Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 491

In fact, Li\'s 300 mu paddy field has entered the ripening stage a few days ago and must start harvesting.

At the end of rice ripening stage, the husk of rice turns yellow, the moisture of rice grains decreases and hardens, which is the best harvest time of rice. If this period is missed, rice will enter the dry ripening period, which will not only reduce the yield, but also deteriorate the quality of rice.

But at this time, spring wheat is cultivated in Guanzhong road of Datang. It is sown in March and April every year, and the growth period is more than 200 days. The harvest does not begin until October of golden autumn.

If winter wheat is planted in Shaanxi in the future, the growth period will be as long as 300 days. It will be cultivated from August to December every year and harvested from May to July next year.

Laocun Zheng has never planted rice. Unexpectedly, the maturity of rice only takes about five months, that is, more than 150 days.

If he hadn\'t walked around Li\'s 300 mu rice field every few days, I\'m afraid he would have missed the best harvest time of rice.

Li Qieyou led the crowd, rode slowly, passed through the green wheat fields in Dingzhou village, and arrived at the 300 mu rice field by the Gan River. Everyone was shocked by the golden rice field in front of them.

Looking around, the eyes are full of heartbreaking golden waves, which are more and more dazzling in the sunlight.

Regardless of the dirty rice field, Li er jumped down directly from the horse\'s back, grabbed a bunch of ears of wheat, directly rolled the husk with his palm, threw the rice grain into his mouth and chewed it a few times.

"Ziyou, you really didn\'t cheat me. The rice field is ripe and should be harvested."

"Hey, uncle, look at this rice field. My nephew is in a mess?" Li forgot to worry and pointed to the golden rice field, very proud.

How dare the group of woodlouse dare not believe in Sir Alex?

Li forget worry is very proud and charming, waiting for the worship of Li Er and others with joy.

But unexpectedly, Li Er Leng snorted: "hum, you bastard, what kind of good rice field have you dug up? 90% of the land can be used to grow rice. Aren\'t you wasting it? It\'s ridiculous that the rice field is used to raise fish! Remember not to make such nonsense in the future. Farming concerns the people all over the world and can\'t be ignored!"

Li forgot to worry about being taught a lesson by Li Er. He was stunned. Where and where are these special meows?

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and some other bigwigs were also trying to persuade: "son worry, agriculture, the great cause of the world. Agriculture is the foundation of the country. It can not be underestimated, let alone trifled with."

"Huxian Bo, agriculture, the foundation of the world, is very important. The major event of the people is agriculture. Remember, remember!"

Cheng Yaojin grinned: "boy, I\'ve lived all my life. For the first time, I\'ve seen someone dig a rice field like this. I heard you let someone raise fish in it? Wow, hahaha, I\'m really open my eyes today!"

Li Qieyou is completely ignorant. Who are these people?

He is too lazy to continue talking nonsense. Let\'s talk with facts and let Li Er know what the "true fragrance" law is!

"Old village, let someone prepare fishing nets. First dig the ditches in these acres! I want to collect fish! By the way, bring me a big scale and weigh how many fish can come out of one mu of field later."

The old village immediately responded, found the farmers, spread the fishing net at the outlet of the paddy canal according to Li forgetful\'s instructions, and then dug the canal to discharge water.

Li Er is too lazy to continue to teach Li to forget his worries. In his opinion, young Lang, it would be better to suffer some setbacks. When he knew that fish could not be raised in the paddy field, he would not do so in the future.

When Li Qieyou ordered people to dig a water channel for drainage and fishing, he stood aside with Fang Xuanling and others, and they talked and laughed, waiting to see Li Qieyou\'s jokes.

Even Li Er has figured out how to educate the boy later to let him know that farming can\'t be fooled.

After the canal was dug, the water in the canal immediately gushed out to the Gan River along the gap.

Cheng Yaojin stood by the drainage outlet, talking and laughing with Qin Qiong. Li forgets to worry about his fantasies. Suddenly, he saw the fish swimming out along the current and was startled.

"Fish, fish, a lot of fish!"

With Cheng Yaojin\'s cry, the drain of the canal was immediately surrounded by Li Er and a group of princes. Those dandies wanted to squeeze over to see what happened, but they had no place to stand.

"Oh, there are so many fish in this canal? Tut Tut, it\'s really fat!"

"Am I dazzled? I\'m afraid such a big fish doesn\'t have to weigh three or four kilograms?"

"Is there really a fish? Can this fish be raised like this?"

With the continuous discharge of water from rice fields and canals, more and more fish are caught in fishing nets.

Catfish, silver carp, silver carp, crucian carp, carp... All kinds of fish are quite large, bouncing and struggling in the fishing net.

Old Murakami was already stunned by the fish. He never saw so many fish caught in the net once.

Li Heng, the old housekeeper, was so anxious that he jumped to his feet that he constantly shouted to several farmers who pulled the fishing net: "be careful, pull it! Don\'t let the fish run away!"

Seeing that there were too many fish in the fishing net, Li forgot to worry. For fear that the farmers couldn\'t hold it, he quickly asked the episode behind him to help.

With the concerted efforts of the people, a quarter of an hour later, the water in the canal was finally drained, but the fishing net was full of fish.

Li Er was so frightened by the scene that he couldn\'t close his mouth.

In Datang, where artificial fish culture has not been popularized, who has ever seen so many fish can be caught once.

Fang Xuanling didn\'t care what he had said before. He urged the people to lift up the fishing net and weigh it. He can\'t wait to know how many fish are raised in this mu of rice field.

The old village immediately asked the farmer to bring a bamboo basket to hold fish. The big bamboo basket was actually full of four baskets.

The weighing result surprised Li Er and Fang Xuanling.

More than 300 kilograms of fish!

And this is just the harvest of one mu of paddy field.

Li two, Fang Xuanling and others, at this time, not from the old face red...... just now everyone\'s words with certainty, Lee forgot his worries, said he did not pass the farming, digging ditches and fish farming in the paddy fields, was a mess.

But unexpectedly, a moment later, the people were beaten in the face by the fish of more than 300 kilograms.

What is the concept that only 10% of the land is missing, but you can get more than 300 kilograms of fish... Now in Datang, the harvest of rice fields is only more than 300 kilograms per mu.

Those fields that grow wheat have lower harvests.

Later historians inferred from historical books that the yield of rice per mu in the Tang Dynasty was 1.5 stone and that of wheat was 1 stone.

Made in Tang Dynasty, one stone weighs about 50 kg, 100 kg.

In this way, the fish raised in one mu of rice field will harvest about three stones. It\'s amazing that it\'s twice the output of rice and three times the harvest of wheat.

When a bunch of people were surprised to lose their chin, Li forgot to worry, but he was still a little disappointed.

But he remembered that later generations of rice field fish farming could collect more than 700 kilograms of fish. His rice field fish harvest was less than half that of later generations. It was really not very good.

He doesn\'t think about how developed agricultural breeding technology will be in the future. Super hybrid rice, the highest yield per mu has reached 1149 kg! It is ten times the rice yield of Datang. How can this be compared.

After Li Er was surprised, he couldn\'t care about anything else. He shouted: "hurry, dig another Mu and have a look! I don\'t believe that so many fish can be harvested in every mu of rice field!"