Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 467

Chumo\'s words made Li forget his worries.

Around Jin Wuwei, in charge of the palace and the capital, patrol and guard day and night, and have the responsibility to accompany the emperor and protect the safety. In the words of later generations, it is equivalent to the responsibility of the Central Security Bureau.

Therefore, the old soldiers around Jin Wuwei have outstanding abilities and are more favored by xungui and aristocratic families in Chang\'an city.

As a powerless founder, why did he make these veteran ruffians willing to join the affiliated nationality?

Compared with those noble and aristocratic family leaders, he seems to have no advantage.

Although it bears the name of the founding County uncle, there are a large number of state princes, county princes and aristocratic family leaders in Chang\'an City, and they all hold military power or serve as officials in the dynasty.

If he were these veterans, I\'m afraid he wouldn\'t choose an empty shell like himself to take refuge in affiliated nationality?

No wonder Cheng Yaojin is not ready to show up at all. It seems that the old rogue also feels that these veteran ruffians under his command may not be able to see themselves.

In fact, it\'s not impossible for Li forgetful not to recruit these forbidden troops as a part.

Not really. You can go to the people\'s market and buy some strong slaves to take care of the house.

This is true of the vast majority of rich and noble families in Chang\'an city.

Like Li forget worry, it is rare to have two attached books. If you are not a national Duke, county Duke, or someone with a prominent family background, you are not qualified to have a trilogy at all.

But Li forgot to worry, but felt that the servants were all like goods. It looks strong, but it doesn\'t have much combat effectiveness.

Niu Wu once said that it is not a problem for such a strong young man to fight seven or eight alone.

Li Qieyou is not willing to entrust his safety to such a person.

He also had another option, that is, to recruit a trilogy from Dingzhou village.

In Dingzhou village, there are more than 500 farmers, and there are about 200 young and strong.

Most of these young men have been trained by the old soldiers, and they can be regarded as skilled bowmen and horses. Moreover, his loyalty to Li forgetful is quite high. He belongs to his own people and is easy to use.

But Li forgot his worries and he couldn\'t bear it.

These households in Dingzhou village are like family members to him and his beautiful boss.

It is not what Li forgets to see if the farmers are allowed to invest in affiliated books and become a part, but also have to protect their homes and protect their homes, and may even face other dangers.

To find out all this, Li forget worry is also speechless.

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, those old bastards, boasted loudly at the beginning, as if they could give him some episodes at random.

He actually believed it. Now he wants to come, he is really naive. He was fooled by these shameless old hooligans!

But now, although Cheng Yaojin is so unreliable, Li forget worry can only have a try.

Go with Chumo to "recruit" those veterans and see if their "small company" can impress them.

"Chumo, let\'s go. Anyway, we have to try."

"OK, let\'s go. There are 73 old soldiers in Jin Wuwei, who are willing to attach their books as a script. Most of these people have served in the army for many years and have no say about their skills. How many scripts can be recruited depends on your skills. I\'m optimistic about you, brother."

Li forgot to worry and rolled his eyes. Are you Constable Xing? Still watch me

He doesn\'t bother to say much. He puts the crystal sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, snapping his fingers smartly and motioning Chumo to lead the way.

When the two went out of the Duke of Lu, Li forgot to worry and called Niu Wu. The three rode to Jin Wuwei\'s residence.

After getting off the horse at the gate of Jin Wuwei, the Imperial College captain immediately bowed to Chumo.

As Jin Wuwei\'s Pro Xun Yi Wei Yu Lin Lang, although he is not in charge of his virtual job, anyway, Chumo is also a serious general of Jin Wuwei.

In addition, Cheng Yaojin is his Lao Tzu, so there are naturally no taboos among Jin Wuwei. He leads the way, all the way unimpeded.

Chumo gives orders. The captain of the Imperial Academy immediately asks his corporal to run to the camp gate and inform the veterans.

The Imperial College captain led the way attentively, ready to lead the three to a small school yard.

Just a few steps away, Chumo hears the sound of horse hoofs behind him. Chumo turns around and looks a little ugly.

But he was respectful and always polite.

"I\'ve seen my grandfather! I\'ve seen Duke Lu. Why are you two free to come to jinwuwei military camp today? But you need to find my adult? He\'s not in the military camp today."

The visitor is Chumo\'s mother\'s father, Cheng Yaojin\'s "cheap father-in-law" and Cui Xin, the owner of the Cui family in Qinghe. The other is Duke Lu, right back general Hou Junji.

Chumo, the three brothers of Cheng Yaojin, were born to sun. Cui\'s relationship with his father\'s stepbrother is pretty good, but he doesn\'t like this "cheap grandfather".

But anyway, Cui Xin is also their brother\'s elder, and the courtesy is naturally indispensable.

Hou Junji is a colleague of his father Cheng Yaojin. Naturally, the big men in the army can\'t be ignored.

Although the relationship between Hou Junji and Cheng Yaojin is general, the relationship between Hou Junji and Cheng Yaojin as officials in the same Dynasty is not too rigid, just a general friend.

Chumo is curious about how these two came to Jin Wuwei\'s camp today.

Li forgets to worry to see these two, naturally also have to go up to see the ceremony.

"I have seen Duke Lu and Duke Cui."

Although he had a bad relationship with his family, he still had to be polite.

As for Hou Junji, there seems to be no intersection.

However, Li forgot to worry, but also knew that the goods were arrogant and arrogant, and they would not end well in the future, so he had no intention of making deep friends with him.

However, seeing Hou Junji, Li forgot to worry, but suddenly had a very interesting idea in his heart. If in the future, under his guidance, Li Chengqian and Li Er are kind and filial, I don\'t think there will be any rebellion against Li Chengqian.

What about hou Junji? It\'s interesting to think about it.

Cui Xin and Hou Junji naturally want to return Li forgetful\'s gift, but their tone and attitude are very flat.

"See the transfer County uncle."

After a short sentence, the two of them looked at Chumo: "Chumo, we\'re not looking for your family today. We heard that Jin Wuwei has many old soldiers of the forbidden army who want to stay in Chang\'an City and join the affiliated family. So we\'re here to recruit these old soldiers today."

what? These two goods are also here to recruit those veteran ruffians?

Li\'s face suddenly became a little ugly. NIMA, damn Cheng Yaojin, how can you marry a woman?

It seems that "Recruitment" has to become a "recruitment conference"? Even the competitors ran out?

In fact, Cheng Yaojin can\'t help it.

Anyway, Cui Xin is his cheap father-in-law. Hou Junji is a colleague in the army and a Duke of the country. Naturally, he can\'t sweep away the face of these two people.

Jin Wuwei has an old soldier who wants to join the naturalization. Naturally, it is impossible to keep it secret. Not a few people know about it.

Chumo\'s face became ugly when he heard the speech. He looked at Li forgetful, but he could only nod his head: "in that case, please ask grandpa and Duke Lu to go with us. Huxian uncle also came for this today."

When Cui Xin heard the speech, he looked sarcastic and snorted coldly, but he didn\'t say much. Hou Junji, however, smiled playfully and looked at Li forgetful: "huxianbo, do you also want to recruit a episode? That\'s really interesting, ha ha."

With that, Hou Junji turned around and walked to jinwuwei camp, leaving Li forgetful with egg pain on his face and scolding in his heart: "interesting, your sister!"