Great Tang's Unparalleled National Teacher

Chapter 256

When all the merchants in Chang\'an city began to panic.

Everyone in Chang\'an city also gradually felt a trace of pressure!

At this point.

In Chang\'an City, even the glass products worth more than ten Liang silver on weekdays, today, the price suddenly plummeted to the freezing point!

Five Liang!

Such shocking things not only did not make people feel boiling, but also felt a trace of terror.

In the Daxing square city of Anding square, at this time, in the square city full of goods, all merchants went to battle in person, blushing and shouting: "come, come, pass by, don\'t miss it! First-class silk half price sale!"

"Quality assurance, benefits for thousands of years!"

"Fellow villagers, I\'m a merchant of Dashi country. Because of some things, all silk products, all satins, all fur, tea and other items are sold at half price! Don\'t miss it when you pass by!"

"The original price of all goods is one or two silver. Now it\'s only 100 Wen! 100 Wen! All villagers, come and have a look!"

And all the people were shocked.

"Lying trough, what\'s the situation???"

"This is NIMA\'s... are these merchants colluding?"

"NIMA... Buy it or not?"

"No... wait, I always feel something wrong!"

There are many people watching, but there are few people who really buy!

It can even be said that everyone tightly covered my money bag for fear that the money bag I had just inflated would be directly set by these bad businessmen because of something.


On hearing the news, the old man who came from the village outside Chang\'an drove his carriage like a patrol, frowned and carried his hands back to slowly select among the silk products he once dared not see.

Early in the morning, he heard that Chang\'an was in chaos. All merchants sold their things at half price, and even some people came directly for half sale and half delivery!

How can he let go of such a good thing?

Looking at the family, those girls to be married, or half-aged boys, are naked every day and have no money to buy!

Even linen clothes are reluctant to buy, but seeing that only rich people can afford to wear these things, they are actually cheaper than linen clothes.

The old clan leader took the shrewd young man of the clan and prepared to come to Chang\'an to hit the big luck.

If so, why not buy some?

The old patriarch lingered in front of each silk stall, compared it in the linen shop, then whirled his hands, picked up a silk cloth, asked in front of a depressed fat man, "shopkeeper, how do you sell this cloth?"

The fat man was desperate.

The trade road outside is blocked.

Moreover, the people who can\'t afford to offend the royal family are blocked. How can he not worry?

Half a day has passed, and he hasn\'t sold a foot of cloth

Seeing these fabrics, he may lose his money, but at this time, someone asked!

All of a sudden, the fat man came to his senses. Looking at all the people who were staring at his "smart" eyes, he turned his eyes, patted his chest and roared, "old man, you really have a good eye!"

"You can see this cloth, fine silk! You are my first guest today. In this way, if you like it, you can give me a price! How about I give you another cloth at your price?"

This Hu merchant has great vision!

Zhang Feng stood in the crowd and couldn\'t help nodding.

In doing business like this, there are quite some sales promotion models in later generations.

Although it seems that he has lost money, it\'s strange that he will lose money as soon as the news gets out!

As long as he can hold down the situation behind him, he can\'t lose much today\'s five carts of silk, satin and cloth!

Just as Zhang Feng was wondering how the fat man would do it.

The old man narrowed his eyes, clenched the brown silk cloth in his hand and asked, "seriously?"

The fat man patted his chest and said, "don\'t worry, father-in-law! I\'m a serious businessman, and I\'m still a hu man. I\'m in a hurry to get back to the food country, so let\'s say nothing about these cloth!"


"Little brother! What you said is true. We only need to say a price for these cloth!?"

"Brother, do you speak properly?"

All the onlookers were shocked and hurried forward. One man grabbed a cloth and roared with red eyes.

The fat man wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "you must know the price of these cloth on weekdays! However, because the unscrupulous Guanlong group wantonly suppressed us, we have nothing to do. Therefore, in order not to lose too much, we have to minimize the price!"

"But don\'t worry! As I said before, the original value of these cloth is above 100 Liang! But now it only needs 10 Liang!"

Hearing the speech, everyone was disappointed.

Even the old patriarch had a deep disappointment in his eyes at this time.

The fat man\'s eyes rolled around all his faces and said, "old man, you are my first guest! I mean what I say! Just say a number! I will give you these two cloths!"


"One word makes four horses chase!"


The old man trembled and stretched out three fingers and said, "50 money?"