Greedy Baby and Scheming Mother


Chapter 500 - Sunny Rain (1)

Jin Yulie was walking towards him and he could feel the subtle changes in the lightning.

His eyes were sharp, and he quickly found the flaw.

He suddenly transmitted it over.

Right at this moment, he saw Ah Mu, who was at the center of the lightning, as well as him.

"Ah Mu!" He called out his son's name and was about to go over. However, Xie Shuo suddenly stepped forward to block it.

His hand revealed a strange claw shape as it struck towards Jin Yulie. Jin Yulie stopped and retreated, his chest area had five claw marks.

Ah Mu had originally not moved, but at this moment, the lightning in his hands suddenly danced, and rushed straight towards Xie Shuo like a dragon.

Jin Yulie's cultivation was at the eighth stage of the Dao Palace, so he did not need to refine weapons out of his cultivation like Jin Yulie did.

As long as he wanted to, his hands could conjure up the appropriate weapon.

He did not dare to directly block the blade of lightning, and dodged to the side. However, he still managed to cut through the middle of the lightning.

At the same time, Jin Yulie had already rushed over, with the two crescent shaped blades in his hands, so tight that even the wind could not pass through.

Time seemed to have stopped at that moment, a chilling, thunderous sound.

Everything in the world seemed to be peaceful and quiet.

Everyone's eyes were focused on one point!

In the middle of that point was a powerful battle qi. The battle between two experts of the Dao Palace was the ultimate battle that could be fought with their lives.

However, no one could see him!

Each and every one of their moves were extremely fast! It was so fast that there was only an afterimage left!

With a bang, a strong vibration seemed to come from deep underground. The top half of the entire mountain started to crumble along with the sound.

In a place where no one could see, Jin Yulie and Xie Shuo suddenly clashed together.

The ground beneath Jin Yulie's feet shook violently, and in the end, it actually caved in. It was as if his legs were suppressed by a powerful force, and was about to bury his entire body deep underground.

Ah Mu's eyes were originally red, but after seeing that Jin Yulie had suffered heavy injuries, a red light flashed past his eyes.


Xie Shuo suddenly turned his head around, opened his mouth and spat out a silver needle.

Just at that moment!

Right at this critical moment, Jin Yulie clenched his teeth, with the determination to die, he grabbed Xie Shuo's arms. "Die! Let's die together! "

He suddenly shouted out, and actually dragged Xie Shuo down with him.

Because just now, his feet had already sunk into the mountain. Before, he had been beaten down by Xie Shuo, but now, he wanted to die together with Xie Shuo.

He stomped hard with his feet, using his power to force a huge crater through the entire mountain range!

He dragged Xie Shuo as he headed down the pit.

Using the entire Mount Kunlun as a grave, they buried the both of them together.

This move was going all out and was approaching in full fury.

It had also created an opportunity for Ah Mu to dodge, but when he moved his body to dodge the flying needles that Xie Shuo spat out, he saw Jin Yulie and Xie Shuo fall towards the black hole together.

"Daddy!" Ah Mu rushed to the entrance of the cave. Seeing that there was only a deep black inside, he felt an incomparable despair.

Jin Yulie used up all of his strength, unwilling to let Xie Shuo go even in death.

He heard the whistling of the wind and looked up. He saw the endless abyss, the silent darkness, but above his head there was a circular light.

The light was starting to shine.

And in the bright center, he seemed to see Ah Mu's little face, and's smile.

At that moment, it was as if all the scenes of his life were playing back in his head.

However, before he had met Mu Wanjun, all he remembered was gray, and it wasn't until she appeared that there was any color to it. Now, even if he died, they would still be alive.

"A Lie! Jin Yulie! "

The person who was urgently shouting sounded like Mu Wanjun's voice.

Jin Yulie's mind was in chaos, but Mu Wanjun's voice still resounded clearly by her ear. He seemed to open her eyes, but found that she had no strength left in him.

"You are not allowed to die! Without my permission and permission, you can forget about leaving me! "

Only Mu Wanjun could say such tyrannical and jealous words.

Right at this moment, Jin Yulie suddenly opened his eyes. Only now did he realize that he was holding onto the cliff with one hand, and that he was still in the cave that he and Xie Shuo had created together.

Everything just now was an illusion?