Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1243: .1243 Rogue play

Although there is no suspense for many European teams to qualify for the World Preliminary Group, the Chinese team has become the first team in the world to qualify for the Qatar World Cup through qualifiers!

This made the European media couldn\'t help reporting on the performance of the Chinese team in the World Cup!

7 wins and zero opponents in 7 games!

However, in the eyes of European teams, there will be no waves.

No matter how strong the Chinese team is in Asia, it\'s just a small fight.

I am afraid that it will be a different scene when it comes to the world stage!

After the Chinese team qualified for the 2022 World Cup, Situ Yunbing\'s focus on the work of the national team has turned to maintaining the team\'s state and selecting personnel for the next World Cup.

The framework of the main lineup will naturally not change, but there are still debatable options for the substitutes.

When the time came to October, the Chinese team\'s World Preliminary Round 12 in Asia ushered in the eighth round.

They played against the Australian team at home.

Australia\'s 2 points behind to Saudi Arabia is deadly!

If this round cannot take all 3 points on the Chinese team, once Saudi Arabia wins this round, then Australia will be behind Saudi Arabia by at least 4 points with 2 rounds left!

So even if Australia retains the hope of qualifying for the World Cup, it is absolutely dangerous.

To get the third place in this group means not only to beat the third place in another group, but also to fight life and death battles with teams from other continents. Win this way to get the last World Cup ticket!

Situ Yunbing did not recruit the main players in European football on this FIFA match day, and even goalkeeper Shen Jingjie did not enter the competition list.

Situ Yunbing needs to conduct some investigations on the players, and at the same time give the substitute players more opportunities to show themselves to their fullest, and use specific performance to impress Situ Yunbing to be able to write their names in the World Cup roster one year later !

Australia strikes out, their goal is only 3 points!

It is necessary to defeat the Chinese team at the Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center Stadium to maintain the hope of getting second in the group and directly qualifying for the World Cup!

Before the game, Graham Arnold said that Australia would go all out in the game.

Situ Yunbing said that the Chinese team will exercise the lineup, hoping to ensure that he selects the best players before the World Cup!

It is late autumn in the north, but the temperature in Guangzhou is still not low, which is very suitable for players to play.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t exchange greetings with Graham Arnold before the game. He didn\'t dislike Australia, but he didn\'t have any good feelings. Naturally, he didn\'t have to lie.

Graham Arnold stood on the sidelines supervising the battle with a serious face and a little nervousness.

The Chinese team has no Wu Lei, Luo Cheng, Luo Xin, and Zhao Fenghua today!

Even Bai Yuanfan, Zhang Zhibang, and Shen Jingjie didn\'t have the central axis of defense.

Replaced by Wang Dalei, Zhu Chenjie, Mai Tijiang, He Haolai, Duan Liuyu, Huang Zichang, Zhang Yuning, Chen Binbin and others.

This lineup doesn\'t look strong, but it can\'t be said to be weak.

After the start of the game, the Chinese team did not initiate a strong attack even if they were on the home court. Instead, they passed the ball slowly.

Even the Asian media lamented that China has created a brand-new style of play. This style of play competes with its opponents not by technical strength, but by psychological quality!

Once the opponent can\'t hold his breath, it is easy to enter the psychological trap created by the Chinese team!

Australia really can\'t afford the Chinese team!

If they can score the first goal, then they can play a health ball with the Chinese team in a desperate way!

But now they need to score, they need to win!

But first they need the ball.

The Chinese team slowed down the pace. Duan Liuyu\'s goal is obvious, and he is more likely to be blocked by the Australian team. He still can\'t connect the teams in the midfield like Zhao Fenghua, even if he is blocked. .

Situ Yunbing was a little surprised by He Haolai, the midfielder who had been running back and forth at the same speed from the beginning of the game to receive the ball from his teammates. He couldn\'t see how fast he was, but he helped the Chinese team well. The ball is passed back and forth between teammates.

This is a smart player, but a smart player also needs physical fitness and endurance. Obviously He Haolai has it.

Australia has no game state and rhythm at all, because their game is intermittent and unsustainable.

Therefore, their offensive threat is not obvious. Zhu Chenjie\'s growth in the past two years is not outstanding, but it can satisfy Situ Yunbing.

Wang Dalei was already a veteran, and naturally there was nothing to be expected by Situ Yunbing.

The position of goalkeeper has become more and more demon, but Chinese players may have to treat them differently, after all, the decline in physical agility affects their performance.

Zhang Linpeng and Li Xuepeng, the two veterans on the court, really struggled their lives today, not only actively receiving the team\'s possession of the ball, but also defending bravely when Australia attacked.

When Australia ran out of patience, they launched a full-court press tactic on the court, and the Chinese team began to launch a surprise attack on the front court.

As Australia attaches great importance to the game and knows that the Chinese team\'s fast break strength is unique in Asia, it is also very decisive in defense and fouls if it can\'t be prevented!

Towards the end of the first half of the game, after the Chinese team launched another fast break, Duan Liuyu encountered a fierce push from the opponent in the frontcourt. He turned around difficult to protect the ball. Duan Liuyu saw He Hao come up to meet him, and he decisively took the ball. Passed over.

He Haolai stopped and continued to dribble to the left side of the penalty area, and did not play the cards according to common sense.

He played the ball with the effect of bouncing the earth. Australian goalkeeper Matthew Ryan swooped to block the ball and failed to directly hold the ball.

The diagonally flying football was shot into the far corner of the goal by Huang Zichang in the right side of the penalty area!

Playing for a long time in Europe, Huang Zichang as a winger no matter whether he can get a chance, he always has to run in place!

Maybe 10 times ran in place, 10 times teammates did not pass the ball, but maybe the next time it is a fatal threat!

The Australian team complained that the Chinese team was offside, but the linesman did not raise the flag.

Huang Zichang smiled and rushed to the sidelines to celebrate. The atmosphere of the Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center Stadium was frenzied, and the Chinese fans were ecstatic to celebrate the Chinese team\'s goal.

Graham-Arnold\'s face is really ugly!

Although Australia is playing away, if he can\'t even win the 2nd team of China, then he is really shameless to face Jiang Dong!

Situ Yunbing thoughtfully looked at He Haolai who was celebrating with his teammates.

This new star has brought him a lot of surprises, but unfortunately there is not much time left for him to grow up until the next World Cup. If it can take two more years, perhaps Huang Bozhou\'s main position will not be maintained!

He Haolai is still a bit spiritual. His spirituality is reflected in his mind and consciousness. Situ Yunbing admires him very much.

Australia fell behind and the first half ended, and the two teams returned to the locker room to rest.

In the second half, the two sides changed sides to fight again. If Australia did not fully press for a full-court press, the Chinese team would still pass the ball to consume time.

Using the professional commentary of CCTV Sports to evaluate the changes of the Chinese team in recent years is: the Chinese team learned how to play smartly in the era of Situ Yunbing. This subverted our previous thinking and mentality about the game. Of course, all of this is Built on the basis of strength!

Australia\'s mentality behind the score is almost exploding!

The Chinese team in their eyes is a rogue!

Sitting at home, leading the score, there is still plenty of game time, but he is making meaningless inverted passes.

Their counter-robbing began to become slightly blind.

In the 65th minute of the game, the Australian defense had gone through many dangerous situations, but Zhang Yuning did not seize the opportunity, but this time when Chen Binbin quickly cut in from the left to the 45-degree pass from Huang Zichang’s wing, he just stopped the ball The change was intercepted by a stretched leg from Degenek, who did not touch the football but dropped Chen Binbin to the ground!

The referee blew his whistle to stop the game and pointed to the penalty spot of the Australian team.

Degneke rushed to protest with excitement. He insisted that it was Chen Binbin diving and diving. It was a good performance!

I don\'t know who is acting.

Seeing that the referee was not entering, Degnek burst into a swear word, which made the referee offended and showed him a red card!

Degnek turned angrily and walked out of the court.

Obviously, he knew that a penalty kick would be a devastating blow to Australia!

If the Chinese team scores another goal, then Australia will have little hope of even winning, let alone winning the game!

His loss of emotional control is not very surprising.

The mentality of the entire Australian team is on the verge of exploding. Any bit of excitement may blow them up!

Zhang Yuning stood in front of the penalty spot, and his push was blocked by goalkeeper Matthew Ryan in the eyes of the Chinese fans.

There was a sigh in the stadium!

Zhang Yuning lost some points!

But in the next second, a figure kicked the ball to the goal again in the penalty area!

Matthew Ryan looked incredible at the football flying into the goal behind him!

He finally blocked the ball, but the result is still unavoidable to lose the ball?

Zhang Yuning turned his head, he saw He Haolai running to the sidelines to celebrate!

He Haolai is the player who made up for Zhang Yuning\'s loss of regret with the supplementary shot!

The calm and restless Situ Yunbing all stood up from the coach bench and applauded to celebrate. He turned his head and smiled at Feng Kuoyang: "He Haolai is our biggest surprise this year. He won a World Cup ticket for himself!

What a pity, if he was born a few years earlier, it would be great! "

Feng Kuoyang said meaningfully: "Why should BOSS regret it? There will be more Zhao Fenghua and He Hao in China in the future!"

Feng Kuoyang\'s views on Situ Yunbing have changed again.

In the past, Situ Yunbing was believed to have inspired a generation of Chinese football, but now he is believed to have become a monument that countless Chinese players yearn for in the future!

He is the godfather of this generation of Chinese football!

But he is still the father of Chinese football full of new hope!