Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 11: .011 why

When Situ Yunbing walked back to the locker room in a haunting manner, the locker room was silent, players, coaches, and everyone\'s eyes gathered on Situ Yunbing\'s face.

Situ Yunbing reluctantly regained his energy, their gazes were like a sword waving in front of them, Situ Yunbing knew what he had to say.

He spoke dryly: "This loss is not everyone\'s responsibility."

His original intention was to reassure the people and avoid a major blow to team morale.

But he was interrupted as soon as he spoke.

Defender Mueller, naked to the waist, raised his chin and shouted to him in indignation: "Of course it\'s not our responsibility! Your **** tactical idea is to die! But now we have to blame you!"

Situ Yunbing\'s chest seemed to be hit hard again, his face pale and emotion could not help but take a step back.

Muller couldn\'t play the main force in Lyon, so he came to Monaco. According to his level, he can become the boss of the dressing room here, so he will naturally come out at this time, and he himself has a certain sense of superiority.

His words spoke the aspirations of many people.

Before that, everyone silently accepted Situ Yunbing\'s tactical baptism. In the final analysis, it was also based on the aftereffect. Now the effect has come out. They played the same level of Lorient at home and they lost 0:3!

The most important thing is that some people feel that the loss is useless!

Kokata then said: "I really don\'t know what **** the midfielder is to pass the ball there! Think of us forwards as air? Do you think that passing the ball can win the ball? You played the ball. ?"

Adu also shook his head and said, "Is this how the Chinese play football?"

Park Zhouyong spoke a lot of Korean, and his translator said with a cold face: "It\'s a complete waste of time. We surrendered to our opponents at home. We lost the game with almost no fight! Too bad!"

Even the young Haruna began to fall into trouble. Of course, he might be trying to clear the blame.

"I don\'t think our style of play is of much use. We did not put pressure on our opponents. They could easily counterattack in the second half!"

Muller dropped his sneakers on the ground, stood up and said coldly to Situ Yunbing: "You should resign now! Take your naive tactics and go back to China!"

Situ Yunbing retreated again and again until he hit the door of the locker room. He looked around everyone in the locker room, sympathetic to him, disdainful, and hostile to him.

He felt that the world was spinning, as if he was in a terrifying hell, and everyone in front of him was an incarnation of the devil!

He turned around and opened the locker room door, and left the locker room desperately without saying a word.

Some of the players in the locker room went to bathe, and the players who did not play left directly.

The coaches were left looking at each other.

Markle sighed suddenly and said, "Oh, he really can\'t."

Klett said solemnly: "I\'ve said it before. He has no experience and no abilities, of course he can\'t."

The eldest Bendomi is 61 years old, but his reaction is not fierce. He said indifferently: "What\'s the use of saying this? He can\'t do it. Who can do it? Do your own job, let\'s work. The purpose is to make Monaco better."

The 59-year-old Petty also echoed: "Yes, the more we are in such a difficult stage, the more we should unite. The players are fooling around and committing the following crimes, so we don\'t need to add more fuel and jealousy."

The other coaches stopped talking, but many people felt that Situ Yunbing\'s appointment was a joke, and it is time to end this farce!

De Bangdan rushed to the locker room, but did not find Situ Yunbing, but learned that many players openly opposed Situ Yunbing.

At a later time, Muller took the lead and as many as 8 players put pressure on Debondan: demanding the firing of Situ Yunbing!


Monaco is brightly lit at night, hot spring baths, casinos, and hotels are still booming, while Capde, two kilometers to the southwest, is calm. Many people working in Monaco have already rested in their apartments to support tomorrow’s work. Accumulate sharply.

There are few leisure places in Capdai, and the limitation of its own area limits the number of entertainment facilities here. It is getting late, and there are not many guests in a tavern by the sea.

Situ Yunbing was sitting in front of the window facing the sea with two bottles of foreign wine he did not recognize. Anyway, he had given all the remaining 130 euros to the front desk clerk in the pub.

Two bottles of wine, a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter.

All his last belongings were exchanged for these things, in an attempt to relieve his sorrow.

The sea ebbs and ebbs, the bright moon is slowly slanting west in the clear sky, and you drink one cup after another.

Situ Yunbing swallowed clouds and fog. He was a smoker, but after coming to France, he had not smoked a cigarette. He put all his thoughts on work. What did he get in return?

His eyes were blurred, and another glass of wine was on his stomach, he smiled bitterly, and murmured like dreams from time to time.

"Damn game! Damn game!"

Left hand wine glass, right hand cigarette.

Alcohol and nicotine can\'t make the lingering picture in his mind disappear.

The cold words of the players in the locker room. When walking out of the Louis II Stadium, the Monaco fans on the street made various insulting gestures to him and verbalized against him. He was like a mouse walking out of Monaco and entering France. Back to Capday.

Monaco, who is in the eyes of others, is actually hell!

Situ Yunbing thought.

Thinking and laughing again, arrogantly laughing.

Even if he is not the real age of 22 years old, he has not yet reached the average age of a football coach\'s debut, and what is his true ability to coach a Ligue 1 team?

Listening to the ebb and flow, it is like a death knell to lock the soul!

Situ Yunbing smiled, tears looming in the corners of his eyes.

It\'s so bad, but you still have to be teased by God, why bother.

A bottle of wine has already been drunk. Although Situ Yunbing felt a little dizzy, he was not drunk at all. He couldn\'t help but want to ask the waiter at the bar if the wine he sold to him was fake, why was it not intoxicating at all?

But he still resisted not saying it, so why bother in vain?

Just walk through the last moments of life peacefully, and let the dust return to the dust.

He opened the second bottle of wine and filled it with a glass, and then took out a cigarette again, but he couldn\'t find the lighter on the table. When he was about to look down to see if it fell on the ground, someone next to him suddenly held the lighter up. In front of him, he took the initiative to light the cigarette.

Situ Yunbing first took a deep breath, and then turned his head to look at it, and spit out a puff of smoke. Vaguely, he squinted his eyes and saw a handsome face of young sunshine that seemed to be familiar.

Situ Yunbing couldn\'t remember seeing each other there for a while.

I only saw the other side put the lighter on the table with a smile, and then said to Situ Yunbing: "Situ coach, hello, I am Jerome Alonzo, this is our second meeting."

Jerome Alonzo?

Situ Yunbing took a lot of attention to the opponent, and remembered that this was the young man he met outside the club almost a week ago.

Situ Yunbing retracted his gaze and said nonchalantly, "I don\'t want to be disturbed now, and I said it clearly last time."

Jerome Alonzo smiled and said: "Maybe this is not the right time, but I hope you can think about it seriously. I really want to work for Monaco and become a coach.

This is the information I prepared, I put it here, you can check it out when you have time. "

After that, Jerome Alonzo put a stack of documents on the table, then got up and left.

After Situ Yunbing finished smoking a cigarette, he opened the document boredly and looked at it. It happened to turn over the whole night and it read: Lorient.

He was obviously aroused, and after reading it carefully, he became more awake, or he was forcibly concentrating.

The stack of documents that Alonzo brought is that he sorted out the characteristics of all teams in Ligue 1, the coaching style, the habit of on-the-spot scheduling and substitution, and the current status analysis based on the team\'s recent situation.

Maybe not necessarily right, but this is his homework, and there must be some merit!

For example, when Situ Yunbing saw the page of Lorient, Alonzo defined Lorient\'s style as: balanced and defensive!

In the analysis of the team\'s personnel, left back Laya, left midfielder Ayou, and forward Gamero are the most threatening offensive combinations!

In addition, the weakness of the comment is on the right back Machar, because Machar is a cameo on the right back, and it is not a secret that Lorient\'s right back is missing.

Situ Yunbing did not think that this was written by Alonzo to deceive himself after today\'s game, because there are details of other teams, at least he should summarize the Ligue 1 **** during FIFA game day in September. An analysis report made by the team after the first 4 games of the new season!

If Situ Yunbing patiently read this document a week ago, it would definitely help him prepare for today\'s game!

When Situ Yunbing thought that Alonzo had already left, he felt so regretful that he couldn\'t help shouting: "Alonzo!"

"Coach Situ, I am here!"

Situ Yunbing turned his head and was surprised to find that Alonzo had not left, and he was sitting at the bar not far behind him.

This young man is really persistent!