Great Tang's Unparalleled National Teacher

Chapter 284

Chengqian\'s frightened discovery is really like what Cheng Yaojin said.

It seems that the goods have always been handled by personal soldiers. Where did this large amount of goods come from? Moreover, the goods in the ten mile slope are dry and not so wet, but what about the things in these people\'s arms?

But it\'s all dripping things!

There is another more terrible thing, which makes Li Chengqian understand that this is a complete conspiracy!

As early as noon, he received rumors that the ship was seriously damaged and all goods were forced to be transferred to Shilipo. At this time, even if it was soaked in water in such hot weather, it would not drip!

But what about the things in these people\'s hands?

It\'s dripping!

The plot of Guanlong group is really poisonous!

Li Chengqian suddenly felt cold behind him.

He doesn\'t know how many conspiracies are waiting for him in Chang\'an city. It\'s like this outside the city. When he leaves the city, many people have sneaked into the city. In the city

He dare not think.

He only expected the people in the city to be controlled.

Is this the struggle between the two forces?

Li Chengqian suddenly had a doubt. He wondered what he would do if he handled the matter himself?

He can\'t think of it!

That\'s what I fear most.

As Cheng Yaojin said, he is too emotional and indecisive!

At this time, Cheng Yaojin turned around, patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "Born in the imperial family, no one is cold-blooded, but everyone stands in a different position. Therefore, Chengqian, you should quickly adapt to your identity. Your identity is the crown prince! All indecision will drag you forward and even cause the disaster of the downfall of the Tang Dynasty! So, get strong quickly!"

"After all, we are old!"

Hearing the speech, Li Chengqian\'s look suddenly changed.

Looking at Cheng Yaojin\'s hair floating under his helmet, it had turned gray. He remembered that his father was the same!

"Thank you! Uncle Cheng! I understand!"

"Ha ha... Go, go to the city!"

Cheng Yaojin didn\'t return. He smiled and waved. The crowd slowly escorted hundreds of people into Chang\'an.

"Smash, smash, smash!"

When the heavy city gate was opened slowly, Jia ran and even Cheng Yaojin, who was wearing a mask, walked in front of the people. The long handled battle axe in his hand was horizontal on his side, and bursts of murderous gas broke out leisurely, which shocked those who still didn\'t leave at the city gate.

"What happened?"

"Look! Lord Cheng can\'t take out his weapons 1"

"God! Could he kill all the people in Shilipo?"

"Look at those people behind their horses!"

"Lying in the trough! How can people jump up like zongzi? Is this still what people do?"

"Shit, if Lord Cheng doesn\'t do that, he doesn\'t deserve to be called Lord Cheng!"

"Damn it! Is this a rebellion?"

"If he dares to massacre the people of Datang, he is afraid to rebel!"

Behind Cheng Yaojin, Wei Shuyu also put down the mask, and even Li Chengqian put on a veil!

They are not afraid of these people, but Zhang Feng!

I\'m afraid Zhang Feng will join the fun somewhere in the crowd and see their faces!

At this time, no one in the crowd exclaimed, "look at that veiled man! He\'s the prince!"

"Prince Li Chengqian dares to turn the day into the day..."

"My God! What the hell is this?"

The noise in the crowd, from the initial buzzing to the sight of Li Chengqian, suddenly raised a syllable in their voices, as if they were afraid that others would not know that he was the prince!

Li Chengqian didn\'t even look at those people. He even thought there were flies buzzing in his ears.

After the crowd set foot on Chang\'an City, Cheng Yaojin reined in his horse and waved.

The goalkeeper came in a hurry.

"Ben will ask you, have you given any notice before to ban all the people?"

"Return to your highness, return to the general. This matter has been spread all over Chang\'an City, but these people, for some reason, don\'t want to leave..."


"Didn\'t you hear the order of the guards?"

Cheng Yaojin waved his axe, glanced at the crowd indifferently and asked.

But no one answered him.

"Very good!"


"Prince, if you were me, these people would not return to the house knowing that there was an imperial edict. Instead, they risked their lives and waited here. What do you think these people should do?"

This is a test question.

Li Chengqian understands.

His eyes moved on everyone\'s face, then hugged and said, "tell Uncle Cheng that these people are not ordinary people!"



Cheng Yaojin is interested.

"Look at these people. Although they seem to wear ordinary clothes, their skin is not as dark as those people! This shows that they have not been exposed to much sun. As people, how can they not be exposed to the sun?"


"Congratulations, your highness, you have an epiphany!"

Cheng Yaojin sincerely hugged his fist and asked again, "do you think these people are killed, caught, or released?"



"Come on! I\'ll catch these rogue officials and thieves! In addition, I\'ll strictly investigate everyone in the city and don\'t let go of any house! I\'ll catch all those who have just participated in the robbery outside the city!"
