Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 827

Looking at the sky, Li forgets to worry and orders Niu Wu to arrange for someone to go to the ferry again to see if he can cross the river today.

They were trapped in Fenglingdu for three days. It\'s estimated that Huayin county can\'t hide it?

He didn\'t expect that he would be trapped on the North Bank of the Yellow River by the rainstorm when he slipped out with Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

Li forgets to worry more about whether the letter he ordered someone to risk sending across the river was sent to Chang\'an city.

The dandies have long been bored in the Fengling ferry. They are trapped in the hostel by the rainstorm every day. They can\'t go anywhere, which makes everyone very depressed.

If I had known this, I might as well stay in Huayin county.

However, let Li forget worry and the dandies did not expect that the episode of going to the ferry to check the situation had not come back, and there was a dense sound of Horseshoes in the street outside the hotel.

Chumo listens, but his face changes slightly: "Ziyou, how can you be like the soldiers of the forbidden army? Only the forbidden army can make such a neat hoof sound."

The dandies looked at each other and looked at Li Chengqian and Li Tai. Why are there forbidden troops at Fenglingdu? Are they looking for the prince and the king of Yue?

Before Li forgot to worry and asked people to go out to have a look at the situation, he saw the innkeeper stumble in and breathlessly report: "gentlemen, there are a large group of forbidden troops outside, which surrounded the next hotel, but come to find the noble people?"

Li forgot to worry and said to himself that his letter should have been delivered.

But why didn\'t Li Er send someone to Xuzhou for disaster relief and bring the forbidden army to Fenglingdu? I\'m afraid he\'ll take Li Chengqian and Li Tai with him. What\'s wrong?

Li Qieyou and others hurried out of the hotel. The scene in front of them startled everyone.

The long street outside the hostel has been blocked by the heavily armed forbidden army, driving away all the spectators.

In front of the forbidden army, there are a full set of honor guards for the founding Hou, the prince and the king of Yue

The first person was Mito, an old acquaintance.

Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help touching his nose. He thought, what does Li Er mean? What\'s the matter with such a blatant display of honor?

In the crowd, Li Qieyou also saw the figure of Alfred. He was embarrassed to spit out his tongue and secretly pointed to Mito in front. Naturally, it meant that the matter had been exposed.

When Mituo saw Li QIAOYOU, Li Chengqian and Li Tai, he bowed and saluted first, and then took out a roll of silk yellow paper from his arms.

"Hu County, Kaiguo County, Hou Li forgot to worry and received the imperial edict!"

Li forgot to worry and quickly bowed to salute, listening to Mito read out his will.

I have to say that Li Er\'s will surprised Li QIAOYOU.

According to his will, Li Er sealed Li QIAOYOU as the dethroning envoy of Henan Province, and immediately went to Daoxu Prefecture, Henan Province to inspect and deal with the flood disaster.

To his surprise, Li Er asked him to take Prince Li Chengqian and Li Tai together to experience the suffering of the people.

The dandies were all arranged to go to Henan road together with Li forgetful.

This will made Li forget worry a little unprepared. He never thought that he would warn Li Er of the flood in Xuzhou. As a result, the task of disaster relief would fall on him.

In his secret play to Li Er, in order to make Li Er believe in the Xuzhou flood, he shamelessly borrowed daozutuomeng\'s words.

Anyway, he can\'t think of any other reason. Since he has used it once, he can use it again.

If Li Er doesn\'t believe it, go to his ancestors for verification.

Li Qieyou didn\'t know that only one of the two boatmans who risked their lives to cross the Yellow River successfully arrived at Tongguan and submitted a letter. The ship of another boatman was washed downstream by the turbulent river.

After seeing Li\'s letter, Tongguan Duwei dared not neglect it. He immediately ordered someone to whip up and send Li\'s secret play to Chang\'an city.

Even if there was a rainstorm blocking the road, the messenger sent by Tongguan ran all the way and changed the horses in the post station every 20 miles. He braved the rainstorm and ran more than 200 miles before dark. He sent Li forgetful\'s secret play to Chang\'an City and put Li Er\'s imperial case on the table.

Li Er was skeptical about the flood in daoxuzhou, Henan Province, as Li forgot his worries and said in his secret play.

Li Er doesn\'t believe what Li forgets to worry about. The last time the aristocratic family attacked and wanted Li Er to condemn himself, he suspected that Li forgot to worry about ghosts, but there was no evidence.

But Li Er couldn\'t completely disbelieve what Li forgot to worry about.

After all, his nephew, though mysterious, had never joked about such a big event.

Li Er thought for a moment, then ordered someone to invite Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and eldest sun Wuji to show them Li forgetful\'s secret play and want to see their opinions.

After Fang Xuanling and others have seen the secret play, they are also skeptical.

"Your Majesty, as you can see, you must guard against what the Marquis of Huxian County played. If there is a flood in Xuzhou, you estimate that there will be news from the governor of Xuzhou within four or five days. But anyway, you\'d better prepare early." Fang Xuanling is a very safe person, and his speech is smooth and watertight.

Du Ruhui nodded gently and agreed.

The eldest sun Wuji thought about it, but said, "if your majesty ordered the Marquis of Huxian county to dethrone the envoy of Henan Dao and ordered him to go to Henan Dao immediately. If Xuzhou really has a flood, the Marquis of Huxian county can also make a quick decision to save the people and water and fire."

"Duke Zhao, this is a good way. I agree with you!"

Seeing that his three confidants had such opinions, Li Er immediately made up his mind and decided to appoint Li forgetful to be the dethroning envoy of Henan Province.

Dethroning Zhishi is not an official position, but an envoy position.

The bureaucratic system of the Tang Dynasty is divided into titles, casual officials, official officials, honorary officials and envoys.

In short, titles and casual officials represent the level of officials. Post officials are specific positions of officials. Medal officials are honorary awards used to commend people with military merit, making Posts similar to special commissioners. They have no level and treatment, but they can directly deal with specific affairs, that is, they have power.

Li Qieyou\'s title is the founding Marquis, and his scattered official is doctor Yinqing Guanglu, from the third grade, which is his treatment and status.

And his position, that is, the official, is the county lieutenant of Huayin county.

The scattered officials decided Li\'s status and official clothes, so he went in and out of the County Yamen in purple official clothes in Huayin county. How can Shang Zimo and others in green official clothes not feel very painful.

Changsun Wuji proposed to depose Zhishi, that is, the post.

Dethroning Zhishi is equivalent to the Tang version of "Imperial Envoys", and even has greater power.

"Dethrone" means to denounce and abolish, "Zhi" means to be promoted.

Therefore, in the name of patrolling, appeasing and appeasing, dethroning Zhishi is a hunting patrol on behalf of heaven. He has the right to reward and punish officials in the inspection area. He can even "act expediently" and act first and then. His right is not great.

The reason why Li Er adopted the opinion of changsun Wuji was also out of loving Li and forgetting his worries.

If what Li forget you said is right, it is just right. It can let Li forget you make a quick decision and deal with the flood. He still trusts Li\'s ability to forget his worries.

If what Li forgets you has said is not true, it will also avoid the uproar in the court, so that those who want to impeach Li forgets you and create rumors.

Although he and Li forget you were not very happy because of Changle\'s marriage, Li Er still maintained Li forget you very much