Great Yin and Yang


When I suddenly saw these two streaks of red light, I immediately sucked in a breath of cold air. After staggering for a moment, I stumbled and fell to the ground. I couldn't help but tremble from head to toe.

After I fell down, a large hand quickly lifted me up. However, my eyes still stared straight ahead.

"Brother Tian Luo, what's wrong? Why aren't you running anymore?"

At the same time Li Runjie spoke, he turned his head towards the direction that I was looking at. When he saw the scene that I was looking at, he was stunned on the spot. The hand that was grabbing my arm also started to tremble.

The thing I was most afraid of in my life was snakes, and those big iron heads had already frightened me quite badly, and I was completely relying on my willpower to overcome my fear. However, the two red lights that I saw caused me to be unable to calm down, because those two red lights were nothing else but the eyes of a giant python, and those two red lights were like two searchlights, showing just how big of a head that giant python was.

After we were stunned for a while, it was Li You Jie who reacted first. He took a deep breath and said with a trembling voice, "Brother Tian Luo …." Go... "Let's return to the cave we originally stayed in. That way, that giant python won't be able to enter …"

Finished speaking, Li Renjie pulled up my arm and rushed forward without a care for anything else.

I was pulled back by Li Renjie and staggered. I quickly stood up and ran forward together with him with all my might.

However, our pace was still too slow when compared to the speed of the giant python.

Not long after, that giant python appeared behind us. Even its head was the size of a millstone, and its body was estimated to need around four to five people to embrace it. This kind of giant beast is simply an ancient beast, anyone would be scared to death by it.

After this giant python appeared, it seemed as if it had already discovered us, and its body swayed even more vigorously. When its tail swung up, it broke a tree as thick as a man's thigh.

Right now, we are still a long way away from the exit of the cave. According to the speed at which the python is moving, it will swallow us in one gulp before it can reach the cave.

We just used our submachine guns and killed quite a few of its descendants. This time, it will definitely kill us as soon as possible.

The people from the special task force and I could still hold on, but those few soldiers were shocked and frightened, especially after seeing this terrifying giant python. Immediately, one of the little soldiers lost his balance and was dragged forward by us.

As a result, our speed has slowed down even more, and that giant python is getting closer and closer to us …

In the blink of an eye, that giant python had already appeared two to three hundred meters away from us. Although this distance looked quite long, that giant python's speed was incomparably fast. If he were to come at this distance, it wouldn't even take a minute.

If we were to continue running like this, there would be only one consequence, and that is that we will be pounced on by this snake and devoured alive.

If he were to flee in such a sorry state, it would be difficult for him to escape death. He might as well give it his all, and perhaps, there might be a chance for survival.

I clenched my teeth and stopped walking first. I took out the gun in my hand and shot towards the direction of the huge python.

From so far away, I could still see that the bullet in my gun had hit the python's neck, releasing a muffled sound. The python's body was covered in thick scales, and it was unknown whether the bullet had penetrated its body or not, but after I had shot at it, it seemed to have angered the python even more, its speed suddenly increased by a bit, and it was swimming towards us. It was truly angered by me this time, and even let out a low roar similar to that of a frog.

Seeing that the monster was getting closer, I shouted, "Everyone, don't run anymore. Sooner or later, we'll all die. We'll just have to fight it out with this monster!"

After saying that, I did not look at anyone else. In any case, I stopped, and with a single breath, I emptied all the bullets in my gun, and then threw the gun to the side, and with a pull of my lightning sword, I instantly activated the thunder light from the [Lightning Strike], and with a flash of the red light, the red light on the wooden sword flashed, and streams of golden lightning flowed around the sword. When the giant python was still a few dozen meters away from me, I shook the long sword in my hand, and a dazzling lightning light shot out from the tip of the sword, rushing towards the giant python.

The lightning bolt was as fast as lightning and struck the python's body in an instant, which was located below its head. The python's body, which was still moving fast, suddenly shook and stopped moving. It was still shivering and a white smoke came out of its body.

When the lightning strikes the python, it shines with a white light. With that white light, I can see the thick scales on the python, each piece is like a fan. Let alone a python as big as I have never seen one in my entire life, even in my previous life, I am sure I have never seen one.

But no matter what, when the lightning struck the python's body, the python reacted and even stopped moving. It seemed that the python was afraid of lightning.

It's just that my happiness came a little too early. That giant python's body only paused for a moment before a few scales fell off from its head. There were some charred marks on them, and they started to move towards us once again.

This python's body was too big, the second sword style of the 'Lightning Free mantra' was simply unable to kill it in one hit. Moreover, it had completely aroused the temper of this giant python. This time, it was definitely going to kill me.

Looking at the python heading towards me at high speed, I actually had the urge to turn around and run when facing this monster. However, even if I didn't run, I would still die. I definitely wouldn't be able to run away from this python.

I gritted my teeth and once again lifted up the Three Transformations Lightning Strike Zizyphus Wood Sword in my hand. I chanted the incantation, intending to give this python once more, twice if once is not possible, then twice, and thrice if twice is not possible. Even if I were to exhaust my Spiritual Energy and lose my life, I would not be able to retreat.

However, when I once again raised the Jujube Wood Sword in my hand, I wasn't able to quickly ignite the lightning again. Because my cultivation was a bit weak, I wasn't able to continuously use this mental technique.