we will talk about anecdotes about him leading the Monaco campaign.

When the two returned to Monaco after midnight, to be honest, the situation was quite different from what Sigrid expected.

Monaco does not have a city carnival scene, because most of the fans go to the French Stadium to watch the game, and tickets are not unavailable. For local fans in Monaco with a low income, a trip to Paris is simply impossible. With cost concerns, and it’s another weekend, how can you be absent?

But when the two came to the bar by the sea, they could still see the full audience, and everyone toasted frequently to celebrate Monaco\'s victory!

There were still fans who stayed in Monaco and gathered together to watch the game.

When Situ Yunbing led Sigrid to the bar, the atmosphere of the bar suddenly reached an unprecedented climax!

People chanted "Situ! Situ!"

While cheering Situ Yunbing\'s surname, he brought a large glass of beer to Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing naturally smiled and celebrated with the fans, and then asked the boss to give him a fresh and hot seafood platter. Although he and Sigrid sat in the corner deck, they were always the fans of the audience. The focus is that fans frequently come to toast, and some people come to hope that Situ Yunbing will autograph them.

Sigrid looked at Situ Yunbing\'s extremely popular appearance with a wonderful smile on his lips.

Some fans apparently drank a lot of interest, but someone came to Situ Yunbing drunk, hoping that Situ Yunbing would write his Chinese name on paper, and he wanted to get Situ Yunbing’s name on his arm. Tattoo!

Situ Yunbing was a little flattered. He knew he was loved by fans now, but to achieve this point, he must be beyond the general range.

Another middle-aged fan came to Situ Yunbing. He was already half drunk, but he put his hand on Situ Yunbing\'s shoulder solemnly and confessed to Situ Yunbing.

"Every day I now regret and blame myself for insulting you. I don\'t know what I was thinking at the time. I was so stupid. I am ashamed that I have hurt and offended you. I\'m sorry, I\'m really sorry. If you give me another chance, I will never do such a shameful behavior, Situ, you are the hero of Monaco, you are the savior of Monaco, I want to apologize to you, I hope you can forgive me, please forgive me ......"

Situ Yunbing actually kept saying to him when he was halfway through: "Don\'t take it to heart, I won\'t blame you, really!"

Some fans around began to applaud, not knowing why they applauded, probably because they thought it was a very commendable act for this fan to confess to Situ Yunbing, and then Situ Yunbing had to stand up and hug the opponent, and then picked up the wine glass and Everyone clinked glasses together, he didn\'t know what to say anyway, they were all in the wine!

At the bar, Situ Yunbing couldn\'t stay longer, because someone came to apologize to him again!

God knows how many fans abused him face-to-face when he took office as the Monaco coach more than half a year ago. Anyway, he certainly wouldn\'t take everyone in his heart.

What has passed is gone with the wind, Situ Yunbing\'s current mentality is to work hard for tomorrow!

So he really doesn\'t care.

When leaving the bar with Sigrid, the night breeze was a bit cold, and Situ Yunbing took off the suit jacket and put it on her. She did not refuse this time. The "next time" she had said was fulfilled after all.

The streets of Monaco have begun to become deserted, and perhaps only when the fans who have gone to Paris come back, will they become lively.

It was already three o\'clock in the morning, and Situ Yunbing realized one thing at this time.

"I\'ll see if the hotel has a room."

After Situ Yunbing finished speaking, Sigrid held Situ Yunbing\'s arm tightly, and said to him, "Why are you going to the hotel? Isn\'t your apartment not far from here?"

Situ Yunbing didn\'t think much, so he took her to Kapudai.

When the two walked back to Situ Yunbing\'s apartment, Situ Yunbing was still emotional: Fortunately, the room was very clean.

Sigrid came to Situ Yunbing\'s apartment for the first time. She couldn\'t imagine that Situ Yunbing lived in a room with such a cramped space. It was just a small single room with a bathroom. There was no other space.

Seeing her standing still in front of the single bed, Situ Yunbing said in embarrassment: "Sorry, I am a little bit small here, or I should go to the hotel to open a room for you?"

Sigrid turned around suddenly and made a move that made Situ Yunbing\'s jaws startling.

Her fragrant shoulders leaned back, and the windbreaker slipped to the ground when her arms were swayed back. She walked towards Situ Yunbing, wrapped her arms around his neck, her expression revealed a mature and charming attitude that did not match her age, and her voice softly addressed Situ Yun Bing said, "Today is my 18th birthday, and I want to give myself to you."

Situ Yunbing\'s brain was blank, and his behavior completely followed the man\'s instinct. He picked up Sigrid with the opportunity.

In his simple apartment, a spring night is worth a lot of money.


The next day, when Sigrid got up, she saw Situ Yunbing sitting in front of the coffee table for the first time, looking at the laptop screen on the coffee table seriously, with breakfast next to the computer.

When she came behind Situ Yunbing wrapped in a quilt, Situ Yunbing came back to his senses. He said apologetically, "Sorry, occupational disease. I get up in the morning and check the news first. Breakfast is outside a restaurant where I call Monaco. Yes, you see if it suits your appetite."

Sigrid leaned down and put his arms around his neck from behind, looked at the laptop screen and saw a news page inside.

"Marseille\'s away win over Lille has a glimmer of hope!"

The news reported that in the 33rd round of Ligue 1 that ended yesterday, Marseille defeated Lille 2:1 in the away game.

With 5 rounds left in the league, Monaco has the most advantage in hitting the championship. Marseille and Bordeaux followed closely with a gap of 9 points. Lyon and Toulouse failed to win yesterday\'s game. There was no hope for the crown, and even Zhengsan became a serious situation.

Monaco, 72 points.

Bordeaux, 63 points.

Marseille, 63 points.

Lyon, 57 points.

Toulouse, 56 points.

Situ Yunbing closed the computer, and after Sigrid put on his clothes and washed them, the two ate breakfast at the window, although it was almost noon.

Today Monaco is resting. Sigrid is leaving in the evening. Situ Yunbing hopes to take her to play outside instead of staying in her room, so she asks her: "Where do you want to go? Go shopping?"

Sigrid asked him back: "Where is Monaco you haven\'t been to?"

Situ Yunbing said casually: "Monaco is so small, where else I haven\'t been...Uh, it seems there are!"

Sigrid immediately asked with interest: "Where is it?"

"Monte Carlo Royal Casino!"

"Okay, then go there!"