Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 711

"Later, she went to Tibet to support education." the beautiful boss continued: "A year later, when she appeared in front of me again, the whole person was almost unrecognizable to me. Although she turned a lot darker on the outside, the more important thing was her spirit. Forget worry, do you understand that feeling? It was like a completely changed person, full of confidence and happiness. I asked her why she had such a big change. She said she felt it when she was teaching She has the happiness and satisfaction of being respected, needed and cared for, which she has never experienced in her life before, so she feels confident and happy. "

Li forgot to worry a little confused and looked at Su Changqing: "Changqing, what exactly do you mean?"

The beautiful boss pestled him on the forehead with his slender fingers: "you\'re stupid. I mean, since you can\'t think of what to do for the time being, you\'d better teach."


"Yes, since you want to do something for Datang, it\'s better to teach and educate people. You can\'t change this era, it\'s better to change a person\'s destiny. Isn\'t it also meaningful? Have you forgotten that sentence? Knowledge changes destiny! Hee hee, although you are a scum, you can be a teacher in Datang. Ma Zhou and Yan Liben are not fooled by you Are you lame? "The beautiful boss smiled.

Li forgot to worry and said, "can you chat? What\'s flicker? It\'s clear that they are begging for nothing and want to worship me as a teacher. Anyway, you mean I take more disciples?"

The beauty boss was speechless and turned his eyes: "you\'re stupid. Why do you accept disciples? I mean to ask you to run a school. Speaking of it, Dingzhou village doesn\'t even have a private school yet. It\'s good for you to watch those bear children running wildly in the village all day? At this age of later generations, they have already gone to school."

After hearing what the beauty boss said, Li forgets worry. He is embarrassed and mumbles, "don\'t be kidding, Changqing. I\'ll run the school. If my primary school head teacher hears this, I think his big teeth will have to laugh off?"

He doesn\'t think he can run any school. Isn\'t that a joke?

A scum from two universities came to Datang for education?

The beauty boss glared at him: "what\'s wrong? Don\'t forget that Li Chengqian and Li Tai are learning from you, as well as Ma Zhou and Yan Liben. In that case, why not be a teacher for those bear children?"

Li forgot his worries and said nothing. He looked up at the ceiling for a long time and finally nodded: "OK, let\'s try. It\'s just a mistake for people\'s children."

Anyway, Datang is now illiterate everywhere. He dares to be an emperor teacher. It shouldn\'t be a big deal to teach a group of bear children. Li forget worry also agrees with what the beauty boss just said. Since knowledge changes fate, he might as well try to see if he can change the fate of some bear children.

"Since we want to open a school, we\'ll simply free all the expenses. I\'ll take charge of the students\' clothing, food, housing and transportation. Let the bear children in the village go to school. The accommodation system is to go home every ten days. What do you think?" Li forgot to worry about it and discussed with her boss.

"Naturally, how many students are you going to enroll?"

"Let\'s take a hundred people first and try again," Li said

The beauty boss asked again, "where are you going to run the school?"

Li forgot to worry about the land on both sides of the Gan River he asked Li Er for before. He couldn\'t help laughing and said, "it\'s next to Dingzhou village. Some time ago, Li Shimin rewarded me 10000 mu of land because of the potato. It\'s next to the Gan River. First take out 100 mu of land to build the school. If the school wants to expand in the future, there\'s enough land."

In this regard, the beauty boss naturally has no opinion.

When they decided to build the school, they both became interested. Then they found paper and pen and began to write and draw on it to figure out how to build the school.

Playground runway, canteen, dormitory, teaching building, swimming pool, racecourse, archery field, auditorium, lake, lawn

The two of them are like finding fun toys, but they can paint them on the paper with their own imagination and intention. Li forgetful worry cheated more than 100000 liang of gold from the aristocratic family, and didn\'t treat money as money. The school\'s planning drawings are designed as they want.

Li forget worry and Su Changqing began to plan the school drawings at noon, but they were in high spirits until they turned on the lights.

Li forgot to worry and stretched his waist with satisfaction. He looked at the sketch that was beginning to take shape in front of him. It was called satisfaction in his heart.

The beauty boss looked at the sketch, but suddenly burst into laughter.

"Changqing, what are you laughing at?"

"Hee hee, I remember you said you only planned to accept 100 students?"

"Hmm? What\'s the matter?"

The beauty boss pointed to the sketch and asked, "look how big the school we designed is? Not to mention 100 students, I\'m afraid it can fit ten times more. Is this a little exaggerated?"

Li Qieyou was stunned. It seems so.

If the school is built according to this sketch, I\'m afraid thousands of mu of land may not be enough. It seems too exaggerated. This scale is comparable to the scale of later universities. However, looking at the sketch, he is reluctant to revise the painstaking efforts of himself and his beautiful boss.

Li forgot to worry, touched his nose and couldn\'t help laughing: "big is big. Anyway, our family has both land and money. Maybe we will recruit more students in the future."

The beauty boss asked, "what about the school teacher? How are you going to solve it?"

Li forgot to worry. He didn\'t think about the teacher. He was stunned for a while before he replied uncertainly: "recruit from Chang\'an City and give more wages. Won\'t you be unable to recruit people?"

The beauty boss glanced at him: "are you going to find some old professors to teach those students? What\'s the difference between that and a private school? Why spend so much money on this school?"

Li forgets to worry and can\'t help but be dumbfounded. What the beautiful boss said is not wrong.

But there is no solution to this. He can\'t go back to later generations to recruit a group of teachers to work in Datang, can he? It\'s impossible for him to teach so many students alone. He can\'t do it even if he\'s tired.

Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t think of a solution. He simply played a rogue and spread his hands: "Changqing, what do you say? I\'ll listen to you."

"You\'re stupid. You see, now that Chunwei is around the corner, there are a lot of scholars in Chang\'an city. Won\'t all of them succeed in the exam?"

Li forgot to worry and nodded: "that\'s natural. Although the imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty is not as abnormal as that in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, only 30% or 40% can pass the examination. You mean, I\'ll recruit those students who failed the examination to come back as teachers? But are they different? Do you expect these scholars to teach the students we imagine?"

The beauty boss said with a smile, "did you forget what was the first thing you did when you just graduated from college?"

"Hmm? What is it?" Li forgot to worry, and then suddenly said, "you mean pre job vocational training?"

"Bingo, Congratulations, correct answer!"