Greedy Baby and Scheming Mother


Chapter 404 - Release of Concealment Spell (1)

"Shu Mei, what time is it now?" Xuanyuan Shou'er took a lazy sip of tea.

She was naturally not asking about Shu Mei's current state. Shu Mei whispered into her ear: "Qin Huang has already left for three days. The news also came from the fifth prince's side. Let the princess prepare it. "

In the game of power, there was only winners and death! Even though these men knew that there was no way out, they still chased after him like a flock of ducks …

"Fifth Prince, Chunyu Feng, the Qin Dynasty has already changed hands, and you still call yourself your Highness?" Xuanyuan Shishi looked at the man standing in front of his.

He was tall and straight with deep facial features. He wore a long, wide, apricot-colored robe. Such an alluring color made him look even more handsome and refined, giving him an ethereal appearance.

At the lapels of his clothes, there was even a long green bamboo embroidery. Only someone like him, who was overly confident in himself, would dare to wear such clothes on his body. This fit his temperament very well.

It was not the first time that Xuanyuan Shishi had seen Chunyu Feng, but this was the first time she had seen Jin Yulie when he ascended the throne of Qin Huang.

Jin Yulie had taken out the late emperor's testamentary edict to pass the position of emperor to Chunyu Hui, and Chunyu Hong had taken it, to usurp the position of emperor. Now that Jin Yulie had made such a mess, he should have inherited the position of emperor. Although Chunyu Feng and Jin Yulie were cousins, because of Chunyu Hong, was no longer the Five Prince.

Thus, Xuanyuan Shou'er's mockery was not without reason.

Chunyu Feng laughed calmly, he did not mind at all, and casually straightened his lapels: "What's wrong with that, other people do not know, but I am very clear, that the imperial edict was done by Mu Wanjun. "To be able to lie to others, she's quite the expert."

The meaning in his words was that he was the true Five Prince of the Great Qin Nation, the legitimate Fifth Prince.

If he could overthrow Jin Yulie, then he would be the true master of the Great Qin!

Sure enough, the imperial power was the most important thing. These people were fighting for power, they were all loved ones, so they wouldn't care about it at all. Who would be the stumbling block in their path of power?

"Are you absolutely sure?"

Chunyu Feng smiled as he stood up and walked over to Xuanyuan Shishi in an elegant manner. His hand was like a thin veil as it brushed past Xuanyuan Shishi's black hair and brushed against her hand. He dubiously picked up her soft, boneless hand and placed a kiss on the corner of his lips, "Princess's golden boughs and jade leaves, naturally you are worthy of being called a mother to the world. "However …"

As Chunyu Feng spoke, he secretly used a ring to exchange for the pearl ring on Xuanyuan Shishi's finger.

Xuanyuan Wushang had given the pearl ring to Xuanyuan Shishi before he left.

The pill inside the pearl that was originally a priceless medicine from Spring Festival Gala was now replaced with a life-threatening poison.

"This is the medicine I've gone to great pains to find. It is colorless and tasteless. It's a unique medicine that only works when the time is right. "

"If you want me to poison Jin Yulie to death for you, then you can assume the throne of the Qin Emperor. But, according to my royal brother, I can also become a Queen. At the right time, I can even become the empress dowager, and the entire Qin is mine.

Chunyu Feng suddenly laughed loudly.

The laughter carried away the mockery, causing Xuanyuan Shishi's expression to darken. "What are you laughing at?"

"Do you really think your royal brother did it for you?" Chunyu Feng raised his eyebrows and said frivolously as he looked at her with his long and narrow eyes, "There are some things that you don't remember. Even if I told you about it now, you wouldn't believe me. But I can tell you this, what you see may not be true. "Maybe the people around you know more than you do …"

Chunyu Feng's words kept on ringing in Xuanyuan Shishi's ears. She looked at the ring on her hand, and realized that it was much more exquisite than the one Xuanyuan Wushang gave her.

There was a small mechanism on the ring. As long as she gently pulled the trigger, a small poisonous needle would pop out from the top of the ring.

This was truly a good thing that could kill people without them noticing!

What did Chunyu Feng mean by that?

Xuanyuan Shou'er thought about it before asking Shu Mei. Suddenly, she heard a light sound coming from the side of her ear and when she lifted her gaze, she saw Shu Mei's body limply lying on the ground.

Just as Xuanyuan Shishi was about to stand up, her waist went numb and her vision blurred. Then, she fainted.