Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 900

In Jiulong County, at the critical juncture of the Liao people\'s attack on the city, they were deliberately set on fire. Obviously, someone did it deliberately.

Needless to say, its purpose is to cooperate with the staff outside the city to attack the city and deliberately create chaos in the city.

However, the bureaucrats who took the opportunity to attack the county outside the city were frightened and fled in a hurry because of the variable of the explosive bag made by Li forgetful.

After the crisis in Jiulong County was relieved, Li forgot to worry and ordered the two brigade commanders of the government soldiers to arrange the wall defense, so he led Niu Wu and others to check the fire in the city.

When he found Dugu Feng, he saw that the Jiulong County Magistrate was covered with dirt, and his light green official clothes were also full of holes by sparks.

"Dugu Mingfu, how about the loss?"

Dugu Feng saw that Li forgot to worry and bowed quickly: "I\'m glad Wang Sima organized people nearby to carry materials for the government soldiers. He led the people to arrive in time, so that the fire didn\'t spread. After the officer came, he organized people to put out the fire."

Li forgot to worry about this and noticed that beside Dugu Feng, there was a middle-aged man whose face was covered with black dust and even his beard was scorched. Unexpectedly, it was Wang Yichun, the Sima of Yizhou metropolitan governor\'s office, whom he didn\'t like to see.

When Wang Yichun saw Li forgetful looking at him, he quickly showed a flattering smile. On his dark face, only a pat of white teeth appeared, which made Li forgetful very funny.

Wang Yichun, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, actually led a crowd of people to put out the fire today, which made Li forget worry a lot less bad about him.

"Wang Sima worked hard."

Wang Yichun quickly bowed and saluted: "you\'re welcome, sir. The lower officer just happened to be at his meeting. He was organizing people to carry rolling wood and stone nearby. When he saw that the granary was on fire, he hurriedly led the people to put out the fire. It\'s a shame that the lower officer, as a Sima, didn\'t dare to supervise the war on the city wall. He can only do small things within his power."

Li forgot to worry, smiled and nodded: "when things happen here, our guild will ask for merit for Wang Sima."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Dugu Feng had already led the scribes in the county government to check the losses in the granary and came back to report to Li forgetful.

"Grandpa, the official has just led people to check. The food loss is not big. About dozens of stones were burned. It\'s not a big problem."

"That\'s good. What\'s the situation at the county government?"

"Back to the Lord, the county government is not a big problem. It seems that the arsonists just wanted to cause chaos in the city and didn\'t intend to save the staff locked in the prison, so they just burned some government buildings."

Li forgot to worry and was very happy.

Fortunately, the Liao people attacked the city today. Niu Wu and the Zhang brothers have carried all the finished explosive bags to the city wall.

Otherwise, if the explosives are stored in the county government, it will be difficult to clean up.

However, he agreed with Dugu Feng that the purpose of those who set fire in Jiulong County today was not to burn food or save those captured by the Liao people, but only to cooperate with the Liao people outside the city to attack the city and set fire in the city, causing panic.

But the arsonist did not expect that the explosive bag made by Li forget worry would make those bureaucrats attack the city a joke.

And he set fire in the city, which was completely in vain, but exposed himself.

Li forgets to worry about the things that the staff prisoner told him yesterday. He is not moved. He asks: "Dugu Mingfu, are there many squires and rich businessmen in Jiulong County?"

Dugu Feng shook his head: "this county is a lower county with a population of less than 1000 households. There are only more than ten gentry and rich businessmen in the city."

Li forgot to worry and nodded slightly.

The fire in the city today confirmed his suspicion that the people who colluded with the Liao tribe are now in Jiulong County!

The Liao prisoner confessed that the mysterious man in silk made Li forget you have reason to suspect that the mysterious man was a squire and rich businessman in Jiulong County.

He thought about it, but he didn\'t understand the purpose of the Liao people to make a riot and attack Jiulong County.

But in any case, what can be involved with Jiulong County must be the local giants in Jiulong County.

There must be something hidden in it that Li forgets worry and even Dugu Feng, the magistrate of Jiulong County, doesn\'t know. Only then can the mysterious man take risks and cooperate with the staff to break Jiulong County to achieve his goal.

Li forgot his worries and thought for a long time, but he came up with a way that was not a way.

"Dugu Mingfu, today is another great victory. How about the Mingfu choose a restaurant in the city to entertain the squires and rich businessmen in Jiulong County to celebrate today\'s victory?"

Dugu Feng was slightly stunned when he heard this, and he didn\'t quite understand Li forgetful.

Now there are thousands of bureaucrats besieging the city outside the city. At this time, entertain the squires and rich businessmen in the city?

Immediately, he suddenly realized: "Grandpa wants to..."

Before he finished, Li forgot to worry and nodded, indicating that he didn\'t have to go on.

"Well, I understand. I\'ll send someone to invite those squires." Dugu Feng and Li forget you looked at each other and saw each other\'s thoughts from each other\'s eyes.

Li\'s idea of forgetting worry is very simple. It must be that the mysterious man did not expect that his whereabouts would be bumped into by a staff member, let alone that the staff member was captured by Jiulong County.

In this way, the most straightforward way is to let the officer be captured and recognize him face to face.

As long as the staff can identify which squire and rich businessman in Jiulong County is the Tang man he met that day, he can easily catch the behind the scenes man.

Dugu Feng, the magistrate of Jiulong County, was also a wonderful person. He immediately understood Li\'s idea of forgetting worry.

Wang Yichun didn\'t understand the conversation, but he didn\'t care about it. After Dugu Feng left to arrange these matters, Wang Yichun also said goodbye to Li forgetful and went back to the hotel to wash and change.

Sima, the governor of Yizhou, was trapped in Jiulong County and lived in a hostel in the city.

Seeing that the city had stabilized and that the conspiracy of the behind the scenes man had not succeeded, Li forgot to worry and led Niu Wu and others back to the city wall.

He needs to take care of the rest of the explosive packs. If they are improperly stored and accidentally detonated, he will have a lot of fun.

These explosive bags are dangerous goods. Li forget worry naturally can\'t take them back to the hotel.

After much thought, he decided that it would be better to entrust all the explosive bags to the care of the government soldiers.

After ordering people to find the two brigade commanders of the government soldiers, Li forgetful told them how to store these explosive bags.

These two brigade commanders, who are on the wall today, have been convinced by the power of the explosive bag.

Hearing that Li forgot to worry about giving these sacred objects to them for safekeeping, they naturally patted their chest and promised that they would send the most elite soldiers to take care of these thunderbolts and thunder, and there would be no mistake.

Li Qieyou also believes them. If even the government soldiers can\'t keep these explosive bags, he has no one else to believe.

After ordering the government soldiers to carefully remove the explosive bags, one of the brigade marshals sighed: "if there had been a thunderbolt that shocked the sky and thunder, I wouldn\'t have suffered such a big loss in Songzhou."

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech, but asked curiously, "aren\'t you the soldiers of Pengzhou? Why, have you ever stationed in Songzhou?"

(there may be only one change today. Improving the plot is definitely not because of playing games!)