Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 464

Recently, many merchants in Chang\'an City have found that there is a lot less private money.

There are also rumors that someone is buying a lot of private money.

Moreover, the exchange ratio is one to two, which makes many merchants with private money excited. Among each other, there is a lot of discussion. How can there be such a fool?

The private money forged by aristocratic families is usually five Wen private money to offset two official money in Chang\'an city.

As for the farther States and counties, three to one is the normal exchange ratio.

The aristocratic family with a large amount of private money has already learned about it. Some merchants even came to the door and asked if they were willing to exchange.

In this regard, these aristocratic family leaders naturally do not refuse. If you refuse such a good thing, you are lacking in heart.

In less than a month, there was almost no shadow of private money in Chang\'an city. There is no doubt that all these private money were quietly transported into the Treasury of Taiji palace.

These are later words, not to mention for the time being.

After Li Qieyou patted his chest and assured Li Er that he would get the hydraulic stamping forging machine, Li Er issued a royal decree to let the Ministry of work and the general supervisor fully cooperate with Huxian Bo.

On the pretext that the mint needed to be kept secret and sufficient water, Li Qieyou suggested that the mint should be built near Huangyu, the Royal Palace and Cuiwei palace in Qinling Mountains.

Near the Cuiwei palace, there is a river flowing out of the Qinling Mountains. The river is fast flowing and is very suitable for driving water tankers.

Moreover, it is located in Huangyu and guarded by forbidden guards in the palace. Confidentiality and security are not a problem.

As for the blast furnace used to smelt copper, Li forgot to worry about whether the smoke generated during combustion would pollute the environment.

In fact, the main reason why he suggested this to Li Er was that he was close to home.

It takes only a quarter of an hour to ride a horse more than twenty miles away.

For Li, who is becoming more and more lazy today, the proximity of "going to work" is the most important.

Li Er didn\'t think of his fancy intestines. Naturally, he nodded and agreed.

Therefore, the good royal palace near Cuiwei palace has become a lively construction site. Countless craftsmen, like industrious workers ants, carry all kinds of wood and bricks and stones to start building workshops here.

Fortunately, with the four wheeled carriage and the "Mirage mud", which can be called an artifact, it is very simple for the Ministry of work to build a workshop of this scale. It doesn\'t take much time at all.

However, it takes a lot of effort to develop a hydraulic stamping forging machine for Li QIAOYOU and the craftsmen who will be the supervisor.

In this regard, Li forget worry is very tired. He feels that it takes too much time. He has other things to be busy.

Fortunately, he has a disciple Yan Liben, who is good at mechanism and architecture.

Although Yan Liben had not seen the hydraulic stamping forging machine mentioned by Li Qieyou, he soon understood its operation principle after reading the drawings.

"It\'s wonderful, sir! This thing can be pressed and forged by hammer head without manpower through water flow. Tut Tut, in this way, it can not only be used for coinage, but also the blades and armor used by soldiers of the Tang Dynasty can be forged by this hydraulic forging machine. It\'s wonderful. It\'s really wonderful!"

Yan Liben holds the drawings, and if he is a treasure, he is full of praise for the hydraulic forging machine "invented" by Li forgetful.

"Ha ha, Li Ben, you really see the good intentions of being a teacher. The mint is entrusted to you for construction. If you don\'t understand anything, go to Dingzhou village and ask the teacher."

Li Qieyou shamelessly pushed the matter to Yan Liben.

His time is so precious that how can he waste it on the construction site to figure out how to make the hydraulic forging machine?

That\'s the same sentence. If the teacher has something to do, I\'ll do it for you.

Yan Liben didn\'t see Li\'s "sinister intentions" and kept studying the drawings drawn by Li with joy. He has always had a strong interest in painting, organs and architecture.

Now Yan Liben worships his little teacher.

Everything Li forgot to worry about was treated like a decree, and he didn\'t dare to be careless.

Li forgot to worry about getting rid of the burden of building a mint and was naturally in a happy mood.

Out of Huangyu, he didn\'t go in the direction of Dingzhou village, but turned his horse\'s head and went straight to Chang\'an city.

Li forgot to worry and had to go to a place where he had "vowed" never to go again - Duke Lu\'s residence and Cheng Yaojin\'s residence

For no other reason, his manor house has been completed.

I have to say that the efficiency of the work department is really high.

Without the help of modern machinery, a manor residence of Nuo Da was built in five months by manpower and simple engineering machinery.

Li forgets worry and the beautiful boss, Alfred, they have visited their new home several times, and everyone is extremely satisfied.

Originally, according to Li\'s intention, since the mansion is completed, we will move immediately.

Anyway, there are no harmful substances such as formaldehyde when building houses in this era. The interior decoration is all natural, green and environmentally friendly wood. If he moved earlier, he could also let the farmers in Dingzhou village who had long been waiting to move into their new houses.

But the old housekeeper Li Heng disagreed with what he said.

In Li Heng\'s words, it is a big event to move to the county\'s Bo residence. We must choose a auspicious day to move.

In addition, I have to worship the old host Li Zhou and post to invite guests.

And the number of maidservants and servants in the manor house will naturally not be small. During this period of time, the old housekeeper Li Heng followed the beautiful boss to Chang\'an City almost every day in order to select people in the west market.

These slaves bought from the market had to be carefully trained, but the old man was busy.

However, Li Heng enjoyed it, and the smile on his face did not break every day.

In this regard, Li forgot to worry about the old man, so he had to let him toss about.

In fact, Li forgets worry, but he also thinks it\'s ridiculous

Six months ago, just when he came to the Tang Dynasty, he took pity on the slaves and maidservants in the mansion in order not to let Yang Zuo pay his debts. Even at the cost of bearing all the debts, it is good to release all the slaves and maidservants in the house.

But now it\'s only half a year, but I sprinkled a lot of copper money and bought more slaves again. It\'s really ironic.

In this regard, Li Qieyou can only shake his head secretly.

But he didn\'t intend to be a saint. As long as he didn\'t treat these slaves harshly and had a good conscience, he could only let it go.

The old man Li Heng didn\'t save at all this time. Just slaves and maidservants bought nearly 100 people and sent them all to the manor house.

The old man asked Li forgetful to go to the Taiji palace again. He asked Mituo to borrow several housemaids and palace maids who were proficient in etiquette to train his newly bought maidservants and servants.

In short, in order to move to a new home, Li forget worry was tossed about by Li Heng.

He also made a special trip to invite yuan Tiangang, an old Taoist, to calculate the auspicious day for himself. August 31, the second year of Zhenguan, is an auspicious day, easy to move.

Having determined the time for the relocation of the new residence, Li forget worry still has a lot to do. Naturally, he didn\'t care about the business of the mint, so he threw it all to Yan Liben.

Today, Li forgets his worries. The reason why he is ready to break into another "dragon\'s pool and tiger\'s Den" is naturally to ask Cheng Yaojin for "debt"