Great Tang's Unparalleled National Teacher

Chapter 303

Zhang Feng was shocked.

This NIMA, isn\'t it Jin Ping Mei?

what the fuck.


Zhang Feng was a little confused. Looking at the book in front of him, he had a feeling of secretly reading novels at school. What shocked him most was that it actually appeared in the hands of Chen Tieniu, which was interesting.

"I said brother Zhang Feng, what do you think of this thing? Is it a good thing?"

Chen Tieniu looked at Zhang Feng with a cheap smile and asked.

Even the Du hook looks different at this time.

Zhang Feng is a little angry.

It is said that this thing looks really interesting, but what the fuck are you doing with it?

Zhang Feng couldn\'t help getting angry: "I said, iron bull, where the fuck did you get this thing? Aren\'t you afraid your father will break your leg?"

"And today is the emperor\'s birthday, you actually..."

"All right, all right, stop talking. I\'ll ask you how about this thing?"

Chen Tieniu didn\'t speak, but Chang sun Chong hooked Zhang Feng\'s neck and asked with a smile.

"It\'s said that you\'re going to marry a daughter-in-law? Aren\'t we brothers? So, we\'ll give you science popularization now, so you won\'t have time..."

Zhang Feng\'s face is black.

Staring at the beads, he patted off his eldest son and rushed to a dog\'s paw.

"Fuck off! What the fuck are you talking about? Who says I\'m getting married? You have nothing to do. Why do you inquire about this? I know better than you?"

Seeing Zhang Feng\'s anxious eyes, Chumo and Chang sun Chong look at Zhang Feng with a thoughtful face.

Du Gou couldn\'t see it anymore and stepped forward politely.

"Brother Zhang Feng!" they both met such a situation, but it\'s good to marry a few rooms. After all, they have enough experience, and are you the first time? They\'re also kind! "

Zhang Feng wondered.

"You have nothing to do, so you came to see me joke, didn\'t you? But the neighborhood made it for me. I don\'t even know what the girl looks like. You said you said this... What\'s the matter?"

"And big cakes. You are an honest man. Why are you so bad? Are you fucking pretending?"

As soon as Du Gou heard this, his face was stiff.

"Brother Zhang Feng, what are you talking about? I\'m a scholar of sages. How can I pretend? Besides, we also heard from our fathers about your marriage. Do you know how shocked we were when my father learned that your daughter-in-law was the daughter of the shopkeeper of zhangjiayixing bakery and the only child?"

"You don\'t know. Although the girl says she never goes out, there are rumors that the girl is born like an immortal! You don\'t know. I went to the palace with my father once before, that good guy! You know, the concubines and even princesses in the palace are not as beautiful as that woman!"

Zhang Feng couldn\'t help being a little confused and hurriedly asked, "have you seen that woman?"


The three shook their heads together, but the eldest Sun said, "although we haven\'t seen it, someone in our family once went to Yixing bakery to buy cakes. Listen to people say that once, a servant accidentally witnessed the beauty of Miss Zhang\'s house."

"I heard that the good guy, well... To tell you the truth, if you really don\'t want to marry her, tell your brother, brother, go to propose marriage immediately. What do you think?"

Chang sun Chong instantly put on a eager expression, and even couldn\'t wait, as if he wanted to catch Miss Zhang back now.

This makes Zhang Feng a little crazy and speechless.

Hurriedly cut off the topic and said, "I remember it\'s the emperor\'s means today. Everyone has to eat a big dinner honestly. What\'s the matter with you?"

"Why did you come to me?"

When they heard the speech, they sighed in unison.


"Isn\'t it all for you? Lao Li Tou, I know you must be restless and you can\'t eat such meals, so I\'m sure you\'ll come back. But do you know that this is an official treat. If anyone dares to go back and don\'t eat in private, it\'s a university, that is, he despises the emperor."

"If you are caught by the government, you will definitely be punished. So, Lao Li Tou, let\'s have a look. Oh, no, it\'s our father. If you want us to have a look, I\'ll give you a careless look. After all, there are people in our palace now. We\'re not afraid!"

Hearing the speech, Zhang Feng was deeply relieved.


It seems that I think too much again.

However, he was afraid. Just now he just lied and ran away, but unexpectedly, this fucking official treat, and this rule?

It\'s none of your business whether I eat or not!

If you don\'t eat, you have to get a board? Anti purpose?

Zhang Feng was speechless, but he didn\'t think about it. He waved his hand and said, "come on! Now that you three are here, I\'m not drunk. I\'m very upset recently. Therefore, you three bastards, don\'t mention any blind date to me! Otherwise, our tavern won\'t accommodate you in the future!"