Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1232: .1232 The strongest in history, the Dragon Team!

When Luo Cheng was intercepted by Thiago Silva on the flank, Luo Cheng stopped to protect the ball and turned back to dribble. Silva immediately stepped forward to force the ball, but Luo Cheng passed the ball to the center to find Wu Lei, even if Wu Lei has been attacked by Marchinhos and Casemiro!

Silva\'s center of gravity moved slightly to block Luo Cheng\'s passing line, trying to destroy directly.

But he didn\'t expect Luo Cheng to spik and turn around in the next second!

Cruyff turned around!

Silva was passed by Luo Cheng!

Luo Cheng speeded up the ball and went along the wing towards the Brazilian team\'s baseline.

Silva turned back to chase, but he could not get close!

When Luo Cheng came to the corner zone, the injury time had already passed 6 minutes!

Situ Yunbing stood on the sidelines with his hands in his pockets with his chin slightly raised. He didn\'t seem to care about the extra long stoppage time given by the referee.

However, the coaches of the Chinese team rushed out and repeatedly reminded the fourth official. At first, they pointed at their watch, and in the end they simply slapped their watch!

The fourth official was dripping with cold sweat.

The expressions of the officials of the South American Football Association and the Brazilian Football Association on the VIP table were extremely ugly.

When Silva chased to the bottom line, Luo Cheng stepped on the football in the penalty area of ​​the corner kick. His body moved backward to protect the ball. Silva tried to break the ball from left to right and from right to left, and finally found that He could only rely on his body to fight, so Luo Cheng simply withdrew his body and half-turned to throw the ball towards Silva.

Silva caught the ball off the baseline by surprise.

The linesman raised the flag and wanted to point to the Brazilian team\'s penalty area, but after looking at the time on the scoreboard, the injury time had already exceeded nearly two minutes, so the flag pointed to the corner kick.

This means that the Chinese team won a corner kick.

Needless to think, the Chinese team will inevitably continue to delay and waste time.

At this time, the referee also sighed in his heart and blew the whistle for the end of the game!

At this moment, countless heartbroken Brazilians closed their eyes in pain!

Situ Yunbing on the sidelines swept away his calm and indifferent posture, rushed into the court with a wild expression, leaped high and shook his fist towards the sky, while shouting loudly!

Then all the audience, the audience watching the game in front of the TV, saw a more shocking scene.

The Chinese players on the field roared like beasts and rushed towards Situ Yunbing. They rushed from all directions, and when they were less than 10 meters away from Situ Yunbing, they leaped forward, bending their legs, and knelt down passionately. Go around Situ Yunbing!

The coaches and players of the Chinese team outside the field rushed in with frantic cheers, they hugged each other and screamed!

we won!

we won!

"The game is over! The 2019 Copa America final is over!

The Chinese team defeated the Brazil team 1:0!


The Chinese team defeated the host Brazil 1-0!

The Chinese team from Asia won the America\'s Cup!

It\'s incredible, it\'s incredible!

Such a thing has never happened before!

The Chinese team from Asia actually won the supreme America\'s Cup championship trophy in the American continent!

It is especially unbelievable that the Chinese team is playing at home in Brazil. They beat the host and won the championship!

You can say that the Chinese team does not play well, you can say that the Chinese team is not playing normal football. You can criticize the Chinese team for being utilitarian, negative, or even absolutely boring, but you can’t deny that the Chinese team has created it once as much as that year. The myth of Greece winning the European Cup!

They were invited to participate in the America\'s Cup, no one is optimistic about them, no one cares about them, but the Chinese team has overcome all obstacles and reached the final!

They sent Argentina back home, they made Chile hate, they made Peru sink into the sand, and finally, they humiliated the host, the world\'s strongest team, Brazil!

The Chinese team won the Asian Cup championship trophy for the first time in history just half a year ago, but now they are incredible, even rewriting the history of South American football to win the Copa America trophy in Brazil!

Amazing Chinese team!

The legendary coach Situ Yunbing has conquered Europe, he has conquered Asia, and now he has conquered South America!

If he lacks anything, there is only one World Cup trophy!

Although the Chinese team certainly has no chance to win the World Cup, but I think that in the future coaching career of Situ Yunbing, if he coaches a traditional world team, it should not be difficult to win the World Cup!

How many surprises will this legendary coach who has created miracles give us? How much shock did it bring to the world?

I don\'t know, I can only wait and see! "

The players and coaches of the Chinese team did not go to celebrate and show off their success to others.

After the game ended, they took the initiative to gather around Situ Yunbing, and then they hugged together, they repeatedly shouted to each other "We won!"

Maybe it\'s in South America, it\'s in Brazil, not in their turf, maybe they have experienced boos from home fans in almost the whole game. At this moment they hug together to show their unity to the outside world!

Situ Yunbing felt even more excited than winning the Asian Cup.

Because they encountered stronger enemies in the America\'s Cup!

Because they have almost no supporters here!

Because the Chinese team is getting stronger and stronger on the way!

Since the Asian Cup, the Chinese team is no longer in the post-Alonzo era, but officially entered the era of Situ Yunbing!

Because before the Asian Cup, people cannot deny the possibility: If Situ Yunbing led the Chinese team to fail to achieve good results in the Asian Cup, then there would be no time for him in history!

But now is not only the era of Situ Yunbing, but also the media dubbed "the strongest in history, the era of the Dragon Team!"

The Brazilian team fell on the Maracana, some players covering their faces with their hands seemed unable to withstand such a huge blow!

The status of football in Brazil is self-evident. Nothing can be more important than football!

economic? political? People\'s livelihood? No, football is most important!

When Brazil loses the Copa America final at home, it means they lose everything!

Casemiro did not fall, Coutinho squatted on the court, and the two men invariably watched the Chinese team\'s celebration of the extraordinary look no matter when and where they were!

Situ Yunbing!

Once as his disciple is absolutely happy, but becoming his opponent is absolutely painful!

The officials of the South American Football Association and the Brazilian Football Association are already at a loss and do not know how to deal with the current situation.

But the awards are still going on!

Even if there are only a few spectators in the audience will cheer for the Chinese team.

But the world and history will remember the brilliant achievements of the Chinese team in Maracana today!


That\'s not important anymore!

Is it important?

Winner and loser!

Football has always been the winner\'s talk, the loser only has to shut their mouths, because no matter what they say is self-inflicted.

Only a few officials from the Chinese Football Association came to the scene to watch the match, which is because today is a final!

In addition to being excited, they are also a little embarrassed, because they can feel that the people around them no longer welcome them!

The American Football Association definitely regrets inviting the Chinese team to participate!

The most embarrassing thing is that they will invite the Chinese team to participate in the next America\'s Cup!


Because the Chinese team is the defending champion!

Chinese fans have fallen into an unprecedented madness!

All Chinese social media news about the Chinese team\'s victory in the America\'s Cup has been slaughtered!

Chinese fans are proud to talk about everything related to the Chinese team!

Someone proposed to build a statue for the Chinese team!

Some people think that these Chinese players have become legends!

A new fan group was quickly formed, expressing that they would cheer for the Chinese team in every game in the future!

Some new fans of the Chinese team vowed to live up to their lives!

When Zhao Fenghua stood on the award platform in a national flag and raised the America\'s Cup champion trophy, the atmosphere at the Maracanã Stadium was not warm, but it did not prevent this moment from being fixed in the historical picture!

Situ Yunbing didn\'t care about so many soldiers, watching his disciples take a group photo with the America\'s Cup trophy, he led the team away with peace of mind!

At this moment, no matter the teams in the Asian region, whether they are Australia, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc., after they learned that the Chinese team won the America’s Cup, everyone tacitly knew that the Chinese team had become the top Asian team. team!

Even due to the experience and ability of Situ Yunbing leading the team in the competition, the performance of the Chinese team in the competition will definitely be the best in Asia!

There are less than three and a half years before the next World Cup. The younger team of the Chinese team will fully enter the peak period when the next World Cup arrives!

Situ Yunbing did not give any interviews after the Copa America final. He can imagine that it must be a verbal battle between the South American and Brazilian media. As the winner, he does not need to give any explanation.

He used to create crazy offensive football with almost unlimited firepower in European football. Now even if the media defines him as a representative of anti-football, surpassing Simeone, Mourinho and them become the most utilitarian football war criminals, Situ Yunbing does not care. !

When the Chinese team returned to Shanghai, China, the scene where Chinese fans came to pick up the plane was spectacular!

Chinese fans repeatedly chanted "China Team, America\'s Cup Champion!"

The Chinese team players have received the highest level of treatment since the establishment of this team!

The Chinese Football Association held a celebration banquet for the Chinese team in Shanghai. Situ Yunbing did not attend. He went home to accompany Sigrid. He is expected to have his third child born by the end of the year.

So now he cares more about Sigrid’s emotions. As a mother of two children, and she is still pregnant, her hardship is beyond Situ Yunbing’s imagination. He is willing to do whatever he can, whether it is sharing or being considerate. It.

Less than 5 days after the Copa America, a transfer news in the European football market caused a sensation in China!

Zhao Fenghua moved to Valencia for 45 million euros!

Become the most expensive star in China and even Asia!