Great Tang's Unparalleled National Teacher

Chapter 290

There are more locusts than mosquitoes in the sky in June.

In the sky, he kept circling, opened his mouth ferociously and swallowed everything he met.

At this time, it was noon on Chang\'an Street, but few people walked on the street and basically hid at home.

Or squatting in twos and threes under the shade, flashing straw fans.

Zhang Feng also shrank in the yard and died.

For nothing else, just because Zhang Feng used the wood board he had replaced before and asked several carpenters to build a windmill according to his requirements.

It\'s the paper windmill that I used to play when I was a child, but it was replaced with a wooden axis, and then a large Pu fan made of whole palm leaves was inserted on the wooden axis, which brought a little cool under the hard shaking of the dog.

Beside him, Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu\'s sister steamed buns, and a large area of black lacquer black children stared at Zhang Feng and told them stories.

Zhang Feng is tired.

In an instant, the pillar will put an iron pot on Zhang Feng\'s mouth and let him take a sip. Then Zhang Feng will eat a mouthful of tiger jerky from steamed buns and tell you a story again.

I\'m tired of talking.

He went to sleep, and then the dried meat he put on the side of the recliner became a child\'s delicacy.

Gouzi is very loyal. He didn\'t participate in the war of robbing food. Instead, he held the handle of the windmill and didn\'t give up when he died. This is the task given to him by brother Zhang Feng. He won\'t teach him without Zhang Feng\'s command!

One noon, it\'s over.

When groups of words fought with locusts in the air, Zhang Feng woke up.

After looking at the lazy arm, there was no bag, and the children in the yard were not noisy. When they saw him get up, the pillar roared, "stand up!"

In an instant, all the children stood up in unison.

"Hello, brother Zhang Feng!"

"Good, good!"

"Ha ha! Come on, I won\'t tell stories this afternoon. I\'m tired. Shall we play games?"

Regardless of whether the people agreed or not, Zhang Feng pulled out a wooden box from under the recliner. The clanging noise inside instantly attracted the children\'s attention.

While talking, Zhang Feng opened the box.

There is a dark grid in the box, and there is a steel column rolling inside. Next to it, there is a sheep tendon tied to a stick. It is the only thing that exposes the outside of the box.

At this time, Zhang Feng smiled.

Pointing to the numbers in several squares in the box, he said, "this is one to five, that is, the smallest. If any of you can eject marbles into this five slot five times in a row, will your brother reward him with a gift?"


Although the children didn\'t understand the pinball machine, they were all excited when Zhang Feng said there was a gift.

Zhang Feng took the initiative to give them a gift for the first time. They wanted to know what the gift was. Zhang Feng also taught people how to play in front of the children, and the dog also stretched his neck and looked at it.

"Look! Pull this stick, pull him to the edge of the wooden box, and then let go, and the marble will stick out! Like this!"

While talking, Zhang Feng played the marble out, but God didn\'t give an eye. He wanted to play once, but he screwed up. He was so immortal that the marble fell on one!

Won a burst of laughter from the children.

Zhang Feng is anxious.

"Come again, just don\'t count!"

"Brother Zhang Feng is naughty!"

"What shameless? I said one person five times. After five times, after everyone has played, choose who has the largest number of words, choose the winner, and participate in the second game!"

Pillars, especially steamed buns, don\'t believe it.

Zhang Feng thought he didn\'t see it. He bounced the marble again. This time, the marble fell on the second floor. Zhang Feng was anxious.

"Come again!"


"Come again!"

"Come again!"

When the five times ended, he finally bounced the marble into the five grid in prayer.

"All right, have a good look? Don\'t say it\'s you. Even if it\'s me, I can\'t completely hit it. So, you all line up and have a good time!"


"If anyone plays well, I\'ll give him a marinated chicken!"

Among these people, except dog Zi, the pillar is the tallest. Of course, he came first and played five times, basically no more than three.

The rest blew up.

Birds chirp around the pinball machine and have fun.

Even Gouzi didn\'t stand the temptation after all and took part in it.

Zhang Feng looked at the child, got up unsteadily and stretched his waist, but inadvertently saw that Li Shimin didn\'t know when he was standing in the door curtain, staring at the child and laughing.

"Oh, Lao Li is coming?"

"You are alone!"

Li Shimin waved and didn\'t intend to disturb the children\'s fun.

After entering the tavern, Li Shimin looked up and down at Zhang Feng and asked, "brother Zhang Feng, since you like children so much, I didn\'t hear that the neighborhood told you a marriage. Is it the daughter of the Yixin snack shop? Why don\'t you marry earlier and have more children?"
