Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1239: .1239 Give and Return

When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, the Sydney Olympic Park stadium was filled with gloom.

The players on the Australian court can\'t hold their heads up!

The local fans in the stands want to swear!

Graham-Arnold faceless, turned sullenly and walked towards the player tunnel.

Situ Yunbing walked towards the player channel before him.

He is not interested in shaking hands with the Australian coach anyway.

When he was passing by the mixed zone, reporters rushed to ask Situ Yunbing.

"The Chinese team defeated Australia 5:0. Is this the result you expected before the game?"

"Why has the Chinese team improved so much? Or is Australia weakened?"

Situ Yunbing ignored everyone and went back to the dressing room, while the reporters turned around and went to find Graham Arnold.

"Australia suffered a disgraceful defeat to the Chinese team at home. Will you take the blame and resign?"

"Is there any hope for Australia like this to hit the 2022 World Cup?"

"Australia lost because it underestimated the enemy?"

Graham-Arnold was so embarrassed and embarrassed that he stopped because he was surrounded.

No reporter dared to stand in the way of Situ Yunbing, but it does not mean that these reporters will let Graham Arnold go.

Any behavior that offends Situ Yunbing has been a warning in European football. He can unilaterally block some media regardless of the consequences!

Blocking his way today makes him unhappy, so he won\'t even be able to get the interview card in the future!

Graham Arnold did not have such good treatment, and now his downfall and helplessness happen to be exactly what the media needs!

Everyone can imagine what the media headlines will be tomorrow, disaster, shame, step down!

The Australian media insinuated that the arrival of the Chinese team was a virus attack, but they did not expect that the Chinese team came to Sydney, which indeed brought a nearly devastating blow to Australian football!

This is Australia\'s most humiliating defeat at home since joining the AFC!

none of them!

Made in China!

Enough to make a sensation in Asia!

The Chinese media have countless reasons to promote this victory!

Other countries in Asia took a solemn posture after learning that the Chinese team had killed Australia 5:0 away.

The Japanese media issued a reminder: it is necessary to learn from the development of the Chinese team!

South Korean media said: South Korea must be wary of China!

It seems that South Korea believes that they are the strongest in Asia, not China, and the rise of China now challenges their position as the leader!

Leading the team back to China, the Chinese team stayed at the Xianghe National Football Training Base for rest. Four days later, they will meet the challenge from Saudi Arabia at home in Beijing.

Regarding the absence of Situ Yunbing in the two press conferences against Australia, the AFC issued a warning to Situ Yunbing, but it was limited to warnings.

The AFC does not want to offend Situ Yunbing. After all, Situ Yunbing himself has won a lot of glory for Asian football. Not to mention his own fame, he went to play in the America\'s Cup. In the end, the nest of South American football was subverted!

The AFC has never thought about returning with the America’s Cup trophy, and it feels like a dream in retrospect.

At the pre-match press conference with Saudi Arabia, Situ Yunbing attended as usual. When a reporter asked him how he views the progress of Chinese football, Situ Yunbing shook his head and said: "Correct, I don\'t think this is the progress of Chinese football. , Is just the progress of the Chinese national team.

Our overall football foundation is still very weak. Simply put, if it is a strong football country, good players should come out every two years. Maybe there will not be geniuses who shake the world, but at least they will. Have a certain quality.

But I have coached the Chinese national team for three years. In these three years, I haven\'t seen how many outstanding players of the new generation, so our progress is not obvious. For the world\'s top teams, the real competition is the number of talents!

The once brilliant Brazil and Argentina teams have to compete for a position with their stars, and even many familiar players can only play as substitutes in the national team in the same year. Conversely, you can understand why Brazil and Argentina have become weaker.

Take the last World Cup champion France team as an example. When they had a poor record, the number of stars in the team was obviously not high, or the gold content of the stars was not high, but when they had more stars, their results also changed. Get better.

If you want to say that the Chinese team has improved, I agree with this.

But we should realize that the current development model of the Chinese team is actually similar to that of many countries in Africa.

Basically, African countries do not have good football soil. They send players to Europe from an early age to allow them to grow up in Europe, and then wait for the players to grow up and play for the national team.

The improvement of the Chinese team is precisely because we have most of the players playing in European football!

If our youth training and our professional league can keep up and improve the quality, I believe that there will be progress in Chinese football in the future!

If we do nothing now, our lifeline will be very weak, just like I am now worried that if Wu Lei retires, the Chinese national team will not have a center. "

Regarding how to view the Chinese team\'s massacre of Australia in the last game, this should have been a question that Situ Yunbing should answer in an interview a few days ago.

Situ Yunbing said lightly: "I think that is a reasonable result. What I can see is that Australia has not made much progress in the past two years. In fact, this is a very simple thing. If you don\'t work hard, the world will not wait. you.

I didn\'t say this because the Chinese team won the game or because I was the coach of the Chinese national team.

In the nearly three years since I took office, this group of players of the national team really performed very well. They focused on football and completed the club training very well. They also seriously carried out additional training. I can see their contribution. So they are constantly winning. We won the Asian Cup, won the America’s Cup, and now we have to win tickets to the 2022 World Cup. If anyone makes a fuss about this and looks at the Chinese team with a surprise, then they can only prove that they are not. I don\'t understand what these players have paid!

I think on the contrary, those European clubs know this better, otherwise they will not pay high transfer fees and high annual salary for Chinese players. "

Situ Yunbing\'s words are indeed upright, even though the team\'s progress is inseparable from his card role, he has accumulated six years of cards from Liverpool to almost use up today!

In exchange for a team that he thinks can try to perform on the world stage!

What a pity?

Do not!

It\'s worth it!

Especially seeing these Chinese players take off in European football!

Filled his heart with pride.

The reporters nodded frequently, especially the Chinese reporters. In the past two years, fans have basically stopped making jokes about the Chinese team. The reason lies in the performance of the team. The dedication behind the players is indeed obvious to all. They just take off their jerseys. After that, the clearly defined muscles with explosive power can explain everything!

Looking forward to tomorrow night’s game, Situ Yunbing solemnly said: “Every round of the top 12 matches must not be taken lightly. The Chinese team wants to secure tickets for the World Cup, so we must strive to win every match!

I know that Saudi Arabia is not an easy opponent, but I have confidence in the team! "

He made his position clear and wanted to win the game!

After a break, the internationals ushered in the second round of the World Preliminary Asian Finals 12.

At the Beijing Workers\' Stadium, when the players walked into the stadium, it was a bit shocked!

The audience was packed!

The five-star red flag is flying in the stands!

Men, women and children, all wearing the red home jersey of the Chinese team!

Many fans also painted the Chinese flag on their faces!

Regardless of whether it was fans holding slogans or waving flags, they repeatedly chanted the same sentence in unison.

"The Chinese team! Keep going!"

"The Chinese team! Keep going!"

A banner on the stands is particularly eye-catching, and a line of dragons and phoenixes is presented to the world.

If you go all out, I will never leave!

This is the rare enthusiasm of the Chinese team\'s home game, which can be called the peak of the atmosphere in the past two decades!

The last time there was such a grand occasion was when the Chinese team entered the World Cup for the first time!

But now it is worse than ever!

Situ Yunbing, in a suit and leather shoes, walked to the sidelines with one hand in his pocket, and there was deafening cheers on the scene again!

Situ Yunbing looked in the direction of the VIP seats on the stadium. Sigrid, who had blond hair in a pleasing look, also wore a Chinese jersey, and brought three children who also wore Chinese jerseys in the stands excitedly at the direction of Situ Yunbing. Waving arms.

Situ Yi and Situ Jin sat on both sides of Sigrid from left to right, but Situ Wan was sitting in her mother\'s arms, still feeling a little strange to the surrounding scenes, looking back and forth curiously with a pair of innocent eyes.

Situ Yunbing looked up at Sigrid with a gentle expression, raised his hand and kissed the ring on his finger, then turned around and suddenly became serious. He walked to the coach command area and waited for the start of the game.

Two years ago, the Chinese team also played a warm-up match with Saudi Arabia, but at that time it was flat with its opponents and there was not much substance.

Although Saudi Arabia is a traditional strong team in Asia, its status in Asian football has declined over the past ten years.

The reason is simple. Saudi Arabia has missed the 2010 and 2014 World Cups, and they failed to qualify for the group for three consecutive World Cups.

In contrast, Japan and South Korea have successively performed better in the World Cup. As for the 2018 World Cup Saudi team can advance to the main match, Situ Yunbing believes that this is directly related to the conservative coach Van Marwijk. According to the background of the Saudi team, if you play more conservatively, then I am afraid that few teams in Asia can say that they can beat Saudi Arabia!

However, Van Marwijk was fired after the Saudi team qualified for the World Cup, which directly led to the two consecutive losses of the Saudi team in the first two rounds of the World Cup in Russia.

In the 2019 Asian Cup, the Saudi team was eliminated by the Japanese team in the 1/8 finals in the knockout round. It can be said that the Saudi team was a bit beaten back to its original shape.