Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 1207: .1207 Each has its own way

After the friendly match with Croatia, Situ Yunbing held a post-match summary meeting for the team in the hotel in Zagreb, and then summarized and gave suggestions on the players\' additional training in the league and in their spare time in the past month .

At the same time, it is announced that all amateur extra training will be stopped in the next two months. After all, it is the sprint stage at the end of the season. In addition, the Copa America will be played in the summer.

The Chinese team disbanded on the spot in Croatia.

After returning to China, Situ Yunbing took his family to Hainan for vacation. The name is called a vacation. In fact, Situ Yunbing came here to inspect the new training base he built in 14 months.

At the beginning of last year, Han Yang asked Han Yang to do a few things, and Han Yang did very well. The other party is indeed a capable person.

On the west side of Hainan Island near the sea, Han Yang encircled a piece of land here, and then quickly started construction to build the new training base required by Situ Yunbing.

Although the Chinese team has the Xianghe National Football Training Base, it is a national asset after all. Some of the facilities in it are not in line with Situ Yunbing’s wishes, and it is troublesome to update the equipment. Situ Yunbing does not like to do things inefficiently, so there is A new training base was created for the national team.

The Jingtao Football Training Base covers an area of ​​more than 100 acres and is built near the sea. The facilities inside are all the most cutting-edge modern facilities and technology. The combination of various sports fields makes the ecology here more colorful, tennis, basketball , Badminton, football and so on.

The area near the sea is planned as a living area. The small single-family villa area can accommodate more than 300 people at home and rest, restaurants, theaters, supermarkets, Internet cafes, VR experience halls, etc.

To the west is the office area, which is equipped with the best network facilities, where the coaching team can conduct scientific data analysis, as well as sports medical teams and physiotherapy centers.

There are equipment for sea play on the beach.

When Situ Yunbing took his family to stroll around here, the park has been open for three days, and many tourists are very busy here.

When the non-national team needs it, except the office area is not open, other areas are normal business places for tourists to stay and play here.

The family is having fun here. In his spare time, Situ Yunbing will go to the office area for equipment debugging and transfer of his personal data. He may work here most of the time.

Sigrid’s parents also came to China. The old couple would travel when they were free, but since Situ Yunbing married Sigrid, Situ Yunbing would occasionally give gifts to his father-in-law and Sieg. Lide\'s own money-making subsidies have made the two people very rich. Situ Yunbing and Sigrid can be considered to have traveled to the world\'s major tourist attractions, but the old couple went to more places than them.

It is estimated that I missed my two grandchildren after going to play for another round and took the initiative to visit the children in China.

When the time came to the end of May, the curtain of the European League came to an end. Situ Yunbing had a video call with Alonzo in the conference room of the Hainan Jingtao Football Training Base.

Situ Yunbing persuaded Alonzo, who was frustrated on the big screen,: "In the fierce competition, you won the Premier League title and helped Liverpool win seven consecutive Premier League titles. This is an amazing achievement. Look at Manchester City and Arsenal, their performance in the league, don\'t you think this championship has no value and meaning?

Don\'t blame yourself for losing the Champions League. If you retreat now, I will be disappointed in you. At the same time, it also made me feel guilty for the Liverpool club. I recommend you to take over! "

Alonzo\'s pressure was too great. In his first year in Liverpool, he won two important championships, the FA Cup and the Premier League, but the Champions League was only the top four results. Liverpool\'s strong five consecutive Champions League titles were ended. .

And if you carefully analyze the situation at the time, many of the main players in the Liverpool team were injured and unable to participate in the battle is the main factor being eliminated.

Alonzo also needs to accumulate experience, at least to win the championship, let Manchester City and Arsenal fail again, this is indeed a very remarkable achievement.

Moreover, the Liverpool club was not disappointed with the season just ended.

At least the fans can continue to celebrate the championship.

Alonzo cheered up again after Situ Yunbing\'s comfort and encouragement.

Not only is he under great pressure, but his own requirements are also high.

Perhaps it was because I didn\'t want to fail Situ Yunbing\'s expectations.

Ten thousand steps back, the Premier League champion plus the Champions League semi-finals, if Alonzo really leaves, Liverpool really may not be able to find a suitable new coach.

At that time, the world might really be in chaos!

After ending Alonzo\'s call, Situ Yunbing sent a congratulatory text message to Liverpool boss Henry. At the same time, there was something that bothered him recently, and he had to have a formal conversation with his agent Beckham.

He contacted Beckham via video call, and the other party was at home with a daughter beside him.

After Situ Yunbing greeted Xiaoqi, he said to Beckham: "I want to talk to you about some serious things."

Beckham came to the study at home.

Situ Yunbing said straightforwardly: "You should have learned that your two sons have provoke some Chinese people, right?"

Beckham said solemnly: "I have warned them."

"This is not a question of warning or not, it is a question of whether it will continue to happen, David, some things are very sensitive. In the eyes of the Chinese, the question of position is either black or white. If your child does not like China , Yes, then the Chinese may not like your family.

Including me, I must correct my position. This is not because of the situation, but because I am Chinese. I know how Chinese people will be treated abroad. I will not ask the world to treat everyone fairly. People, but my compatriots and I have the right to choose how we treat others.

You go to China to attend several business events every year. If the same thing happens again, do you think the sponsor will keep close contact with you?

There will still be people in China who continue to like you, but from a national standpoint, many companies have to cut off contact with you, and I don’t need outside pressure to pressure me. I can only say that our friendship may continue to exist. But the exchange of interests between us will end forever.

forever and always! "

Beckham may not have realized the seriousness of the matter before. He was silent for a moment and said: "I will restrain them."

"I hope so."

Situ Yunbing hung up the phone.

The cooperation between him and Beckham is not that he begs the other party, nor does the other party bring him much benefit. Even if it is Beckham\'s new team, Situ Yunbing’s shares can be ignored if he doesn’t want it. Yes, that little money is not worth mentioning.

As for the turmoil caused by his two sons, Situ Yunbing would naturally be implicated. He could not ask the other party what to do, but only told the other party what the consequences would be if he continued to do so.

Proceed first and then pawn.

Now he really cares about his own image, because it is hard to come by!

The Chinese team began to assemble at the Hainan Jingtao Football Training Base. The park was closed to the outside world. Only the staff, coaches and players of the Chinese national team can use the park. The welfare given to them by Situ Yunbing is that they can bring their families back, and the players can take vacations. training.

The players come here not only with freshness, but also with stronger motivation.

In the past season, the performance of the Chinese international in European football has been very eye-catching.

Luo Cheng and Luo Xin joined forces to help Lance score 43 goals in the French League!

Among them, Luo Cheng scored 19 goals and Luo Xin scored 24!

Reims only scored 57 goals in 38 Ligue 1 games!

The two goals accounted for 75% of the team\'s goals!

Coupled with the fact that Reims himself played the top three defensive data in Ligue 1, this makes Lance ranked fourth in Ligue 1 at the end of the season and qualified for the Europa League next season. Unfortunately, the Ligue 1 team’s European war points Not high, fourth in the league does not have a Champions League seat.

There are already teams that want to bring in these two players, and they have paid a price of 30 million euros for Reims to take them away!

You must know that Lance did not have any cost to introduce these two people!

Situ Yunbing does not need to give Luo Cheng Luo Xin any advice, because the Lance Club does not sell it at all!

They also have to recruit troops to continue to grow the strength of the club, to make better preparations for the two-line battle next season!

Zhao Fenghua became the assist king of Ligue 1 and helped the team get runner-up in the league. Paris Saint-Germain\'s status is still unshakable.

Zhao Fenghua was a little bit troubled. He found Situ Yunbing the next night when he came to the training base. The two were walking along the beach. Zhao Fenghua said to Situ Yunbing: "BOSS, the club intends to sell me to Valencia. , Because the economic situation of the team is not ideal, selling me can solve all the current problems."

Situ Yunbing nodded slightly and said, "Sometimes players are so helpless. Sometimes their destiny is not in their own hands.

Do you want to leave? "

Zhao Fenghua’s handsome face appeared hesitant, and he sighed after a long while: “I don’t know it myself. I think there is a big risk in it. If I fail to gain a foothold in La Liga, one season’s time will be wasted. The good thing is that I will rent it out during the winter break.

But I do want to leave Ligue 1. The overall competitive environment can no longer make me a huge improvement. I look forward to trying new challenges. "

Situ Yunbing laughed and said, "This is a normal mood. I want to challenge, but I am afraid of failure.

My advice to you is that nothing will come until you are absolutely ready.

To know that all successful players, no one takes a path that is pre-arranged and foolproof.

Everyone is taking risks, but risks also contain opportunities. How to seize opportunities to succeed is the key! "

Zhao Fenghua looked at the stars in the sky, his eyes brightened, and he already had an answer.