Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 672

Li forgot to worry and ran back to Dingzhou village to have a free day. Even the scholar who grabbed the ball newspaper in the Royal Baseball League couldn\'t wait to open the paper and read it carefully.

This is a bad thing. Why is there no "Li Tianshou" article on today\'s ball newspaper?

The scholar thought he had missed something. He carefully read several articles in the ball newspaper from beginning to end, but there was still no article signed "Li Tianshou" he was looking for.

After reading it several times, the man finally confirmed that today\'s ball newspaper did not have the article of "Li Tianshou", so he couldn\'t help scolding: "why doesn\'t this ball newspaper have Li Tianshou\'s ball review?"

There was a group of people around. They were all dumbfounded when the scholar read Li Tianshou\'s article to everyone.

what? No article by Li Tianshou?

How can this be?

How can they buy lottery tickets without Li Tianshou\'s article?

Countless people still point to Li Tianshou\'s ball review to make a small fortune. How can he not?

Finally, there are such interesting things as the baseball league in Chang\'an city. People talk about those games in their spare time. But now we don\'t know much about these 22 forbidden army batting teams. Naturally, we need a great God like "Li Tianshou" to guide us.

Tang people are fond of gambling. This is an interesting gambling project. Although it is only three competition days, it has a large number of fans who buy lottery tickets.

In the hearts of these people, the name Li Tianshou is now shining, and countless people are staring at his articles.

But now it\'s gone if it\'s gone. Why do people feel embarrassed?

"Lang Jun, have you seen clearly? Is there really no article by Li Tianshou?"

"Why? Why doesn\'t this global newspaper dare not publish Mr. Li\'s article? There must be something fishy in it!"

"Aren\'t you talking nonsense? Mr. Li\'s prediction must be too accurate and he didn\'t dare to publish the ball newspaper. You guys, think about it, Mr. Li nodded:" yes, it must be so! The ball newspaper is so mean that he used such a dirty means! "

Suddenly someone cheered: "no, I\'ll go to the Jokhang ballpark and ask for an explanation! I\'ll see Li Tianshou\'s article!"

"Let\'s go, let\'s go, let the Jokhang ballpark give me an explanation!"

There are similar scenes everywhere in Chang\'an city. Those people who have read the latest issue of the ball newspaper are furious. As soon as they quarrel with each other, they shout to each other and go to the Jokhang ballpark to ask for an explanation