Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 133: .133 Shape champion temperament!

Monaco led by two goals, and Bordeaux was almost in desperation.

At the end of the first half of the game, Monaco strengthened its defense and contracted its defenses as usual, and did not give Bordeaux a chance to narrow the score gap.

At the end of the first half, the players of the two teams returned to the locker room for a short break.

Situ Yunbing appeared passionate during the halftime. He clapped his hands and said loudly to every player: "You did a good job in the first half of the game, it was perfect!

Did you see it?

Seeing that we are not weaker than Bordeaux, right?

On the contrary, we are stronger than them!

You must remember the passive game we played against Bordeaux at the Louis II Stadium five months ago, right?

But five months later, we were able to suppress them in such an important game. What does this mean?

This shows that our efforts have been rewarded, which shows that the direction of our efforts is absolutely correct!

We should get this **** championship, every drop of sweat you put in, you focus on football and did not waste your energy on messy things, these gods are visible, now it\'s time for us to harvest!

Marseille, Lyon, we have all defeated them, now it\'s Bordeaux\'s turn!

After this game, after the end of this season, France will give birth to a new king, then the **** Monaco!

Everyone, tell me, who is the new king of France? "

Even the players who were still drinking water lost their water bottles, stood up and shouted at Situ Yunbing: "Monaco!"

The court staff outside the door was startled by the sound of the floor shaking in the locker room.

In the dressing room, Situ Yunbing still didn\'t want to finish. He closed his eyes and frowned, "I can\'t hear you! Who is the new king of France? Tell me loudly!"


Players, coaches, everyone snarled the name of Monaco hysterically like crazy!

Situ Yunbing raised his fist and shouted: "Yes, that\'s the momentum! We are two goals ahead. Bordeaux will definitely want to get back in the second half. When we walk out from here, we are not going to tell Bordeaux that we won\'t Let them score goals, but tell everyone, everyone, the new king of France has not won enough, and the new king of France Monaco wants to continue beating Bordeaux!

Remember, hold your heads up, hold your chests up, you are not just brave men, you are now **** champions!

The crown that Lyon has worn for seven years is now on our heads. The championship will not make other teams comfortable. We have to bring them pain, bring terror to them, and let the whole of France surrender to our feet!

Who dares to resist, we will brutally beat them, defeat them, so that they will never see the hope of victory! "

The Monaco locker room will be completely ignited!

If they came back with a touch of arrogance at the end of the first half and felt that defeating Bordeaux was a matter of course, then this emotion has completely disappeared!

Situ Yunbing is like the cult leader who is bewitching people\'s hearts, turning them into fighting frenzy!

There is no shortage of champion teams with gentle style in European football, but that kind of extraordinary temperament is relatively rare today. Most champion teams must have a bloody, brave and fearless spirit in their bones!

After defeating Lyon in the league, Situ Yunbing\'s work has entered the next stage.

Monaco was on the rise in the first half of the season, and Monaco was fighting for the championship in the second half of the season. Now that the championship is almost in his pocket, Situ Yunbing should rest?

No, he doesn\'t. He has a hunch in his heart that the challenge of the game will not be just a simple task, not just let him challenge and lead Monaco to win the league championship and then stop here, no matter what follows, he must be prepared , Even if he is not coaching Monaco in the future, he still has to experience the new work content by himself, and is thinking about how to start the next work all the time.

The current stage of coaching Monaco is how to be a champion and how to sit on the throne without being overthrown!

There are many championships short-lived, and the reason is nothing more than the failure to keep up with changes in the situation and adjust.

The changes in the situation are basically divided into two parts.

Externally and internally, and externally from opponents. It is conceivable that the mentality of the French Ligue 1 team against Monaco and Lyon this season is completely different, because the latter is the champion. If Monaco is the champion, then they will meet the same Opponents, opponents will inevitably make adjustments, whether it is mentality or technical and tactical level.

The internal change is the mentality and strength of the team. Most of the strength comes from signings, but the mentality is that they fail to recognize the increase in the difficulty of the challenge in time. As a champion, you must have the consciousness of being a champion. On the contrary, some teams may win Based on past successful experiences, it is taken for granted that "I defeated you yesterday, and I can beat you today". In fact, it should be "Today I need to pay more to defeat the same opponent"!

Situ Yunbing must first instill championship awareness in the players, and at the same time remind him that if you lie on your laurels, then Monaco\'s success will only be a meteor in the sky, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Situ Yunbing made a mistake in his judgment.

He thought Bordeaux would do his best to counterattack in the second half.

On the contrary, Blanc has recognized the gap between the team and Monaco. His original strategic plan was to hit the league championship, even if the only remaining hope is extremely slim.

Now if you fight Monaco in the League Cup final, you may not be able to win, then Bordeaux, who is exhausted and suffered a major defeat, may not need to expect Monaco to make mistakes in the last 5 league games. He may not be able to withstand the pressure and collapse. Up!

After all, in addition to the championship, Bordeaux has the basic goal of maintaining the top three positions in the league.

Against this background, Blanc’s only hope can only be placed on Monaco’s own laxity, so Bordeaux started to slow down in the second half to see if Monaco will take it lightly. If Monaco shows such signs, Rank will play aggressive cards.

But after the second half of the game started, Monaco almost ruled the game in a brutal way!

This makes Blank a little at a loss.

After playing for 5 minutes in the second half, Monaco had already completed a three-footed shot in the fast break. Although only Merian\'s long shot created a threat, Monaco, who had improved aggression in defense, made Bordeaux even less of a chance.

In the 52nd minute of the game, when Gurcuff was in front of the center circle and just received Menegazo’s pass, Matic rushed from the front and stretched his leg to steal the ball. Gourcuff swiftly put the ball aside, but there was no time to dodge Knocked to the ground by Matic, Gourcuff fell to the ground and looked at Matic angrily. Matic reached out to pull him up, Gourcuff opened his hand in annoyance, Matic did not Mindly smiled and turned and left.

The referee showed Matic a yellow card, but this gave Gourcuff a bit of a shadow and he did not dare to hold the ball for a long time.

The posture of the Monaco generals like wolves and tigers definitely scared Bordeaux a bit!

In the 56th minute of the game, Chamak tried to respond to Tremulina’s long pass from the backcourt in front of the penalty area, Benatia jumped with him, and then the two competed in the air for a header. Benati Ya headed the ball, and then the two met again!

Zhamark fell to the ground, Benatia just rubbed the side of his forehead after landing, shook his head and walked away feeling okay, but Zhamark lay on the ground holding his head for a long time without getting up.

The referee stopped the game only because there was a suspected head injury. In this case, the game must be interrupted, not because of a foul.

The scramble just now is reasonable.

Blanc was pacing back and forth on the sidelines, and the trend of the game almost declared that Bordeaux had no chance!

Instead, we must be wary of being further expanded by Monaco\'s lead, and the possible fiasco will be strangled in the cradle!

In the 60th minute of the game, Bordeaux made a substitution, replacing the two at once.

Bellion came on the bench to replace Chamak, and Ducasse replaced Gurcuff.

Don\'t look at Bordeaux with three forwards in front, but the midfield is almost all defensive, which means that Bordeaux can only take luck in this game to comeback!

Situ Yunbing was still standing still, actively commanding the team to maintain a high-tempo operation from the sidelines.

A League Cup champion is actually nothing gold, but it is priceless to shape the team\'s championship temperament!