Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 933

The problem Li forgets to worry about is actually just a very simple logical reasoning problem.

The correct answer is to ask any gatekeeper at will, "if you ask another gatekeeper, he will tell which door is the real door?"

No matter who answers, the door pointed out by the gatekeeper must be a false door, so you can go through the opposite door smoothly.

Because one of the gatekeepers only told lies, no matter what you ask, the answer you get must be a lie.

Therefore, reverse thinking can deduce the correct result.

A very simple logical reasoning problem, without any technical content, has baffled a large number of Tang people and foreign students.

Whether it is Li Er or Fang Xuanling, these leaders of the court hall, because they have never been exposed to such logical reasoning problems, they will have no clue for a while, but it is also normal.

The time of burning incense flashed by. To everyone\'s disappointment, no one could give the correct answer to this question.

Even if some foreign students can guess which door is the real door, it is meaningless.

This result made more than 100 foreign students frustrated, and the envoys of all countries in the box also looked embarrassed.

Seeing this result, Li Er couldn\'t care to ask what the correct answer was. He just looked at Li forgetful with dissatisfaction, which naturally meant to let Li forgetful clean up the mess.

Today, in any case, we have to accept a disciple among the students from these countries.

In this regard, Li forget worry is also very helpless.

He had reduced the difficulty and didn\'t give any abnormal questions, but unexpectedly, no one could answer them.

Originally, he wanted to "torture" the Japanese, but he planned to work out some primary school Olympic math problems for them to do.

In that case, the result would be even more embarrassing.

Alas, it seems that stupidity is contagious!

Blame those damn Japanese!

If he knew what Li forgot to worry about, he would cry.

It\'s none of their Japanese business!

Just now, he was afraid to go out and shrank behind the crowd for fear of attracting public attention. Among the more than 100 foreign students below, there are only two members of the Tang envoy.

The Japanese who made this magnificent "apprenticeship" have now given up the idea of worshipping Li and forgetting to worry about being a teacher.

Whether it\'s Kengo mitada or pharmacist Huiri, now I just want to be forgotten

Under Li Er\'s dissatisfied eyes, Li forgets to worry. He can only hold his nose and sue for the crime. He goes to the Ballpark in person to prepare for an interview with foreign students and choose one who fits his eyes.

Originally, because they didn\'t answer Li\'s question, they thought that they and others didn\'t have the opportunity to visit their teachers, and they were all frustrated.

The group of foreign students were happy again when they saw Li forget you appear and learned that Li forget you would choose one of them as a disciple.

Although the hope is slim, there is only one percent chance, but it is always a chance.

The crowd saluted Li and greeted him in good manners. Then they arranged themselves in order, looking forward to Li\'s selection.

Looking at the more than 100 people in front of him, Li forgot to worry. At this time, he noticed that there were many blonde students in the crowd.

But it is not surprising that many of the vassal states of the Tang Dynasty are located in Central Asia, and even Siberia.

Only the dress of one of them attracted his attention.

This man is wearing traditional Persian clothes, which is very interesting.

Persians are not uncommon in the Tang Dynasty, and Persian businessmen are also famous and rich in the Tang Dynasty.

But Persia is not a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty. Why do Persian students appear here?

Curious, Li forgot to worry and waved to the Persian student.

"You are a Persian? Why did you become an international student in Datang?"

The young Persian man quickly bowed down and said, "Mr. Hui, I am indeed from the Persian state of elanshaher. I came to Datang with the Persian mission a year ago. Because I admire the culture of Datang, I asked your Majesty the emperor to allow me to study in the Imperial Academy."

"It\'s hard for you to come all the way to Datang to study. What\'s your name?" Li forgets you. It\'s very nice to hear that this Persian young man can come to Datang from far away Persia to study.

"Mr. Hui, my name is Prus. I am the king of elanshahl and the third son of yazdegerd III."

Li forgets to worry. Listening to these foreigners\' names, he only feels headache.

It\'s too long to remember!

He just nodded casually to show that he understood.

In fact, he didn\'t understand what the Persian students said.

Li forgot to worry and looked at others, ready to have a "cordial" conversation. When he randomly chose a person who looked good, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at the Persian student.

"What did you say your name was?"

The Persian young man was a little stunned. He didn\'t understand what Li forgot to worry about, but he replied respectfully: "Mr. Hui, my name is pelus."

"Your father is the king of Persia? Are you the prince of Persia?"

"Yes, I..."

Prussia nodded and was about to answer, but he saw Li forgetful directly patting him on the shoulder: "OK, needless to say. Prussia, would you like to be my disciple?"

"Ah?" Li forgot to worry that the turning point came so fast that he was too frightened to speak for a long time.

Happiness came so suddenly that he was at a loss.

Fortunately, perlus reacted quickly and immediately put on his robe and knelt down: "disciple perlus, meet your teacher."

"Haha, OK, OK, you get up first, and then make up a salute." Li forgets to worry with a smile and helps him up.

All the foreign students were surprised to open their mouths and didn\'t understand what had happened.

So hasty?

So you decided to accept disciples?

Among the more than 100 foreign students, the vast majority had not even had time to say a word with Li forget worry, and the matter was over

Li forgot to worry and ignored the bitterness in the hearts of the foreign students. He directly returned to the box with pelus and solemnly introduced Li Er and the people that the prince of Persia was his new disciple.

Ma Zhou, Yan Liben and others naturally had no opinion. They smiled and saluted each other with burrows. All the martial brothers were happy.

Only little Lori Wu Meiniang, seriously debated the question of address with burrows.

Although she was young, she joined the school earlier than Burroughs, so she insisted that Burroughs call her "elder martial sister".

Although Li Er didn\'t know why Li forgot you chose this person as his disciple, as long as Li forgot you made a choice from foreign students today, his purpose would be achieved and he would explain to envoys of various countries.

As for the Japanese, they can only break their teeth and swallow their blood. There is no need to say more about the grievances and helplessness in their hearts.

I knelt outside the rosefinch door and begged for a long time. What I got was to make wedding clothes for others. Who can understand such sadness.

Naturally, they don\'t know why Li forget you took the Persian prince as an apprentice