Greedy Baby and Scheming Mother


Chapter 27 - Going to Karakorum (2)

The Carriage stopped, and bustling sounds came from outside. Mu Wanjun listened carefully, and from the looks of it, the Mount Kunlun had arrived.

The coachman's voice immediately followed, "Mister Mu, we're here."

Mu Wanjun had no time to think about what just happened as she quickly packed her things and went down the Carriage. Her luggage was not much, other than the embroidered box that Jin Yulie had given her, she only had a few pieces of clothes that had been changed.

In general, there was only one package.

When she jumped down from the Carriage with the bag on her shoulder, she saw the situation around her and couldn't help but be dumbstruck. Looking at the package on her shoulder, no matter what, it still looked a little shabby.

There were many Carriage nearby, bustling with activity.

All sorts of Carriage were embroidered with their own totem.

All of them were famous families.

Mu Wanjun looked behind him, and saw that there were still many people walking towards him with bags on their back. It seemed like they were some disciples of the Humble Class.

Although there were not many people who cultivated on this continent, it was not because they did not want to, but because cultivation depended on talent. If you have the talent, after a round of cultivation, you'll be a carp leaping over the dragon gate!

As a result, there were still a lot of people who came to the election day, which was once a decade.

As for the place Mu Wanjun was at, there were not many people around, it was because she saw a few square meters of ground with a black Qilin totem on it.

It showed that this was State Duke of Jin's place.

Mu Wanjun shrugged towards Jin Yulie's power and influence.

Zuo Chenfeng also dismounted and walked over, with a few servants following behind him.

Today, however, he was dressed in the same low-key clothes that he had been maintaining for the past few days, looking rather luxurious. The jeweled belt appeared again. One could tell that he really liked this belt. From time to time, he would touch the jewelry on it.

It had been a long time since he'd had such a high profile due to the little bun these days. His mood today was pretty good.

"Let's go!" There was still a long way to go. This is the only place the Carriage can go. "

As he spoke, he turned around and stepped onto a sedan chair. Two attendants carried him up the mountain.

He had also prepared one for Mu Wanjun.

Mu Wanjun looked around in a large amount.

This was a relatively flat piece of land that could be used to stop the Carriage.

Further up, in front of them was a towering mountain. The mountain was precipitous and there was no vegetation at the peak. The bare mountain range revealed a brown-white body of the mountain.

There were some brown red marks on the exposed mountain, like dried blood. Looking from afar, it seemed even more mysterious and charming.

Furthermore, there was only one path to the top of the mountain. It led up to a mountain, which was a steep flight of stairs that seemed to lead to the heavens.

Someone had already arrived first, and was similarly sitting on this sort of sedan, being carried by someone else.

However, in such a steep mountain, riding a palanquin still required courage, at least Mu Wanjun thought so.

She immediately refused. Although it seemed like it would take her several hours to climb the mountain, she still chose her feet.

When Zuo Chenfeng heard someone reporting from behind him, he did not say much.

Mu Wanjun followed not too far behind Zuo Chenfeng, she was even carrying a bag on her back, and she looked more like a small attendant.

There were more people coming up the mountain one after another. However, there were more than two digits behind the servants who came down from the gorgeous Carriage. These servants all carried a lot of burdens on their backs.

Mu Wanjun knew that these were all the candidates sent by the other nobles.

However, after walking for a short time, she suddenly turned her head and saw the person sitting on a sedan chair that had walked past her. She was stunned.

That person also gave her a puzzled look.

However, very quickly, the That person shifted her gaze to the other people.

Although this Heaven Stairway was high and steep, what was rare was that it was a bit wide, so it wouldn't be a problem to walk side by side with three palanquins.

Mu Wanjun looked ahead of her. When she saw such a high mountain road, she couldn't help but break out in a slight sweat.

The road in front of them was about to end.

At the end of the Heaven Stairway was a huge memorial archway!

On it, two large words were written with vigorous and vigorous carvings: Mount Kunlun!

Just by looking at these three words, one could tell that the person who wrote them had an extraordinary bearing.

At this time, everyone got off the sedan, including Zuo Chenfeng.

Not far from the memorial archway was a courtyard.

Everyone got out of the sedan and walked inside.

Zuo Chenfeng brought Mu Wanjun inside as well. Along the way, they naturally met the Karakorum disciples who were leading them to their own rooms to take a break.

After crawling away on the road, Mu Wanjun was naturally thirsty. She first poured a cup for Zuo Chenfeng, then poured a full one for herself, and finished it in one gulp.

As the sweet and clear tea entered his mouth, the first taste was astringent, followed by the second taste. The taste was quite good.

"What should I do next?" Mu Wanjun moistened his throat and asked.

"Let's wait first."

Sure enough, not long later, the Karakorum disciple who brought them here appeared once again. This time, he held a letter in his hand.

"Are you the Mu Monarch sent to you by the State Duke of Jin's Mansion?"

Mu Wanjun returned the greeting and received the letter.

Inside the letter was a wooden tablet made of Agarwood. On one side of the wooden tablet was a engraved Qilin Divine Beast, symbolizing the totem of the State Duke of Jin's Mansion, and on the other side was a row of numbers: 9527.