Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1234: .1234 Skyfall crisis

Situ Yunbing became a super dad and welcomed his third child at home. He named the little daughter Situ Wan, and then took the whole family to Hainan.

The weather in Hainan is better, allowing Sigrid to recuperate better.

He bought a villa near the Jingtao football training base. Sometimes when he wants to come on vacation, it is indeed a good place in China.

The European Golden Globe Award Ceremony once again invited Situ Yunbing to attend, but Situ Yunbing still declined.

When the FIFA game day came in November, Situ Yunbing recruited all the main players of the Chinese team this time. Although they will be relieved of the task of a large national team this season, they can never fail to play together.

And this time the team went away to play Syria is indeed a tough battle, if you use the bench lineup, then I am afraid it will not be won.

The more he can win the game, Situ Yunbing will inevitably get the victory. This has been his goal since coaching!

The national team lined up from Hainan to Malaysia. Because of the domestic situation, Syria has always played home games in Southeast Asian countries.

Facing Syria in the neutral position, although the Chinese team is still playing their defensive counterattack, but because the opponent\'s strength is really not the first-class level in Asia, it can be more active in defense.

Zhang Zhibang and Huang Bozhou swept through the midfield, plus two wingers actively grabbed the blockade. The overall defense of the Chinese team showed the audience a tactical effect of closing the door and hitting the dog.

As long as the Syrian attack hits the Chinese team\'s halftime, then the Chinese team can cut the opponent\'s formation and quickly encircle and suppress!

As for Luo Cheng, Luo Xin, Wu Lei, and Zhao Fenghua\'s attack group, not only the improvement of their personal abilities led to the increase of the overall strength, but also a sense of calmness and clarity in team cooperation.

The offense tends to be mercury rushing, and one kick is quick and windy.

Syria has a slight advantage in physical confrontation, but it has been constantly suffering from the cooperation of the Chinese team and individual players from time to time. Under pressure, the defense finally failed to block the offensive of the Chinese team.

At the end of the 90 minutes, the Chinese team defeated Syria 4:0 in the neutral position!

Situ Yunbing expressed his satisfaction with the team\'s performance after the game.

The first half of the top 40 group stage has been played. The Chinese team has won all four games. It doesn\'t matter how many goals they scored, the key is to continue to seal their opponents!

In the main match, the Chinese team has zero opponents in more than 10 games!

This performance is really surprising!

Situ Yunbing held a summary meeting with the team before the team was disbanded, mainly based on the players’ individual performance in the club, giving guidance and suggestions, and then instructed the players to focus on their careers, and don’t give them away if they want to lose their ambitions. A player, he also returned to Hainan and continued to stay at home to enjoy family happiness.

Situ Wan should be the happiest person in the family. In addition to her parents, grandpa and grandmother, there are also two older brothers who are also very nervous about her.

Situ Yunbing’s work has begun to transform, and the new part is to study his opponents. To win the next World Cup, he must first play well in the top 12. Then the opponents he wants to study are nothing more than traditional Asian teams, such as Japan and South Korea. Australia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, etc. have played against opponents before, but because the opponents are not static, these researches are still based on the past to observe the changes of the opponents.

The next official game of the Chinese team will be in March 2020. Before that, Situ Yunbing did not want to put pressure on the team. He can also spend the year happily and easily.

I went to the Maldives for Christmas holiday with my family. I returned to China in January to prepare for the New Year in Hainan.

But just on New Year\'s Eve, a virus-induced storm disrupted the lives of everyone in the world!

When Situ Yunbing received the news that the country had formally blocked WH in his villa in Hainan, Situ Yunbing immediately came to the Jingtao football training base.

The person in charge here is Qiu Daohua, a person recommended by Han Yang. Situ Yunbing is not good at business in the social network, but Han Yang is good at dancing with long sleeves. However, Han Yang naturally has a set of standards in selecting talents. And principles.

After Qiu Daohua managed the Jingtao football training base, everything was arranged in an orderly manner. On weekdays, this is a holiday park. When the national team needs it, the park will be closed in advance.

After Situ Yunbing arrived, Qiu Daohua immediately went out to greet him. Situ Yunbing looked at the tourists in the park. He directly said to Qiu Daohua: "An emergency notice will be issued to close the park at 10 am tomorrow morning. A refundable deposit for the villa has been booked in advance and a certain amount will be given. Compensation."

Qiu Daohua suddenly thought about WH, he then asked: "Do you want to keep the staff?"

Situ Yunbing nodded and said, "Keep it, but you have to have a meeting to clarify the matter. Let\'s go. First, I will work out a specific plan. I will also go to the meeting room."

When the two arrived at the office building, Qiu Daohua went to convene a meeting of management personnel to formulate a plan, and Situ Yunbing told him about the general requirements.

Because it is the Chinese New Year, the staff can take the family members to the park to take care of the emotions of the Chinese people. Anyway, there is everything here.

But once you come, you can\'t go out!

Situ Yunbing came to the conference room and spoke with Han Yang first. He needed a medical team to station at the Jingtao Football Training Base, and Han Yang immediately set about it.

Then he made a video call to the coaches of the Chinese national team to inform everyone of his decision.

He wants to recall all the players of the Chinese national team from overseas, and the domestic players also have to report to the Jingtao Football Training Base. He can bring his family, but he will inform in advance that if he comes, he cannot go out. If he goes out, he cannot come in again!

WH blocked, Jingtao Football Club blocked at the same time!

The same order will also be issued to all Spark football training bases nationwide and overseas!

Closed management from tomorrow!

The Xinghuo training base has a professional medical team. The medical team will also re-plan and formulate an overall management team to deal with and solve the diseases that appear in the training base.

As for how to improve the prevention of the virus, the medical team will be responsible for overall planning, and each training base will do it.

In terms of supplies, Situ Yunbing has asked Han Yang to handle it. At the same time, he will purchase large quantities of medical supplies abroad and transport them back to China.

Everyone in the coaching staff of the Chinese team was shocked by Situ Yunbing\'s decisive command!

Some people questioned and thought it was not so serious.

Situ Yunbing said solemnly to everyone who was in the video call on the big screen: "I also hope the matter is not so serious, really!

But think about it carefully. From your birth to now, have you ever heard of an administrative order to block a city? no!

There was no SARS back then. Why is this happening now?

The matter is not as serious as I thought, but it will definitely be more serious than all of us thought!

Maybe I was wrong, but everyone of me can bear the price of my Situ Yunbing\'s mistake!

But if I am right, and we have not taken precautions, then there are some consequences that we cannot afford!

Those who don\'t want to accept it can quit. This will not affect our working relationship, but as far as this matter is concerned, I will do what I just said!

Similarly, if there are players in the training base that do not accept it, then they can leave the training base and wait until the rain has passed and the weather will clear again.

But I don’t want anyone at the Spark Training Base to be infected with the virus! "

The mood of everyone in the video is extremely heavy.

Moniz thoughtfully said: "The winter break has just ended, and the players who played in Europe may not be able to return, and their club will not let them go!"

Situ Yunbing said unswervingly: "The club will not let anyone go, I will negotiate!"

As long as all European clubs that have Chinese players play for, they all have business dealings with Situ Yunbing. Last year, the sales of the jerseys of Chinese team players made these clubs a lot of money. Situ Yunbing naturally has the confidence to negotiate with them.

Even if we look at this crisis in an inhumane way, every player in the national team is a huge asset, and Situ Yunbing can\'t accept that any of them have an accident!

Safety and health are the first place for players, always the first!

After this meeting, Situ Yunbing went home first.

Sigrid is calling in the study. As the chairman of a listed group, she has a lot to arrange. After Situ Yunbing told her the seriousness of the matter, she didn\'t have any doubts, nor did she take it lightly!

Not only does it order all companies to have the best medical defense during the epidemic, but also allows the group company to change the company\'s operating mode according to the development of the situation that the epidemic may bring.

Finally, she mobilized her forces to purchase a large amount of medical supplies from overseas to transport to China.

First of all, she must ensure that Situ Yunbing’s industrial chain is as intact as possible, and secondly, because her company has a large amount of business in the Chinese market, supporting China at this time must also conform to the humanitarian spirit and incidental will bring good positive to the group. Image promotion!

Situ Yunbing put out 500 million US dollars as a charity fund to help WH. Of course, it is useless to give the money directly. Of course, it has to be turned into materials.

The next day, the Jingtao Football Training Base closed the park at 10 a.m. to prohibit foreign tourists from entering. At 1 p.m., the medical team entered and the park was intensively cleaned and disinfected.

At 8 o\'clock in the evening, domestic players began to drag their families to the park.

Situ Yunbing spent the whole day communicating with clubs in Europe, some with the club\'s executive president, and some with the club owner directly.

He wants to persuade every club with a Chinese international to release people!

Whether it’s Situ Yunbing’s face or because of commercial interests, these clubs eventually compromised. They didn’t realize how serious China’s epidemic was this time, especially because they believed that the players should stay in Europe even more. Safety!

But Situ Yunbing didn\'t think so at the beginning. After living in Europe for ten years, he knew that if the epidemic spread to Europe, then Europe would not be able to control it!

They built an airport to discuss that it could open for three to five years, let alone prevent the isolation of the masses.