Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1286: .1286 Future

In fact, according to the overall strength and stamina of the Chinese team, after being knocked out in the semifinals, the whole team was relaxed.

Even if part of the pressure is relieved after qualifying in the group, as we move forward, whether it is the expectations of domestic fans or the praise of the media, new pressure will actually be formed.

A large part of the difference in strength itself comes from psychological quality and ability to resist pressure.

Only after seeing the big scene can we talk about being able to be honored or disgraced, and for a dark horse like the Chinese team, the semi-finals are definitely the limit in the limit.

Therefore, the world football has a long history, but the miracle of the dark horse is only a flash in the pan. What can become the mainstream is the success of a strong team to harvest honor.

Situ Yunbing doesn\'t care who will be the opponent in the third place. Whether it is France or Germany, Situ Yunbing doesn\'t care.

So he gave the team two days off, which has exceeded the normal recuperation time.

Domestic media overwhelmingly commented on the Chinese team\'s semi-final defeat and their views are very unified: it is a glorious defeat!

As for the game process, it is completely unimportant.

The next night, the results of another semi-final came out. The defending champions France advanced to the final. The German team lost in overtime and could only move to the third place.

The South American team had been wiped out in the quarter-finals, and if there was no dark horse Chinese team reached the semi-finals, the European teams would almost dominate the World Cup semi-finals!

The Chinese team will face the German team in the third place. The two teams played a warm-up match just before the start of the World Cup. The Chinese team lost both goals!

Regardless of the history of the battle or the comparison of strengths, the Chinese team may not be able to break through the peak record of Asian teams in the World Cup.

In the Korea-Japan World Cup that year, the South Korean team finished fourth.

Even though the internal evidence that South Korea manipulated the referee a few years later is solid, FIFA did not cancel the South Korean team\'s results in the World Cup.

Situ Yunbing is very open about this. The Chinese team has already created its own history. There is no need to dig into the horns and have to rewrite the history of Asian football. It is not good to say that it really has the ambition to write the history of world football. The lofty ambitions seem unparalleled, and Asian football is not so emboldened in the face of European football.

The Chinese Football Association is mixed.

What\'s happy is that the Chinese team exhales their eyebrows in this World Cup, which makes them also proud.

What\'s worrying is that Situ Yunbing informed them one day before the third place: resigning after the World Cup!

If someone thinks that the performance of the Chinese football team and the changes and development of the Chinese football over the years are natural, then this person is either a blind person or a fool.

Situ Yunbing\'s contribution cannot be described in words. The money invested, the impact it has brought, and the achievements of personally leading the team have had a strong impact on Chinese football!

At this time, the most legendary coach in the history of the Chinese team, Situ Yunbing, is going to step down after the World Cup. Is it that simple to change someone to be the coach?

They worry that Situ Yunbing will leave the Chinese football and also leave the post of special instructor of the Chinese Football Association.

Strangely speaking, when Situ Yun soldiers airborne the Chinese Football Association, he did not have any real power in name, but he was arbitrarily determined by the Chinese Football Association. Any decision he made was accepted by the Chinese Football Association. No one dared to try the wrong end. , For fear that the trouble will get a piece of paper for job transfer.

Fortunately, Situ Yunbing did not have leisurely sentiments to engage in power struggles, and there was no sign of gang formation. Even if someone took the initiative to show that they were willing to join forces, Situ Yunbing didn\'t say to think about it, and even sat down to drink. There is no chance for a cup of tea to chat.

He is more down-to-earth than anyone in the Chinese Football Association to do practical things.

From the establishment of youth training schools to national youth leagues, as well as to provide players with channels and platforms for "advanced studies" in Europe, it is particularly important to expand the industry chain, which has benefited Chinese football endlessly. Winning the championship was indeed a sensation. After that, there was no echelon that could cause a sensation, but the performance of each echelon in different intercontinental or international competitions is steadily improving, and all signs show that the foundation of Chinese football is quietly changing.

The most eye-catching and most intuitive national team that can change the image of the Chinese team has entered a new era since the 2015 Asian Cup. Alonzo set aside chaos and Situ Yunbing continued the past. With the experience of the previous World Cup, the current World Cup Although the dark horse miracle shocked the world, it is not without a trace.

Going forward, Chinese football has a new look and a magnificent atmosphere. There is no need to chant slogans like catching up with the Premier League. Winning the Asian Cup and the America\'s Cup have already re-qualified the Chinese team\'s status in the world.

In the last five or six years, the officials of the Chinese Football Association have been the most intuitive beneficiaries. The fans are happy and happy, but the income of the officials of the Football Association is a strong record on the resume, whether it is to lay the foundation for future advancement or to survive. Earning a guarantee, Situ Yunbing\'s life as a special instructor of the Chinese Football Association has been more comfortable than ever.

The Chinese Football Association, which has gone through the anti-gambling storm in football ten years ago, is not afraid to say that it is absolutely cool, but it is absolutely not in the mind to use this football as a tool for gold, and can make a few achievements and can proudly talk about it.

They can\'t wait to build a statue for Situ Yunbing too, and shoot the flattery directly into Situ Yunbing\'s genealogy, so that he can be regarded as a glorious ancestor.

Now that Situ Yunbing is about to step down as the national team coach, this vote of the Football Association officials does not have the joy of relief and regaining a new life. Instead, they are all frowned, except for the fear that the development of Chinese football will gradually be restored to its original shape. , And also a little bit of reluctance from the heart.

Such a top coach who only needs to spend 1 yuan a year, where can I find a second one?

It\'s hard to find.

There is another worry that the Chinese team is good, and if it goes bad, the great **** Situ Yunbing must be in front of them.

Without Situ Yunbing, there is actually a lack of protection.

They have different thoughts, and while mobilizing the media to sing praises for Situ Yunbing, they added alarmist talk, saying that if Situ Yunbing leaves the national team, then the strength of the Chinese team will be greatly reduced. To put it bluntly, they have to play the emotional card. This was created by him. Can the Asian Dragon Team bear the heart to watch the same mistake again? The lessons learned from Monaco, Hamburg, and without the king\'s coat can only be regarded as Europe\'s top Reds Liverpool!

On the other hand, they are also trying to start with Situ Yunbing, let those coaches and players keep Situ Yunbing from the side, knowing the reason, moving with affection, people are not grass and trees, is Situ Yunbing really hard-hearted?

In the past, coaching abroad was faced with a group of foreigners after all. The coaching compatriots still have layers of blood thicker than water, ranging from national sentiments to the friendship between master and apprentice.

Situ Yunbing is a relaxed faction. The World Cup third place is coming soon. He said straightforwardly in an interview before the game: "I don\'t think there is much difference between the third and fourth place. It is a World Cup match before us. Will continue to strive for victory! It\'s actually very simple!

There is no need to consider the difference between third and fourth place to make the slightest change in mentality. "

The third place is actually nothing to be hyped by the media, after all, it\'s just a third or fourth place match.

There will be neither medals nor trophies for winning, and the background of both sides is the same: the last defeat.

The confrontation between the losers always makes many neutral fans uninterested.

There is a mentality in which no one wins or loses.

It would be better to focus on the final battle, the World Cup finals!

However, media workers still have to do their jobs well.

They are really not interested in the game. The Chinese team wins or loses, even if there is suspense, it is not attractive enough.

But the future of Situ Yunbing is absolutely touching for fans all over the world.

Situ Yunbing was silent about his future. No matter how the reporter asked, he smiled and shook his head.

He refused to talk about topics not related to the game.

Since the outside world did not pay much attention to the second runner-up battle, Situ Yunbing got up and left.

Back to the hotel to wait for tomorrow\'s World Cup final match belonging to the Chinese team.

It\'s just that Situ Yunbing didn\'t expect that he was knocked on the door when he returned to the room at night.

The door just opened, and a group of people filed in!

The Chinese coaching staff was dispatched to the suite of Situ Yunbing.

Feng Kuoyang solemnly said to Situ Yunbing as a representative: "BOSS, someone in the Football Association told us that you will step down as the national team coach after the World Cup. Is it true?"

Situ Yunbing knew that this might be the means used by the Chinese Football Association to try to keep him.

is it necessary?

Why not?

Considering only the economic value, he only needs a nominal annual salary of 1 yuan.

Not to mention that the Chinese team has to find a top coach to replace him, but basically any coach who can confess to the fans has an annual salary of millions of yuan.

But if the coaching staff can be used to retain Situ Yunbing, is it not worthwhile?

Situ Yunbing poured water for everyone in the living room of his suite in his spare time. Since becoming the national team coach, he has never wronged himself in battle, and it may be related to his current wealth.

Seeing Situ Yunbing\'s movements, everyone sat down.

Situ Yunbing naturally sat down, and he smiled to everyone: "Yes, I will step down as the national team coach after the World Cup!"

The people who had just sat down suddenly stood up again.

Situ Yunbing quickly pressed his hand to signal them to sit down, and he continued to smile and said: "I don\'t think this is an unacceptable result, especially you.

Let me first say something disrespectful, throwing you to the European football arena, you are the life of assistant coaches all your life, it is impossible to be alone in the top league.

But let me say to you with respect, you are the future of Chinese football! "

Everyone was shocked, and Situ Yunbing\'s words shocked them!