Great Tang's Unparalleled National Teacher

Chapter 260

Li Shimin heard the speech.

My head is a little dizzy.

"Brother Zhang Feng, you can\'t do this! If you do, Lao Li can\'t live!"

"As you know, it\'s too late for us to get out of the pit now. If the emperor comes to settle accounts after autumn, won\'t I be copied and destroyed?"

Zhang Feng stared.

"Now remember what I said?"

"I told you not to put all your money in. You don\'t listen. What do you do now?"

"The road is blocked by you! What can I do?"

Zhang Feng was speechless.

Logically speaking, the emperor is not a fool!

Guan Long is such a big threat. Doesn\'t he know?

In this way, Datang will play an egg!

The door was blocked every minute.

Zhang Feng comforted:

"But don\'t worry, Lao Li! It\'s not all bad. At least the cooperative and marketing model have been quietly implemented under such high pressure. You didn\'t see the fat man from the big food country today. I almost thought you Lao Li made it!"

"That... That fat man was really arranged by me. He found me before, and I gave him this move. Brother Zhang Feng, what do you think?"

Li Shimin finally found a little pride.


Zhang Feng skimmed his mouth.

"I\'ve told you this thing countless times, and I used it last time on Longyou road. If you can\'t use it at this time, then... You\'re really hopeless! But it\'s just a drop in the bucket. Even if all the people in Chang\'an city participate in the purchase, they still can\'t stop the blockade of Chang\'an by Guan Long Group!"

"Therefore, the key is to fundamentally solve this matter!"

"Have you thought about it?"

Li Shimin could not help but frown slowly.


"Brother Zhang Feng, how do you think I didn\'t think about it? I just thought too much! Do you know how I spent the night last night? In the palace! In the palace, do you know? The big people pressed me too much! But even so, I didn\'t think of a way all night!"

Zhang Feng smelled the speech, touched his chin and asked, "what did the emperor say? Did you see the emperor?"


Li Shimin shook his head like a rattle.

"Although I haven\'t seen the emperor, I heard that the emperor hasn\'t slept for two nights! It\'s estimated that he is also hurting his mind about this matter."

"What the fuck have you been doing?"

Zhang Feng was speechless.

"If he thought of these things at all, he wouldn\'t be so passive now! Shit, I thought he had a layout before, so I mentioned it last time your baby son came. Unexpectedly, it\'s nothing?"

"What does he eat? How long has it been since Tang Jianguo? I forgot the pain so soon?"

Zhang Feng was speechless, and Li Shimin\'s face turned red.

But what can he do?

He really forgot about Guanlong group before, but thought this thing was mutually beneficial. Guanlong should not do it, but he didn\'t expect that Guanlong did it really hard this time!

Shit, you monopolize the economy of Datang. I want to get some money. You have to suppress it. What\'s this?

At this time, Li Shimin has an impulse. If it doesn\'t work, it\'s a big deal. I\'ll shovel it all for you. My Datang will only weaken the economic development for several years. Li Shimin can afford it!

Thinking of this, Li Shimin interrupted Zhang Feng\'s chatter and asked, "brother Zhang Feng, do you think the emperor wants to uproot these guys? That is to say, he sent troops to eradicate them?"


Zhang Feng waved his hand.

"As long as the emperor is not a fool, he will not do such a stupid thing. Think! If the emperor sends troops, the civil strife against Datang will not be Guan long, but the whole western region will be in chaos! Just think about how the previous dynasty died!"

"Guan Long has a long history and has the vast majority of supporters and beneficiaries in all countries, which ensures that he will not be hanged in one place. Once something goes wrong in this place, there will be a reaction in other places in an instant. What are the consequences?"

Hearing the speech, Li Shimin couldn\'t help but burst into a cold sweat.

A touch of sadness flashed in my eyes.

Zhang Feng looked at Li Shimin, shook his head, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Lao Li! Don\'t worry too much about this! The emperor has discretion in this matter, otherwise I can call him an eternal emperor?"

"Well... Brother Zhang Feng, if you were you, what would you do?"

"How to solve this dilemma?"

"Basically, Chang\'an City and all the important economic areas of Datang are basically paralyzed at the same time. If the problem is not solved in a short time, I will not be the only merchant waiting for Datang, but the economic decline of the whole Datang!"

"I really don\'t want to see this!"

Zhang Feng nodded.

He went to the door of the tavern, opened the door, looked around and asked the dog who squatted on the ground and played with the mud to help him look around. Then he returned to Li Shimin and whispered, "actually, I really have a way! It\'s the only way!"