Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1279: .1279 Legendary Back

Situ Yunbing rarely had a moment of emotional outburst after the game. He always put the joy of victory on his face, but he fell to the ground after his victory in the round of 16 of this World Cup.

Because he got a new life!

After winning the tickets for the semi-finals, he knelt on the sidelines, and all the mixed feelings in his heart were written on his face.

It\'s hard to read the meaning of his expression.

There is excitement, emotion, touch, and collapse!

This is the peak moment of the Chinese team, the peak moment of Asian football!

This is a miracle!

The legendary marshal\'s resume has added a strong touch!

Southgate, who had been furious during the game, was completely calm at this time, as if the whole world had died out. He walked into the court to comfort every exhausted, depressed and painful Three Lions player.

The generals in England shook their heads, no matter how great the indignation could only be reduced to sigh.

Regardless of whether the Chinese team is beating them upright or not in their eyes, at least the Chinese team has not used any tricks to play three indiscriminately. There are a lot of shadows on the football field, malicious fouls, diving tricks, insults to anger opponents and so on.

The only thing the Chinese team can be criticized for is that they are overly conservative in tactics.

It is even doubtful whether they have the desire to win the game.

But every time when people questioned, the Chinese team eventually won!

An interesting and strange phenomenon.

Many fans of the Chinese team cried with joy in the stands. Even though they were crying, they were still shouting "Chinese team! Great!"

When Situ Yunbing walked into the court, he took the lead to shook hands with Southgate after the game. No matter whether Southgate was willing to face Situ Yunbing or not, after all, whether it was against the Chinese team or Situ Yunbing, he had A landmark game!

Southgate shook hands with Situ Yunbing after the match. The two nodded and separated. There was never any grievance between them. The match was over. No matter whether it was a master showdown or a blind fight, everything will stay. In the game.

Situ Yunbing saw Robertson and Sancho, walked to pat their shoulders, unable to comfort them more, after all, he was a winner, and they were a loser.

Then Situ Yunbing went straight to Zhao Fenghua, who was able to stand with Guo Xuantu\'s arms around.

When he came to the captain, Situ Yunbing stepped forward to hug him and said solemnly in his ear: "Fenghua, you have become a Chinese legend today! What a great thing!"

Zhao Fenghua\'s eyes were moistened with joy because of the victory of the game. Especially after seeing more than 30,000 Chinese fans celebrating in the stands, this is the glory of the Chinese team, and he is also one of them!

Zhao Fenghua hugged Situ Yunbing with one hand and said: "BOSS, you are truly amazing. You brought us here, and then led us to an unprecedented peak!"

Situ Yunbing shook his head slightly, then let go of Zhao Fenghua, his eyes turned to Guo Xuantu, and he gave the other party a hug.

Guo Xuantu showed a sunny smile and said to Situ Yunbing: "Boss, I know I\'m great too."

Situ Yunbing suddenly laughed and said: "Yes, you are also great, but if you can lead the team to victory in the next game, then you are really great!"

Guo Xuantu blurted out: "No problem! Leave it to me for the next game! Huh?"

After that, he realized something.

Luo Cheng, Luo Xin, and Zhao Fenghua\'s situation may definitely be absent from the next semi-final!

The Chinese team has a substitute striker, and it seems that Situ Yunbing might make his debut!

Situ Yunbing next went to hug Zhang Zhibang, Shen Jingjie, Cheng Renjun one after another. Their efforts in this game are obvious to all. The Chinese team can finally kill the England team and cannot do without the tenacity of the defense line to withstand the pressure!

Finally, when Situ Yunbing led his team to bow to the fans in front of the stands, a spectacular scene appeared in the stands!

Almost all Chinese fans have made a gesture of worship!

Like the waves surging in the stands!

The Chinese fans who saw this scene in front of the TV were full of envy. It would be an unforgettable dream experience to be able to witness the Chinese team reaching the World Cup semi-finals on the spot!

The wives in the stands were also touched by this picture, and they were all moved beyond the shock.

When Situ Yunbing walked into the player channel and came to the post-match press conference, he still did not completely calm down.

When faced with reporters asking him how he felt at this moment, Situ Yunbing took a deep breath, shook his head and said: "Unbelievable, this is an incredible match. I thought about the way the Chinese team advances before the match. Of course, lose. I will definitely not think about the outcome of the game.

We can win the game through overtime and win the penalty shootout, but I never thought we could beat the powerful England team in 90 minutes!

This is a game that absolutely made me desperate, especially after Luo Cheng was injured. I think we can only have hope by dragging the game into overtime.

In fact, Zhao Fenghua was injured in the first half. Although it is not serious, it will affect his performance, and it may turn his minor injuries into serious injuries!

But he performed better in the second half than in the first half, especially in the final moments. I can\'t find words to praise his performance. Similarly, I don\'t know how to describe Luo Xin\'s fearlessness and bravery.

Every Chinese player is a hero today!

We won a crucial game and made history!

Don’t have to wait until the end of the World Cup, I can now say that today’s Chinese team is already a legend of Chinese football, a legend of Asian football! "

Situ Yunbing obviously had a thousand words to express.

The reporters on Fleet Street were actually very frustrated. The Three Lions fell to the quarterfinals. It was not an embarrassing result, but losing to the Chinese team would more or less depress them.

Compared to how the Chinese team won the game, Fleet Street is actually more concerned about how England lost the game.

Therefore, a reporter immediately frowned and asked: "Have the England team shown their full strength? What do you think is the reason they lost the game?"

I have to say that Fleet Street actually expects to listen to Situ Yunbing\'s voice more than Southgate in this regard!

Because in their view, Situ Yunbing knows the current English football better than Southgate.

Never mind that Southgate has been in England football for more than 30 years from his time as a player to today!

But it is meaningless to turn out the Premier League of the old yellow calendar, and in the development and promotion of modern football, Situ Yunbing is obviously the most forefront coach in the past 15 years!

Situ Yunbing pondered for a moment and said: "England missed the first half."


"England missed the first half. That was the best time for them to lay the advantage and control the game more calmly!

But they missed it.

If England use the second half of the game in the first half, then the Chinese team may be able to get the best result in the first half is a draw, and in the second half, the Chinese team will definitely not be able to withstand England\'s offensive.

But England missed it!

Because you have been following up and reporting when I was coaching Liverpool before, you will have a basis for these remarks.

My point of view is that the stronger the team, the less space it can afford to opponents, whether it is space on the court or space in time.

So when I coached Liverpool, I put pressure on my opponents in the first half of most games, I didn\'t try or be too cautious.

If the strong team is to be cautious, it is tantamount to weakening their own advantages.

Only by putting pressure on the opponent earlier can we maximize our advantages!

Obviously the England team did not do this today.

I can understand where their caution comes from when facing a quarter-final. I can also understand their mood when they see the Chinese team\'s inverted pass, but it is precisely because I understand and are also designing In the tactics, these were instilled in my team, so my team performed better than England in the first half!

After missing the first half, England will be more anxious in the second half, and lack of physical fitness to suppress the advantage of the Chinese team on the basis of more consumption. Even so, the England team still has a greater advantage in the second half and almost completed the reversal!

If you expect answers from me, then these are my views on England\'s loss today. "

The Fleet Street reporters nodded their heads. In fact, they never thought that the outcome of the game was determined by the specific content of the game. If the Chinese team\'s performance is really extraordinary, then it is the content that determines the success or failure.

But obviously the performance of the Chinese team is not completely unfamiliar from a tactical point of view.

The England team\'s defeat was entirely due to its own factors.

Then the Fleet Street reporters congratulated Situ Yunbing.

Facing a legendary coach, or a coach who achieved unprecedented glory in the Premier League, Fleet Street reporters are filled with high respect!

Today the coach has done a remarkable achievement.

Even if not leading the team to the World Cup semi-finals, but the Chinese team eliminated England, this result alone is enough to be awe-inspiring!

In the end, a reporter from the "Guardian" asked with emotion: "How will the Chinese team face the semifinals? The main winger won\'t be able to play in the next game, right?"

Because Luo Cheng and Luo Xin are directly injured and retired, Luo Cheng’s injury is lighter than Luo Xin, but no matter how light it is, he will definitely not be able to keep up with the next two games. The situation of Zhao Fenghua has not yet been announced. It is doubtful whether a game can be played.

Situ Yunbing shook his head and sighed: "No matter who the opponent is in the semi-finals, we will still do our best. No matter what lineup we will send, I also firmly believe that the team will fight tenaciously until the last minute of the game!

We will not abandon ourselves because of the lack of major generals. Even if a player can only sit in the stands, his mental power will be with the team! "

Situ Yunbing waved goodbye to everyone after saying these words, and then left the scene.

Reporters at the scene stood up and watched Situ Yunbing leave, but no one looked away.

Because that is the back of the legend!