Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1277: .1277 Fight to the end!

At the landmark stadium of Lessel, the fans all saw Luo Xin being tackled to the ground by Chilwell after passing the ball!

A weird scene appeared in the stands. England fans roared in horror: "Foul!"

They expect the referee to stop the game!

Even if Chilwell already has a yellow card on him!

But the referee made a clear gesture and the game continued!

Offensive advantage!

Guo Xuantu has already succeeded against offside from the left side of the frontcourt!

While Luo Xin passed the ball diagonally, Guo Xuantu ran away!

Stones and Maguire quickly returned to defense. With the previous shocking scenes, Pickford did not dare to play with fire and then abandon the goal. Guo Xuantu stopped the ball with his left foot and bow under the attention of the fans, and the rhythm paused slightly. , But obviously speed up again when the ball goes forward again!

Stones chased behind Guo Xuantu, while Maguire ran towards the left rib of the penalty area, trying to block the line after Guo Xuantu controlled the ball.

When Guo Xuantu dribbled to England\'s penalty area, he was closer to the side road!

At this moment, Southgate was on the sidelines and felt his whole body hair standing upright, his heart banging with nervousness!

Situ Yunbing\'s eyes locked tightly on Guo Xuantu, his clenched fists trembling slightly.

When Guo Xuantu came to the edge of the penalty area line, he finally slowed down his rhythm and made the action of smashing the ball towards the left rib of the penalty area.

Seeing him change the direction of the ball, Maguire didn\'t care too much, and immediately speeded up to prepare for an interception.

At this moment, Guo Xuantu hadn\'t fully adjusted his facing direction, but he passed the ball under his feet to a point behind the middle of the penalty area!

When the football leaped lightly over the sky above Maguire\'s head, Maguire immediately stopped and turned and looked around. The picture that caught his eye made him stunned!

Zhao Fenghua rushed to kill!

Shocking momentum!

Zhao Fenghua looked at the flying football, he didn\'t have many choices.

Stop the ball?

Too high!

Volley directly?

Still a little high!

So he has only one choice!

When he was less than two meters away from the football, Zhao Fenghua gritted his teeth and exerted his strength, as if exhausting all his energy. At the moment he jumped off the ground, he already felt his right leg numb and his muscles seemed to be twisted!

But he couldn\'t care too much at this time, he leaped to the top with an indomitable momentum!

The handsome face is covered with sweat, which is caused by the near collapse of running and the instinct brought by the reaction of the right leg muscles!

But his deep eyes at this time seemed to be full of flames!

It seems to burn the sky and explode the entire universe!

When his forehead hit the middle of the football, Zhao Fenghua didn\'t blink!

Everything around seems to have entered an extremely slow space. In the stands, the English fans face panic, subconsciously clasping their fists in front of their chests as if praying, while the Chinese fans have different faces, anxious, anticipating, and even praying!

Pickford took off expressionlessly in front of the goal line, but it was obvious that his save was just a subconscious action!

The football was flying towards England\'s goal, and Zhao Fenghua was in the air after charging to the top, just like a missile just launched!

Next second!


At the landmark stadium of Lessel, the football flew into the goal from a position close to the right post about half a meter!

Pickford\'s save was pale and feeble!

Zhao Fenghua fell to the ground, and even a slight invisible bounce on the ground before falling.

His head was always held up, his chin was knocked on the turf, his teeth cut the tip of his tongue, but he didn\'t notice it. Except for the pain, his right leg was numb, and he couldn\'t move at all, but he still didn\'t notice it!

A smile appeared on Junlang\'s face, and then he roared!

Even if he is lying on the ground, he seems to be able to shake the world!

All Chinese fans cheered wildly!

This stadium, which can accommodate more than 80,000 spectators, felt like a riot in an instant!

Except for the stand where the English fans are located like cold water, even the neutral fans are giving the Chinese team applause and cheers at this moment!

This goal is absolutely shocking!

"Zhao Fenghua scored with a header! The Chinese captain scored twice today!

The Chinese team leads the England team again!

Incredible, incredible goal!

This is simply the most shocking goal the Chinese team has ever made!

Have you seen it? Chinese fans all over the world, have you seen it?

The Chinese team scored again!

The Chinese team has fought tenaciously until now. Their hard work and their dedication are to impact their dreams and to defend our dignity and glory!

When England attacked the Chinese team wildly, when the Chinese team’s defense line was faltering, when Luo Cheng was injured, when Luo Xin ignored the risk of his opponent\'s fierce tackle and injury just to pass a good kick, when Zhao Fenghua burned out his last energy to kill Rush to the top of England!

This is the Asian Dragon Team, this is the pride of Chinese fans!

The camera focused on Luo Xin, the team doctor took off his socks that had been stained red with blood, and his leg was undoubtedly injured. Every one of us hoped that this was not a serious injury, but now the situation is not optimistic!

We saw that Zhao Fenghua did not stand up anymore. Guo Xuantu was massaging his right leg. It seemed that his right leg might have been strained too!

The camera was aimed at the wives of the Chinese team in the stands. Situ Yunbing\'s wife was comforting Zhao Fenghua\'s wife who was already in tears!

This scene tells us how difficult it is for the Chinese team to get to this point!

But the game is not over, it is not over!

The Chinese team now leads the England team 2:1!

We still need to hold on for a few minutes before reaching the World Cup semi-finals. It only takes a few minutes. As long as we don\'t lose the ball, then we can eliminate the last World Cup semi-finals. The former World Cup champion England reached the World Cup semi-finals!

Come on the Chinese team!

Hold on, the Chinese team!

Success or failure!

You are already proud of China! "

Although Situ Yunbing gritted his teeth and raised his fists to celebrate after scoring a goal, he quickly lowered his arms, and then pulled Jin Jingdao and Huang Zichang left and right.

Then he pushed Huang Zichang back again. Obviously he had to change at this time, and no longer needed to think about who changed.

Since the goal is scored, the Chinese team must defend!

But the crux of the question is, who to replace?

Two waves of team doctors of the Chinese team entered the field to check the injuries of Luo Xin and Zhao Fenghua respectively.

The referee went to show Chilwell a red card after declaring that the goal was valid!

Punish him directly!

Southgate was furious and ran to reason with the fourth official. He believed that the referee either stopped the game and sent off Chilwell, or declared that the goal was valid, then Chilwell should have escaped.

But the fourth official didn\'t say anything to him.

Southgate looked ugly, and then walked quickly to get the injured Harry Kane to put on the jersey and prepare to debut.

For the Chinese team, Luo Xin first determined that he could not hold on to the game. The team doctor\'s reply to Situ Yunbing was that Luo Xin had a fractured right leg. Although it was not as serious as the fracture, it was a problem even with his feet standing steadily. How to play?

Luo Cheng was taken off the court, and Luo Xin was also taken off the court!

The twins retired with both injuries today!

The Chinese fans in the stands applauded, and many of them shed tears!

Zhao Fenghua\'s situation is also not optimistic.

He is already strained!

Can barely move around, but certainly can\'t run hard, let alone confrontation.

Situ Yunbing had only one substitution place.

This means that although the England team was sent off, the Chinese team will basically challenge with 10 people!

The camera focused on Situ Yunbing, and seemed to be asking about his choice.

Situ Yunbing replaced Luo Xin with Jin Jingdao.

He originally wanted Zhao Fenghua to go off the field directly, but Zhao Fenghua simply treated the strained part for him in the team doctor, that is, wrapped his thigh with a bandage. Before that, the team dropped a whole can of spray painkiller!

This is what Zhao Fenghua requested!

He naturally knows that the team has no substitutions.

He can leave the field directly, and the team will play one less player.

And if he stays on the court, it may be useless, but even if he has the slightest usefulness, he must stay firmly on the court!

Situ Yunbing and Zhao Fenghua looked at each other from the air. When Zhao Fenghua stood up, he heard the crazy cheers of Chinese fans in the stands, and even heard his name faintly!

He grinned at Situ Yunbing, then gave a thumbs up.

Situ Yunbing\'s expression was not at all relaxed.

The Chinese team and the England team opened their positions and completed their substitutions.

Chilwell was sent off for the England team, and Harry Kane replaced Delphi.

This means that the England team has almost played a 5 forward formation!

Sancho, Rashford, Greenwood, Kane, Sterling.

The Chinese team is 4411.

The back line remains unchanged, the midfielder hits 4 midfielders!

He Haolai, Jin Jingdao, Zhang Zhibang, Huang Bozhou.

Naturally, Zhao Fenghua could no longer go to the position of the back midfielder, it was useless.

There is also a picture of Guo Xuan.

Before the England team kicked off the ball, Situ Yunbing gestured to Guo Xuantu. In order to ensure that the opponent understood his instructions, Situ Yunbing rarely yelled his name to the court.

Guo Xuantu quickly nodded to Situ Yunbing to show that he understood.

The referee\'s whistle sounded and the England team kicked off.

After the kick-off, the five forwards moved towards the Chinese team\'s penalty area.

The organization task fell on Arnold. He received Stones\' pass after halftime from the wing, and then saw Zhao Fenghua almost walked to a place close to the middle, and then Guo Xuantu killed him.

On the English side, Maguire can\'t care too much to directly enter the restricted area of ​​the Chinese team.

There is only one Stones defending behind.

Arnold knew that he didn\'t have a teammate with whom he didn\'t cooperate. The only one who could hit the pass was Barkley in the middle and Sterling in front, but the space was too narrow. At this time, it would be more effective than bombing the opponent\'s penalty area to try his luck.

He made a pass and dangled it into the Chinese team\'s penalty area. At the point before the penalty area, Cheng Renjun was about to make a header clearance, but was knocked to the ground by Rashford!

The referee whistled for a foul by Rashford, the England team protested, but received no response.

At this time, it was supposed to delay time, but He Haolai quickly opened a free kick in the penalty area!