Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 489

The next day, the beauty boss finally regained his spirit and seemed to have completely forgotten his vulnerability last night. After giving Li forgetful a kiss, she got on the carriage and led the central part of the house to Chang\'an to inspect various industries in the house.

This makes Li forget his worries and settle down a little. At least, the beautiful boss can show his face and laugh. That\'s enough.

After the beauty boss went to "work", Li forgot to worry and rushed to the manor residence. Li Er and a group of big men have not left yet. Naturally, he has to accompany him as the master.

"Li Heng, are they still in your house?"

Last night, the old housekeeper Li Heng was left in the manor house by Li forgetful to serve Li Er and them. Li forgot to worry about walking around the manor. Unexpectedly, he didn\'t see Li Er and others. He was curious and asked Li Heng.

The old man shook his head: "the saints and noble people are no longer in your house."

Li forgot to worry and felt happy when he heard the speech.

Well, Li Er, they were quite conscious. They went back to Chang\'an City by themselves, which saved him a lot of things.

He nodded, turned around and was ready to go, but the old man stopped him again: "Lang Jun, saints and dignitaries have not returned to Chang\'an. They feel very comfortable in their house and plan to stay here for a few days. Now they are just hunting in the mountains."

what? How many more days?

Li forget worry suddenly has a kind of frustration of leading wolves into the house. These people are still addicted. Why?

He didn\'t know that Li Er and others were extremely satisfied with Li forgetful\'s residence yesterday, except for the stone castle.

Before dawn this morning, Li Er sent people back to Chang\'an city. Tell Fang Xuanling and others that these days are suspended. If there is anything you can order someone to send it to Bo Fu, Huxian County, Dingzhou village, he will have a rest here for a few days.

At this time, Li Er, Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde, Qin Qiong and others had gone hunting in the Qinling Mountains with a large team.

After Li forgot to worry about it, he couldn\'t help but look up to the sky and sigh. NIMA, the residence where her master hasn\'t lived, has become Li Er\'s "Palace"?

The Cuiwei palace is not far away. Why doesn\'t Li Er go to his palace?

He still had to continue to receive Li Er and others. The people in the house, including the old housekeeper Li Heng, were not too excited.

Even the maidservants and maidservants newly bought in the house have a proud face and can serve the saints. What glory is this?

Li Qieyou could only shake his head. He took a fishing rod and went fishing in the lake in the mansion to pass the time waiting for Li Er and them to come back.

After noon, Li Er and Cheng Yaojin finally returned from the mountain and brought back many prey, large and small.

"Wow, hahaha, good nephew, ask your family\'s cook to clean up these prey. We\'ll eat these tonight. Good nephew, you\'ve really chosen a good place for your residence. It\'s really good!" Cheng Yaojin laughed, obviously very satisfied with the manor residence.

Li Qieyou could only squeeze out a smiling face: "Uncle Cheng liked it, so he stayed at my nephew\'s house for a few more days."

"Wow, hahaha, well, since you said so, I\'ll stay longer."

Cheng Yaojin\'s words made Li forget his worries and almost cry. NIMA, the old rascal doesn\'t know anything about politeness?

When Li forgets sorrow and is busy greeting the maids and maids in the house to serve the people, there are guests in the house again.

Look at Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and changsun Wuji who got off the horse. Li forgets worry and is about to cry. What is this? Although I have made a little money now, I can\'t help tossing about like this.

The landlords don\'t have surplus food, do they?

Fang Xuanling and others came here for business. Li Er was not in Chang\'an City for two days, but he also accumulated a lot of official business to be decided by him.

"Duke Fang, Duke Du and Wuji, you\'re just in time. Ha ha, this morning, they and I went up the mountain to hunt a lot of prey. Don\'t go back to Chang\'an city. Ziyou\'s residence is very comfortable. You can stay with me for a few days."

Li Er completely regarded himself as the master. These words made Li forget his worries and could only look at the sky silently. He kept drawing circles in his heart

"I\'m sweating from hunting today. It\'s not refreshing. Your majesty, go take another bath and steam the sauna?" Cheng Yaojin turned to look at Li Er.

Li Er nodded immediately: "good!"

So a group of old men shouted again and went straight to the huge bathroom in Li forgetful\'s residence.

How many people are Fang Xuanling, confused, running to take a bath in the daytime? What does sauna mean? Seeing that they were puzzled, Cheng Yaojin and others showed off for a while, just like a bathhouse expert.

After Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and Chang sun Wuji tried the hot spring bath and sauna room in Li\'s house, they were also full of praise.

After some excitement, everyone was comfortably immersed in the hot spring bath. Li Ercai turned his head and looked at Fang Xuanling.

"Fang Gong, but what government affairs do you need to come to Huxian with Du Gong and Wuji?"

"Yes, your majesty. Despite the locust plague this year, your majesty issued an edict in time to eliminate locusts and save all the people, but the grain production is certain to be reduced. Now it\'s the end of August, and it\'s going to be a time of shortage. The people are short of food, and I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for the poor farmers to live. After discussing with Du Xiang and Dai Gong, the minister felt that local governments should release food as appropriate to help the people. Therefore, please your majesty. "

Fang Xuanling\'s words made Li Er silent. He nodded slowly for a long time: "can!"

In the second year of the locust plague in Zhenguan, although the locusts were exterminated in time, there was no situation in which people sold children and women in history, but the lack of grain production this year is certain, and people\'s life is difficult.

When Li Erzheng was discussing with Fang Xuanling and others about how to release grain, Li forgetful suddenly said: "Uncle, Guanzhong Road, especially around Chang\'an, can greatly encourage the cultivation of rice. The maturity of rice is shorter than that of wheat, and my nephew estimates that in today\'s weather, it is also possible to plant two crops of rice a year on Guanzhong road. Now it is only the end of August, those lands with serious wheat production reduction can urgently plant another season of rice, so that they can be harvested by the end of the year. This food is not a problem It\'s too late. "

After his words, Li Er and Fang Xuanling were stunned. After half a ring, they suddenly laughed.

Cheng Yaojin smiled so much that tears came out. Pointing to Li forgetful sorrow, he smiled: "Wow, hahaha, my good nephew, I really thought you knew astronomy and geography, but I didn\'t expect you to talk nonsense. Since ancient times, Guanzhong road was used to grow wheat, how can we change it to rice? Besides, in addition to a few states and counties in Datang, how can we grow rice once a year? How can we change the wheat field into paddy field now? Don\'t fool around, dear nephew. "

Although Fang Xuanling and others did not speak, the smile on their face was undoubtedly the same as Cheng Yaojin.

Li Er couldn\'t help but cough to help Li forget his worries and said, "well, Ziyou is still young and doesn\'t know farming. It\'s normal."

Li forgets his worries and is speechless. As a child growing up in the countryside, he can\'t understand farming. Are you kidding?

And his words are not nonsense. Naturally, they have their own reasons