Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 487

Li forgets to worry about remembering that Li Er\'s family seems to have some cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

At the age of 36, empress Chang sun lost her beauty. Historians studied that she died of "Qi disease", that is, respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis.

The children she and Li Ersheng seem not to live long.

Li Chengqian lived 26 years old, Li Tai 32 years old, and the eldest princess Li Lizhi only lived 23 years old. Princess Jinyang died of illness when she was young, and Princess Xincheng only lived 30 years old.

Only Li Er lived 52 years old, and Li Zhi lived to 55 years old. He is a long-lived person in the family.

According to the analysis of later historians, the "Qi disease" of the empress changsun may have been inherited from her children, so the family does not live long.

Thinking of sauna and the genetic diseases of Li Er\'s family, Li forgets his worries and feels that Li Er should be persuaded to steam sauna more to prevent diseases.

As we all know, sauna can accelerate blood circulation and prevent vascular sclerosis. It has a certain effect on asthma and bronchitis.

Li forgets to worry. Now, he doesn\'t want the empress changsun and her disciples to have a short life. He also has feelings for the family.

"Uncle, this sauna is very good for Qi disease. Why don\'t you let me build one for you and your aunt in the Tai Chi palace? You and your aunt, Chengqian and Qingque can often steam sauna on weekdays, which is very good for your health."

Li Er liked his bathroom very much. When he said so, there was no reason not to refuse.

"Ha ha, since Ziyou is so filial, I will thank you for Guanyin maid. I don\'t respect this sauna room."

They went to the sauna several times again and again, and their bones were crisp. Only then did they feel comfortable and soak back in the hot spring pool water.

"Ziyou, now you can tell me what special operations and special forces are." Li Er took the wine handed by his maid and asked Li forget you after a sip.

Cheng Yaojin and others came together. Naturally, they are very interested in special operations and special forces.

The reason why Li forgot to worry invited people to his house was not to delay time and think about how to answer. He searched his stomach all the way and made him think about how to answer.

"Uncle, the special forces, as the name suggests, are naturally soldiers of special arms."

Li Qieyou also took a glass of wine with ice, took a sip and continued: "Young nephew, it is envisaged that our Tang Dynasty can choose one of the forbidden troops from the government, select elite soldiers and train them strictly. These soldiers should have superhuman physical strength and courage, be able to survive in isolation and complete tasks. They should also be able to survive in extremely harsh conditions, such as snow covered plateau, Gobi desert or deep mountains and forests How to survive without supplies. "

He heard that Li Er and a group of big men began to eat tooth flowers. Cheng Chumo and other dandies grew up in surprise.

"Is this still human?"

Li forgets to worry and glances at Chumo: "I haven\'t finished yet. These special forces have to be proficient in all kinds of fighting skills. One blow is fatal. They have to be intelligent and master many combat skills. They must be able to disguise and hide, swim and dive, climb rocks and walk walls. They also have to learn the customs and words of different enemies, and be able to disguise and hide among various enemy forces to perform tasks."

Chumo began to roll his eyes: "Ziyou, are you still talking about people? I\'m afraid only heavenly soldiers and generals can do it."

"Hey, hey, I haven\'t finished yet. The most important thing is that these soldiers should be loyal to the Tang Dynasty and his majesty, and always focus on our interests of the Tang Dynasty! Only such soldiers can be called special forces." Li forgets not to forget, and finally flatters Li Er.

His words made Li Er and others silent. From the perspective of the Tang people, this special forces is simply unrealistic.

"According to what you said, how many soldiers can there be even if you can train such soldiers? Based on my experience, I can conclude that hundreds of thousands of government soldiers and forbidden troops in the Tang Dynasty can be selected and trained according to your requirements. It\'s good to be able to select a hundred people. No matter how powerful these special forces are, they can defeat a hundred at most. But what\'s the use of such a few people? When they are in battle, they can face thousands of troops Ma, I\'m afraid these special forces can\'t stir up any waves. "Cheng Yaojin shook his head after hearing Li forgetful\'s words.

Li forgot his worries and was happy: "Uncle Cheng, you are wrong. Special forces are not ordinary soldiers. Even if they are few in number, they are of great use."

"Oh? Tell me, what\'s the use of this special force?"

Look at Cheng Yaojin, who is unconvinced, and the confused eyes of Li Er and Li Jing. Li forgets to worry and can\'t help laughing.

Unexpectedly, as a puppet army fan, he also gave classes to the ministers and generals of the Ministry of war.

Li Jing, the Minister of military affairs, is basically the Minister of national defense of later generations. Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde have the worst status, which is equivalent to the commander of the military region?

When such a group of military leaders listened to a puppet army fan talk about how to fight, Li forgot to worry and felt very happy.

"Cough..." Li forgot to worry and coughed his throat. It\'s a pity that he is now soaking in the bath naked. There is really no glorious image to speak of. He can\'t put Weian wise poss.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao and Liu Bei cooked wine and talked about heroes. Today, he, Li forgetful, and a group of big men want to talk about soldiers... Well, at least everyone is honest... They are all naked.

"Uncle Cheng, please ask me, what is the most important thing in marching and fighting?"

"Of course, it\'s food and grass. It\'s the so-called saying that food and grass go first before soldiers and horses move. Major generals without soldiers can fight, but without food and grass, they will be defeated."

"Hey, hey, my nephew, if Uncle Cheng sends special forces to burn his uncle\'s food and grass when he leads the battle, can you continue to fight?"

Cheng Yaojin couldn\'t help staring: "the baggage is naturally guarded by a large army. How can it be easily burned? You bastard, think it\'s as simple as what was written in your Three Kingdoms?"

"Uncle Cheng, don\'t forget that the special forces I mentioned can hide and disguise. How can they not burn your food and grass? If they put on their military uniform and touch the camp at night, uncle Cheng\'s soldiers may find it? Or they can disguise as soldiers in your camp and sneak into the camp. Can uncle Cheng prevent it?"

"This..." Cheng Yaojin thought that they were searching for the small mountain today, but they didn\'t find the Niu brothers.

If there were a sneak attack by special forces as powerful as Li forgetful worry said, he might not have a way.

"Uncle Cheng, special forces can harass, assassinate generals, poison and set fire when your army is marching. Your army\'s every move is under the eyes of these special forces hiding in the dark. You can inform the rear army at any time. Uncle Cheng, do you think you still have a chance to win when you encounter such an opponent?"

Cheng Yaojin opened his mouth. He really didn\'t know what to say. He slapped hard on the water: "zhiniang thief! If there is such an enemy, I have to keep one eye open for fear of sleeping! Boy, is this what you call special operations?"