Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 128: .128 Hard work is a miracle

On April 26, Situ Yunbing, who came to the club at 10 o\'clock in the morning, was carrying a cup of take-out coffee. He actually had a cup of coffee when he had breakfast.

He didn\'t rest well last night, or he didn\'t rest much at all.

Not at work, not studying, or unable to sleep!

I don\'t know if it is because I am too excited to play the finals tonight, or it is caused by tension.

I slept for less than 5 hours before and after the intermittent period. After I got up, I was worried about my lack of energy at night, so I could only drink more coffee to refresh myself.

When he came to the office, his phone rang suddenly. He took it out and saw that Sigrid was calling. He thought that tomorrow was Sigrid’s birthday, and only hoped that the team could beat Bordeaux to win the championship tonight. Then tomorrow the team will be on holiday and he can go to celebrate Sigrid\'s birthday.

After answering the phone, Situ Yunbing\'s mood suddenly became very good, and even his energy and energy seemed to be very full.

"Honey, you are going to Paris today, right?"

"Yes, take the team to Paris to play the game at night."

"Well, I will go to Paris to watch the game at night! Come on!"

Situ Yunbing was quite surprised. He didn\'t expect Sigrid to go to the scene to watch the football match.

Situ Yunbing did not talk about football frequently in his interactions with her, so he was not sure how much Sigrid knew about football and whether he was interested in it.

For those who are not interested, let alone a French League Cup final, even the World Cup final is not attractive.

Situ Yunbing wanted to buy tickets for her, but she said she had already bought them.

So the two agreed to meet at the French Stadium after the game, and then ended the call.

During the day, the preparations were carried out step by step, and the team set off for Paris in the afternoon.

At 7 o\'clock in the evening, the bus taken by the Monaco team drove into the French Stadium in Saint-Denis, a suburb of Paris.

This is the first time Situ Yunbing came to Paris, or so close to Little Paris, his mind did not fly to the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, and other buildings familiar to him during his student days. His attention was completely imposing. The magnificent French stadium attracts.

This stadium that hosted the French World Cup final in 1998 and witnessed Zidane leading the French team to the top of the world. It can be said to be sacred in French football, such as Wembley in England, Bernabéu to Spain, Camp Nou To Catalonia, San Siro/Meazza to Italy, etc.

Every football power has more or less representative stadiums, such as the history and glory.

This is the case with the French Stadium in French football.

Lyon is the new king. The Olympic Park Stadium can only represent the glory of its club in the country. The glory of Marseille has passed away for a long time. Moreover, in terms of the foundation, Saint-Etienne\'s jewels are in front, and Ligue 1 does not have long-lasting power, so the princes join together and take turns. King!

The Stadio de France has a very special significance because it witnessed the French team winning the World Cup. This may embarrass Paris Saint-Germain as the only European football team that has the largest resources in the capital. , Paris Saint-Germain has no matching glory.

It is undeniable that every team admires Paris Saint-Germain, including other top European teams. Madrid has Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid. The Premier League team in London does not say that it dominates England. It is not bad to dominate a district. Rome is also There are mortal enemies.

Only Paris Saint-Germain has no rivals in the same city. From a commercial point of view, they should be the easiest team to operate and develop more smoothly. Unfortunately, things are counterproductive. They can only watch other teams reach the top of Ligue 1 year after year. .

When Situ Yunbing got off the car in the stadium parking lot, he could clearly feel that the players\' state had also started to become active. They were high in fighting spirit, as if they were in the French Stadium with their own power bonus.

The photographer took pictures of Monaco generals getting off the car. Situ Yunbing was dressed neatly in suits and shoes today.

He represents the "face" of Monaco to a large extent. He has never made himself very sloppy, but in the first half of the season, either sportswear or winter warm down jackets really make him look a little ordinary. After the spring blossoms in the second half of the season, Situ Yunbing put on a tie, a white shirt and a black suit, and his temperament changed, as if it made Monaco unique.

But he really didn\'t wear the luxury brand clothing that Sigrid bought for him during the club training or leading the team. That would give him a personality, but he thinks that at least before the end of the game, he is better to keep a low profile.

Therefore, he now leads the team to play in a suit often wearing a suit with the Monaco logo, which highlights his standing side by side with the team.

The players methodically carried out the final preparatory activities before the game. When warming up before the game, Situ Yunbing sat in the locker room and looked back and forth. The area of ​​this locker room is larger than that of the home team in Monaco!

No way, who makes Monaco a miniature duchy?

The Louis II Stadium has a capacity of only 20,000 people, but the French Stadium can accommodate a full 80,000 people!

After the players warmed up and returned to the locker room, Situ Yunbing was still sitting, and the players all put on their jerseys and sneakers shin guards. When they were almost ready, Situ Yunbing stood up and immediately attracted everyone’s attention. force.

At this time, everyone looked at Situ Yunbing\'s eyes full of respect.

It was this man who was younger than many of them leading them to this place step by step!

The French Stadium!

Situ Yunbing looked around the crowd and said with a serious expression: "We deliberately retained our strength in the last league game to prepare for the League Cup final!

Our opponent Bordeaux did his best to play the last round of the league. They won and we were tied, but I think that in terms of strength, we are no longer afraid of any team in Ligue 1, so in preparation for this confrontation, We are clearly dominant!

What reason do we have not to beat our opponents to win the championship?

I need this victory because I want to win the championship trophy.

You also need this victory, because this is the best return for you!

Monaco needs this victory, because the fans can\'t wait to cheer for you!

Are you ready to win the championship trophy? "

There was an earth-shattering noise in the dressing room!

Everyone shouted: "Ready!"

Situ Yunbing walked to the door as usual, and then the players began to walk outward.

Unlike playing Lyon, Situ Yunbing did not repeat the same sentence today. He reminded and encouraged different people differently as usual.

He needs this victory, but he doesn\'t want to deliberately take the League Cup champion too seriously, so as not to make the players nervous. He didn\'t sleep well last night. He has already experienced the unusual inner fluctuations. Why bother to add more players. The burden of thinking?

On the other hand, after boosting morale, the team needs to calm down a bit, so that it may not be a good thing to avoid being overly excited.

After the players walked out of the locker room one after another, Situ Yunbing walked at the back, and then walked out of the player channel between the players of the two teams.

The French Stadium was hustle and bustle, and the cheering of the fans echoed in Situ Yunbing’s ears. He could see the flags fluttering in the stands, could see the fans wearing different camps holding up placards, could see the fans hoarse but tidy. Shouted and cheered in order.

This is an unprecedented grand occasion at the Louis II Stadium.

It\'s still a problem of stadium capacity. Today, the French Stadium is obviously not full. After all, the number of fans of the two teams is not in the top row in the French Ligue 1. Their number of fans far exceeds Bordeaux and Monaco.

But these are not important. Regardless of whether the stadium stands are full, today\'s protagonists are Bordeaux and Monaco, which is enough.

Situ Yunbing saw Blank, and the other party took the initiative to walk towards Situ Yunbing. The two of them hugged each other on the sidelines first, and then they didn\'t let go of their hands.

Situ Yunbing smiled at Blanc and said, "Isn\'t it the Bordeaux League game?"

Blank\'s eyes gleamed with confidence, and he replied: "Try hard to see a miracle, otherwise, there will never be a miracle."

Situ Yunbing nodded in approval. He was full of respect for Blank, and said, "Continuously fighting intensively, are you still confident to win the championship today?"

Blank smiled and said, "How do you know if you don\'t try?"

Situ Yunbing took the initiative to hug the other party, and said: "I hope that next time I visit Bordeaux, you can fulfill your promise."

Blank laughed.

"Bordeaux never lacks fine wine!"