Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 115: .115 Battle of the Kings!

Sitting in the changing room of the visiting team at the Lyon Olympic Park Stadium, Situ Yunbing was in a trance. He could vaguely hear the noise from the stadium. He once again had all the illusions that seemed unreal.

Although he had played against Lyon in the first half of the season, he came to Lyon\'s luxurious stadium and sat in the visiting team\'s locker room to watch everything here. Situ Yun couldn\'t help but travel in the sky, wanting to see if this world is real.

Who would have thought that a penniless one would sit here and wait for a championship battle with Lyon!

The Chinese media has labelled him as the "miracle coach", and they have also begun to wonder whether Situ Yunbing can sweep the long-term decline of Chinese football if he coaches the Chinese team. These Situ Yunbing can be seen on the Internet platform. He did not respond, still abiding by his principle of not accepting interviews in private.

Stars charge for interviews, and superstars charge even more ridiculously: press the word.

That\'s the limit for how much I said, I won\'t say more.

Whether Situ Yunbing is the most expensive coach in Ligue 1 is difficult to verify, but he is definitely the most expensive coach for interviews. The authoritative French football media all hope to get an exclusive interview with Situ Yunbing, but he is without exception. Refused.

He didn\'t want to be disturbed, and he didn\'t want his occasional immature speech to cause trouble.

Dedicated to football, just like he works day and night and teaches himself.

Now his office is much cleaner. In half a year, he has studied all UEFA’s coaching materials twice, and has studied more than 100 football professional books, watched the researched game videos, and at least one A hundred games.

He sleeps only 6 hours a day on average and spends his time outside of work on strengthening his professional knowledge and abilities.

The stars live up to the travellers!

That\'s why he is qualified to come to Lyon as the leader of the league today and declare war on Lyon!

No, they had declared war long ago. When Monaco won the league championship, the ambitions of Monaco and Situ Yunbing were already known to everyone!

Today is a decisive battle!

As long as Lyon is won, at least 11 points ahead of the chaser behind will make Monaco very calm in the remaining 7 rounds of the league!

After the pre-match warm-up, the players returned to the locker room for final pre-war preparations.

Waiting for them to clean up, Situ Yunbing stood up from the position between Matic and Nkulu. He walked to the middle of the dressing room. Situ Yunbing dressed in a suit with the Monaco logo printed with his hands in his pockets, young and handsome. Show chic temperament.

Compared with any previous league game, Situ Yunbing looked more relaxed today. He looked around the generals with a smile on his face and suddenly said softly: "Are you ready to take the crown from here?"

Although his tone was flat, he resonated with everyone, including the coaches!

Everyone held their heads up and looked confident.

In the first half of the season, Monaco is the starting stage, and in the second half of the season, Monaco is refining and shaping the heart. Now Monaco is calm and confident.

Defeating Marseille, killing Toulouse, especially overcoming some setbacks and difficulties, the temperament of Monaco\'s team has already changed.

In the past, when they were visiting the Lyon Olympic Park Stadium, there would be some nervousness in their hearts, but now they behaved so easily and confidently, as if they were mature and not angry.

The generals of Monaco said to Situ Yunbing in unison: "Ready!"

Situ Yunbing looked around again, his eyes were in contact with the eyes of the players. He did not see any players showing timidity or nervousness. Instead, he saw similar flames in their eyes. It was a fierce fighting spirit. High fighting spirit!

Situ Yunbing walked to the door of the locker room. Without waiting for him to turn around, the players stood up one after another, just like the soldiers who were reviewed by the general before entering the battle. The players\' foreheads touched each other and said the same thing to each player in a deep voice.

"Today\'s battle, the French canonize the king!"

Although Situ Yunbing said the same thing to everyone, every time a player touched his forehead and listened to him repeating these words in his ears, he suddenly felt like a shot of stimulant, and the whole person seemed to have blood. It all started to boil!

Today’s battle, Ligue 1 is crowned king!

When the players were gone, Situ Yunbing did not stay in the locker room anymore. Because of the dense competition in the second half, he already had 9 cards in his hand. Before he came to play Lyon, he gave them all. The players.

Even if someone doesn\'t need it today, they can still use it in the next game.

When he walked into the Lyon Olympic Park stadium, the Lyon fans in the nearby stands booed him, trying to negatively affect him, or just smashing the horse, hoping to "intimidate" him in the momentum.

Situ Yunbing ignored the reaction of the fans. To be honest, in the past six months, he has also encountered extreme racial discrimination and insults by some opponent fans, but he chose to ignore it.

Perhaps it was because he encountered opposition from his own fans in the early days of coaching Monaco. He has experienced heartbreak, and now he can maintain a calm mentality in the face of any fan attack.

This trick of Lyon fans is nothing.

Puel stood on the sidelines with a serious look and waited for the game to start. He definitely looked a bit nervouser than Situ Yunbing.

The pressure before the game was all on Puel\'s side.

Before the two teams met in the first half of the season, Puel also praised Situ Yunbing, which was a courtesy to his old team, but on the eve of the first battle in the second half of the season, Puel was somewhat inhuman.

Because of his legendary background in Monaco, if he continues to compliment Monaco, it will inevitably make Lyon fans dissatisfied, but he deliberately avoids, people will still think of his background as a loyal minister of Monaco as a player.

Who told Puel to bring Lyon, the seven-time champion of Ligue 1, to the land now?

He has only one solution: win!

Defeating Monaco will shut up those who provoke the background of his player era.

Lyon lost to Monaco in the first half of the season. At that time, Lyon was distracted by the Champions League. In the second half of the season, he was eliminated by Barcelona in the Champions League round of 16. Now there is only one front left in the league!

Once the league failed to defend, then Puel led Lyon this season can be described as a complete failure!

Situ Yunbing glanced at Puel after arriving at the visiting coach\'s command area. The two nodded in greeting, and then each looked at the stadium intently.

The starting players of the two teams came on stage, and the cheers in the stadium were deafening!

In a sense, this game is the current peak level of Ligue 1 contest!

"Good evening, everyone! Welcome everyone to follow the camera to the Lyon Olympic Park stadium!

In the 31st round of the Ligue 1 league, the defending champion Lyon played at home against the current league leader Monaco!

This game is expected to be the most watched game in Ligue 1 this season, because it is the first battle related to the championship!

Monaco is now 9 points ahead of Lyon in the standings. If Lyon can\'t beat Monaco at home to close the points gap, then with 7 rounds left in the league, Monaco won almost no resistance, and Monaco is still the second half of the season. The best performing team in the first league!

But if Monaco can beat Lyon in the away game, then their advantage over Lyon will be extended to 12 points, and it will almost declare that Lyon has failed to defend the league championship this season, and Lyon’s seven-year championship rule over Ligue 1 will end. !

I believe that both teams will do their best to win this game!

In comparison, although Monaco is attacking away, it has a strategic advantage!

Let me introduce the starting lineup of the two teams.

Lyon started 433.

Goalkeeper: Lloris.

Defenders: Revie, Chris, Boumsson, Grosso.

Midfielder: Karlstrom, Juninho, Markuen.

Forwards: Edson, Benzema, Keita.

Monaco started 451.

Goalkeeper: Rufael.

Defenders: Simic, Benatia, Nkulu, Muratori.

Midfielder: Falcao, Perez, Merian, Matic, Morrow.

Forward: Nimani.

Today, Monaco coach Situ Yunbing has changed in the formation of troops. Mongongu did not enter the starting list, Nkulu withdrew to play as a central defender, Falcao turned to the right side and Nimani was at the forefront. .

This makes me wonder whether Monaco\'s play style today will bring unexpected threats to Lyon?

Well, the game will start soon, let us wait and see! "