Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 606

For the dissatisfaction of Yangzhou Chaoji envoy, Li forgets worry. He is too lazy to answer, so he turns around and plans to leave.

Tang Dynasty set envoys are generally stabbing envoys or other local senior officials. They mainly represent the state and county to participate in various ceremonial activities in the court, deal with the examination of local officials, bring local tribute scholars to Beijing to participate in the imperial examination, and convey the public opinion of the state and county.

The Yangzhou Chaoji envoy is an official post under the five grades of Yangzhou don\'t drive.

Seeing that Li forgot his worries and was leaving, the Yangzhou Chaoji envoy was still reluctant to let go, raised his voice and asked, "I dare to ask Huxian uncle, but what are the defects of the Jiangxin mirror I paid tribute to Yangzhou that made Huxian uncle laugh? Please point out one or two!"

His words naturally attracted the attention of many people in the hall. Even Li Er, who was above the imperial rank, cast his eyes to explore what had happened.

Li forgot to worry. He didn\'t want to do much. His laughter just now has nothing to do with the Jiangxin mirror, which pays tribute to Yangzhou.

However, the reluctance of the Yangzhou Chaoji envoy made him a little annoyed.

Li Qieyou turned around and smiled calmly: "this river center mirror is very good and exquisite. This lion dragon mirror, surrounded by four lion dragons, has different postures and unique charm. It can be said that it is a cast mirror in Guangling city. It is made in a water chestnut box. But..."

In front of him, he listened to the Yangzhou Chaoji envoy nodding again and again, thinking that this was Li forgetful\'s words of supplication and apology in disguise. In particular, the sentence "cast mirror Guangling City, Linghua box hair" made him excited with joy.

But Li forgot to worry and followed this sentence "but", which made his smile freeze again.

"But what?"

Li Qieyou raised his eyebrows: "but you seem to have forgotten what the purpose of the bronze mirror is."

"Hmm? What does Huxian uncle mean by this?" Yangzhou Chaoji envoy doesn\'t know why.

Li forgets to worry just about to reply that the most basic function of the mirror is to take a clear picture of people, but when he spoke, he suddenly saw Li Er on the imperial step and couldn\'t help making a mischief.

"If you use copper as a mirror, you can correct your clothes; if you use ancient times as a mirror, you can know the rise and fall; if you use people as a mirror, you can know the gains and losses." Li forgets to worry and said, "don\'t you understand the use of copper mirrors?"

What he said was pure mischief.

Because the "original author" of this remark was Li Er himself above the imperial rank. This remark was made by Li Er after the death of Wei Zheng in the 17th year of Zhenguan. As a result, Li Qieyou shamelessly copied it in advance.

Yangzhou Chaoji envoy was stunned by Li forgetful\'s words.

Huxianbo\'s words seem to be very high. Taking copper as the mirror, history as the mirror and people as the mirror, the summary is quite thorough.

All the officials around who were watching the excitement were shocked by Li forgetful\'s words and began to lower their heads to ponder the meaning.

Hearing his speech, Li Er, who was above the imperial rank, stepped down quickly and was very excited: "OK! Ziyou said this to my heart! Taking copper as a mirror can correct my clothes; taking ancient times as a mirror can know the rise and fall; taking people as a mirror can clarify the gains and losses. These three mirrors are really wonderful!"

Li forgot to worry and smiled secretly. Isn\'t this nonsense? That\'s what you said yourself. I just said it for you in advance.

"Mituo, get the paper and pen!" Li Er read it several times, but he didn\'t feel satisfied. He immediately asked Mituo to get the paper and pen, and directly wrote it in his own handwriting.

"Good! Ziyou is so kind! Mito, mount this picture for me and hang it in the legislative palace. I want to figure it out every day and save me." Li Er continued to command.

Seeing Li Er praising Li forgetful worry so much, it attracted the admiration of all the officials in the hall.

This Huxian uncle is really amazing. A casual word can attract the sage\'s attention. It\'s really a talent of heaven.

And his words, since Li Er appreciated them so much, naturally they were firmly remembered in the bottom of his heart by the ministers, and he planned to think about them carefully after going back.

Li forgot to worry. Unexpectedly, he just made fun of Li Er and gave his words to "piracy" in advance. He even pretended to force

After appreciating the words he wrote, Li Er waved to Mituo and looked back at Li forgetful with a smile: "Ziyou, don\'t talk about your left and right. Since you say you can dress properly with copper as a mirror, I ask you, what\'s the problem with the Jiang state of mind of tribute from Yangzhou?"

Yangzhou Chaoji envoy just reacted. He was fooled by Li forget you\'s words just now. He was still thinking about taking history as a mirror and people as a mirror, but he forgot to ask Li forget you what it had to do with the purpose of the bronze mirror?

Reminded by Li Er, the Yangzhou Chaoji envoy came back and looked at Li forgetful: "Huxian uncle, what you just said is really thought-provoking and admirable. But what does it have to do with the purpose of the bronze mirror? What\'s wrong with my Yangzhou tribute mirror?"

Li forgot to worry and smiled: "with copper as a mirror, you can straighten your clothes, but the key is to shine clearly. But when I look at Yangzhou tribute mirror, the mirror is not very clear and the light is blurred. How can you straighten your clothes?"

His words immediately made Yangzhou Chaoji envoy anxious: "Huxian uncle, how dare you humiliate my Yangzhou tribute mirror? Look at the bronze mirrors of various states on the hall. Are there clearer than my Yangzhou tribute mirror?"

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with his words. Among the hundreds of bronze mirrors in the hall, Yangzhou tribute mirrors should be the first. Not only the workmanship is exquisite, but also the mirror is polished the brightest.

Li forgot to worry and nodded: "yes, if you take the bronze mirror in the hall, Yangzhou tribute mirror is the best. But..."

Yangzhou Chaoji envoy turned his eyes directly. Sure enough, it was "but"

He asked directly, "but what?"

"Hey, hey, but it\'s far worse than the mirror I\'m going to give to your majesty."

Li forgot to worry about this, which made Yangzhou Chaoji envoy anxious: "Huxian uncle, be careful! How dare you boast so much?"

Even Li Er on one side could not help shaking his head: "Ziyou, don\'t talk such a big story. In Chang\'an City, you really can\'t find a better craftsman than Yangzhou. Where can you make a better bronze mirror than Yangzhou tribute mirror?"

Cheng Yaojin, an old man, was too busy to watch the excitement. He gathered together and said, "Wow, hahaha, Ziyou, I don\'t believe you! But since you say so, I\'m sure you can offer your Majesty\'s bronze mirror. I\'ll judge you and see how it compares with Yangzhou Tribute mirror."

Cheng Yaojin\'s words also made the officials in the hall nod again and again. Even Li Er nodded slightly, indicating that Li forgets sorrow and can send his bronze mirror first.

In this regard, Li forget worry can only helplessly shrug his shoulders: "since uncle Cheng said so, the little nephew will send his own bronze mirror. Please see uncle and the public. How about this Jiangxin mirror."

Before long, an eye popping scene appeared.

The bronze mirrors of the Tang Dynasty are almost the same size. The largest bronze mirror unearthed in later generations, the big Pisces pattern bronze mirror, is only 43 cm in diameter and weighs 12 kg. After all, making a copper mirror requires a lot of copper materials. Coupled with the limitations of the manufacturing process, it is impossible for a copper mirror with too large volume to appear.

The bronze mirror that Li forgets to worry about to present to Li Er was carried up to the hall by several palace attendants. The size startled everyone