Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 462

Wang Renyou\'s sudden "outbreak" surprised the guests.

Those aristocratic family leaders who knew him well spoke comfortingly: "why is the prince so angry? Your Erlang is still young. What\'s wrong? Just teach him well."

"Don\'t you just accidentally smash the little bird? Why should the prince be angry with Erlang?"

"Duke Yu doesn\'t care about it anymore. Don\'t blame Erlang."

The words of these aristocratic family leaders not only did not ease Wang Renyou\'s face, but became more and more iron and blue.

Obviously, he can clearly feel that these aristocratic family owners are obviously comforting themselves, but in fact they are watching their Taiyuan Wang\'s jokes!

As soon as Wang Renyou thought of the langgan tree given to Yu Shinan as a gift today, he suddenly had an impulse to spit blood!

Although langgan tree, the gift he gave, could not be exchanged for ten thousand liang of gold, it was undoubtedly a treasure.

Taiyuan Wang, so generous to give it as a gift to Yu Shinan, naturally wants to be in the limelight and get back the face he lost because of gambling a few days ago.

But unexpectedly, the bastard surnamed Li, a portrait and a ten pass cost, made it a joke for the Wang family in Taiyuan to send out langgan tree.

Nowadays, all the guests in the lobby are talking about the congratulatory gift from Huxian Bo, but no one even mentions the golden langgan tree of the Wang family in Taiyuan.

Wang Renyou can even foresee what a fool the Wang family in Taiyuan will even look like in Chang\'an City tomorrow.

In this regard, Wang Renyou only felt angina pectoris and regretted.

He stood up and arched his hand at Yu Shinan: "Duke Yu, I\'m not feeling well today, so I\'ll leave first. The dog Meng Lang has disturbed Duke Yu\'s interest, and please forgive him."

"Why did the prince say this? I didn\'t treat you well."

Wang Renyou didn\'t say much, so he nodded and went to the layman. He has no face to stay in Yu\'s house today.

Wang Ziyu was stunned by his father\'s slap. He didn\'t come back for a long time. Seeing his father flicking his sleeve and leaving, he could only look at Li forgetfully, covering his face and lowering his head. He didn\'t dare to say a word and chased his father.

After the Wangs left, the atmosphere in the lobby became lively again.

In particular, Kong Yingda\'s several old ministers have been surrounding Li forget their worries and pestering about the incident.

Li forgot his worries and was helpless. He could only take out his other reading glasses and gave them to Yu Shinan to discuss how to distribute them.

The guests enjoyed the birthday banquet at Yu mansion. During the banquet, the people drank and talked happily, so it was not lively.

Fortunately, Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and others were restrained today. They didn\'t drink too much and staged the whole martial arts. Finally, the lobby of Yu house was not poisoned by these old men.

A birthday banquet was held from noon until the evening drum sounded in Chang\'an City, and the guests left one after another.

Li Er was in good spirits today and drank a lot of wine. He originally wanted to catch Li forgetful and go into the palace and ask about the private money. It lost his spirit.

"Ziyou, when the morning is over tomorrow, you will come to the political hall. I have something to ask you." Li Er was carefully supported on his horse by Mituo, but he didn\'t intend to let Li forget you go. He shouted to Li forget you who was going to slip away.

Li forgot his worries, but stopped and bowed to Li Er: "promise! I know."

He is really not a hard-working person, especially after coming to Datang. Now he is a loser, has a house and money, and is accompanied by a beautiful woman.

Li forgets to worry that now he has no life goal and is very lazy. He just wants to eat and die every day.

At first, his mind was so hot that he accepted so much private money from Wang in Taiyuan, but now he regrets it again.

What trouble!

When I think of my previous idea, making money is making money, but I will find a lot of things for myself. He\'s not short of money now. Why do you find something for yourself?

Li Qieyou wondered if he had been kicked by a donkey before he thought of collecting private money.

But now it\'s too late to say anything. I have to continue my bad idea with tears.

On the second day, Li forgot his worries and had no choice but to go to Chang\'an city again to meet Li Er.

"Ziyou, today you tell me clearly why you take so much private money from the Taiyuan Wang family?" Li Er couldn\'t wait to ask before Li forget you finished the ceremony of kings and ministers.

This matter has been held in his mind for several days. He has discussed it with Mito and empress Chang sun, but no one knows what Li forgets to worry about?

This made Li Er\'s heart like a cat. He endured it for several days, but he didn\'t see Li forget his worries and enter the palace to solve his doubts. Yu Shinan was on his birthday yesterday. He finally caught Li forgetful. How can he let it go.

"Hey hey, uncle, don\'t worry, let me speak slowly." Li forgot to worry, took a sip of tea, and then opened his mouth under Li Er\'s glare: "uncle, now my Tang Dynasty casts Kaiyuan Tongbao every year. I don\'t know how much?"

"About 300000."

"So there is a shortage of copper money in my dynasty. My uncle acquiesced in these aristocratic families casting private money for circulation, didn\'t he?" Li forgetful continued.

"Yes, that\'s right." speaking of this, Li Er was a little helpless.

Tang Dynasty is short of copper money. Naturally, he knows it.

However, the Ministry of household and the general supervisor worked hard, and it was difficult to increase the number of copper coins, which actually cost a lot.

In fact, the expenditure of chaotang for forging 300000 Guan copper coins every year is very frightening, which also gives Li Er a headache.

This is the reason why the Tang Dynasty would acquiesce in the circulation of private money.

Money shortage is not just a matter of the Tang Dynasty, but all dynasties. In addition to the lack of copper, it is mainly due to the limitation of casting technology.

Since the Wang family in Taiyuan can forge private money, it shows that it is not just the lack of copper.

In the Song Dynasty, the number of copper coins cast was ten times higher than that in the Tang Dynasty, which was the increase in the output of copper coins brought by casting technology.

The copper coin casting process in China is very cumbersome.

First, make the mother money for casting, put the mother money into the mold, tamp the mold, take out the mother money after the impression is completed, and then pour it with copper water.

After the copper liquid solidifies and cools, open the sandbox and take out the poured copper money. The copper coins poured out are not scattered copper coins, but a whole string of copper coin trees.

These coins need to be broken off one by one, and then polished by hand. After more than a dozen procedures, the final finished product is the Kaiyuan Tongbao that can be circulated.

Therefore, casting copper coins is cumbersome and requires a large number of skilled craftsmen. Even so, it is difficult to increase the output of copper money.

It casts 300000 copper coins a year, and the average daily output of copper coins is only more than 800, but tens of thousands of craftsmen are needed.

Li forgot to worry about all this. He grinned and showed eight white teeth. He smiled at Li Er and said, "uncle, if you only need dozens of craftsmen, you can turn these private money into official money, and the daily output is no less than Qianguan, is uncle interested?"

"What? Ziyou, what are you talking about?" Li Er got up and was so excited that he even knocked over the tea on the table in front of him