Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 113: .113 Three-line championship

Monaco won a key battle at home. With 10 rounds left in the league, Monaco\'s victory in the civil war is of great significance.

After the game, Monaco coach Situ Yunbing and Toulouse coach Casanova were still arguing over whether there was a penalty for Gignac\'s fall in the Monaco penalty area.

In an interview after the game, Casanova said angrily: "Gignac was violated by the Monaco defender, otherwise we will seize the opportunity to narrow the score gap earlier. It is definitely a penalty and there is no dispute. ball!"

Regarding the argument between him and Situ Yunbing on the sidelines, Casanova replied aggrievedly: "Some people should check their eyesight. If there is no problem with their eyesight, then there is a brain problem."

Situ Yunbing downplayed his evaluation of the penalty kick in an interview after the game.

"I think the referee performed well today. Several key penalties in the game were accurate. I think the results of the game are reasonable. It is undeniable that Toulouse\'s recent performance is one of the few teams that performed well in Ligue 1. They failed to take the score at the Louis II Stadium today. I don\'t feel sorry for them, but I will applaud for them. Every audience can see that they worked very hard. They contributed a wonderful game with Monaco! "

After the game, not only the coach will be interviewed, some players will also be interviewed.

Benatia, today\'s scoring hero, was very excited to accept the reporter\'s interview.

When he was asked how he felt about scoring the first goal in Ligue 1 and helping the team win, he said with a little excitement: "This is a wonderful moment. I am very proud to be able to help the team win the game. And pride also gave me strong confidence. My hard work was not in vain. God is fair. After I worked hard, I finally saw the rewards. The most important thing is to be able to enjoy the joy of victory with my teammates. , I can’t wait to start the next game!"

After being asked by reporters about the action of rushing towards Situ Yunbing after scoring a goal, Benatia\'s emotions broke out and was a little choked.

"For the past two years I have been in a dark and dark world, but the first day I came to Monaco, the BOSS talked to me seriously. He believed that I could make rapid progress to become a good player. He gave me a strong I am very grateful to him for his motivation and help.

I know that many people outside think he is very young, but he is the best coach I have worked with. He trusts the players. He will use more than 50 pages of reports to point out my mistakes in the game and give me reasonable suggestions. .

Just as many people think that it is impossible for me to be a good central defender at the age of 22, I will prove them wrong. Similarly, many people think that a young boss cannot be an excellent coach. Now Monaco\'s record has been proven. They are also wrong! "

Benatia’s gratitude for Situ Yunbing is beyond words, and many players will do things like loyalty. Whether it is obedience in posture or revealing heart in words, it is always a manifestation of the unity of the dressing room and the unity of the generals. .

This kind of thing should be the more the better, but Situ Yunbing does not want to be superficial. It is meaningless to give the outside world a scene of Monaco singing and dancing. The gratitude like Benatia is Situ Yunbing\'s hard work. Work and careful cultivation, this friendship may be even more commendable.

The countdown to the end of the league, the French media is a little desperate about the situation in the Ligue 1 championship!

Because while Monaco beat Toulouse, Lyon lost to Auxerre 0:2 at home!

Even if Marseille and Bordeaux both win, it means that the gap between Monaco\'s lead behind the chaser has widened to double digits!

Monaco, 62 points.

Lyon, 50 points.

Bordeaux, 48 points.

Marseille, 48 points.

Toulouse, 48 points.

Looking through the standings, no one seems to have any doubts about Monaco\'s impact on the championship. Even if there is a chance that Monaco may crash, they dare not say that they will not be insulted and laughed generously.

As a result, the French media focused more on some of the focal events that happened to the Monaco team.

For example, the verbal conflict between Situ Yunbing and Casanova in the game, plus the interview remarks of the two after the game, the French team newspaper ingeniously matched the new lines with the scene of the two scolding each other on the sidelines!

There are two paintings on the headlines of the sports page. The first one is a scene where the two sides are tit-for-tat.

The line above Casanova is: Are you blind? That was definitely a penalty!

The line above Situ Yunbing\'s head is: Don\'t ask me, ask the referee!

The next picture is a photo of Situ Yunbing commanding the team from the sidelines. His expression is cold and heroic, but he is matched with this line: Referee, you did a beautiful job!

The news of the French team newspaper is a bit of a black Monaco meaning, and may make people who did not watch the game think that Monaco is favored by the referee.

Of course, when many French football celebrities and commentators reviewed the game between Monaco and Toulouse, many people believed that Gignac was indeed violated by Benatia and that Toulouse deserved a penalty.

But these are not important anymore, at least not that Situ Yunbing cared.

Monaco\'s performance in the second half of the season was almost invincible. When the French Cup quarter-finals arrived in the middle of the week, Monaco was a guest to challenge Grenoble.

After Moro lifted the ban and returned, Situ Yunbing still chose to rotate lightly.

Compared with the rotation in the first half of the season, the quality of the rotation in the second half of the season is also very high.

Because the winter window new aid has increased the thickness of the team\'s bench, and after the team has matured, even the replacement lineup can play a good combat effectiveness.

Grenoble naturally hopes to eliminate Monaco and advance to the semi-finals of the French Cup at home.

Monaco didn\'t have an anti-offensive approach. Nimani and Pino charged together. Falcao got a break. After Moro returned, Monaco\'s left attack was rejuvenated.

Grenoble is full of fighting power at home. The two teams have a big opening and closing. The two teams scored 7 goals in the first and second half!

Gesso, who came off the bench today, performed poorly. Two of the goals lost were related to his mistakes. One was directly sent back to the opponent\'s striker with a spree, and the other was a set-up header to assist the opponent with an own goal. Nimani and Pino performed well today. Both scored twice and Moreau staged an assist hat trick. Monaco defeated Grenoble 4:3 in the away game and advanced to the semi-finals of the French Cup!

French media exclaimed after the game: Monaco is advancing to the Triple Crown!

In the French League Cup, Monaco will compete with Bordeaux for the championship at the end of April!

Monaco is far ahead of other competitors in the league.

The French Cup Monaco has now reached the semi-finals, and the other three teams are Rennes, Toulouse and Guingamp.

Of course, Monaco is the strongest!

The third line is advancing, Monaco looks smooth, but in the case of the outside world\'s unanimous optimism about Monaco, Monaco suffered an away defeat in the 29th round of the league!

On the night of the game, there was a pouring rain in Nancy. Monaco performed very badly on the away game in the cold wind and rain. The opponents made frequent mistakes and seized the opportunity to fight back quickly!

Monaco is already one of the Ligue 1 teams that pays special attention to ground pass and cooperation. Therefore, the rain battle has a greater impact on them. In addition, the defense line is always a little weak, the offensive mistakes are many, and the opponents have more chances to counterattack. After all, Tin sits at home and has a geographical advantage. The most important thing is that after Nancy\'s two feet shot from the ground, the football accelerated and flew into the blind spot of Monaco\'s goal.

Rufael didn\'t know whether it was a problem of strength or was also affected by the conditions of the court. In this game, he lost three goals directly!

In two consecutive games, Monaco was scored 3 goals in a single game by his opponent!

The difference is that Grenoble ultimately won the victory by scoring more goals, while against Nancy, Merian\'s goal was unable to recover.

Monaco lost 1:3 away!

French football quoted the scene of Situ Yunbing wiped off the rain on his face during the game in the review report. It seems that Situ Yunbing is a little helpless and desolate, and he is indeed a bit miserable by the rain.

"Monaco was crushed by the storm!"

The gap opened in the last round was shortened in this round. In the championship group, except for Monaco\'s defeat in the away game, the other four teams all won!

The suspense of the Ligue 1 championship seems to be back!

Monaco, 62 points.

Lyon, 53 points.

Bordeaux, 51 points.

Marseille, 51 points.

Toulouse, 51 points.