Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 458

Li forgot to worry about this gift list, but it made everyone in the lobby a little confused.

We naturally understand what the picture scroll is.

But what the hell is "in"?

People naturally understand the meaning of "entering the sky". It refers to thick clouds, which block out the sun.

In the Western Jin Dynasty, PANI wrote a poem: "the morning clouds enter the sky, and the dew is not Xi", which is well known.

But how can "input" be a gift?

Use clouds as gifts? Does Li forget to worry about performing immortal Dharma to everyone in public?

Hearing the gift list sung by the master of ceremonies, everyone didn\'t know why. They looked at Li forgetful and wanted to hear his explanation. Yu Shinan, the birthday star, didn\'t know whether to say "Jing Ling" or "Jing Xie".

People don\'t know what the birthday cake was just now. Now the Huxian man is unique. No one has heard of it.

Li forgot to worry but didn\'t explain. He just smiled and said, "Duke Yu, you won\'t thank me for my gift?"

"Ha ha, since Ziyou gave it to me, I\'ll take it with respect!" Yu Shinan smiled and nodded to accept it, although he didn\'t know what Li forgetful you gave it.

Li\'s two kinds of congratulatory gifts were respectively packed in a long wooden box and a small copper box.

Seeing his master nodding, the two maidservants of Yu\'s house immediately took them into the lobby with both hands and prepared to show them to the guests.

The beauty boss had not returned to the side hall at this time. He asked curiously in his ear, "forget worry, what\'s that? What\'s it? I haven\'t heard of it?"

"Hey, you must know, but I won\'t tell you. See for yourself."

Li Qieyou pretended to be mysterious and didn\'t answer the question of the beautiful boss.

At this time, the maid of Yu\'s house had taken the picture scroll out of the wooden box and unfolded it carefully to reveal the true face of the picture scroll.

When the picture was displayed in front of Yu Shinan and the crowd, everyone couldn\'t help taking a breath.

Yu Chang stared at the picture scroll and said, "this, this, this is my adult!"

Other guests also had similar expressions, as if they saw something incredible.

On the scroll, Yu Shinan himself is painted.

But it was a portrait of Yu Shinan painted by Li forget you with a realistic sketch technique. There was a word next to it, which was just written on the birthday cake.

Many of the guests present saw this sketch at the Zhangliang birthday banquet of Changping County.

Everyone believed Li\'s nonsense and thought it was an ancient painting handed down from ancient times and a long lost peerless painting skill.

Only Li Er later knew that the "Luoshen map" he hung in the legislative palace was actually painted by Li forgetful, which made him very depressed.

At this time, everyone was shocked to see this amazing sketch painting skill again, and the portrait was Yu Shinan himself standing in front of him.

Look at Yu\'s as like as two peas. Just like Yu Shinan came out of the painting, he was so surprised that everyone couldn\'t close their mouths.

"Is this portrait made by Huxian Bo? Hasn\'t this painting skill been lost for a long time? Where did Huxian Bo learn it?"

"Amazing! Amazing!"

"This is the painting technique of the painting of the God of Luo that day! Unexpectedly, Huxian Bo would still use such ancient techniques?"

Some of them turned their minds quickly and immediately thought that the ancient god painting of the so-called "Luo God map" on that day was also presented by the Huxian uncle. In this way, the painting of Luoshen collected by the sage must also be made by huxianbo.

This sketch portrait of Yu Shinan made Wang Renyou and Wang Ziyu look a little ugly.

Although the value of this painting is not high, even if it is made by Li forgetful, it is only worth a hundred and ten passes at most.

But this unusual technique is precious.

Even after seeing this portrait, Li Er had the idea of letting Li forget his worries and give it to him, as well as the idea of drawing a portrait of empress Chang sun.

Such a vivid portrait is more meaningful than the painting of the God of Luo.

He couldn\'t help staring at Li forgetful, and his heart was very upset.

On that day, since I knew that the painting of the goddess of Luo was painted by Li forgetful, why didn\'t I think I could use this painting technique to paint myself and the empress changsun?

There are not a few big men who have the same idea as Li Er.

Just as everyone in future generations likes self photographing, how can a general like Cheng Yaojin not want to have such a realistic portrait?

For a moment, the people looked at Yu Shinan with envy.

I wish I could make my own birthday tomorrow. In this way, I can ask Huxian uncle to make such a picture for myself.

Cheng Yaojin asked impolitely, "Li boy, did you make this portrait of Duke Yu?"

What do you mean by that?

Li Qieyou just wanted to nod his head and admit it. He suddenly noticed that the guests around him were eager to try. He was surprised!

What does NIMA mean? I won\'t see Yu Shinan\'s sketch portrait. Do you want it too?

It seems that it was a mistake to send Yu Shinan this gift!

Have you underestimated the attraction of sketch and portrait painting to these big men?

If these big guys present all come to paint their own portraits, should they refuse? Or refuse?

If you promise, he really doesn\'t have to do anything.

What\'s more, with Li\'s lazy character, it\'s better to kill him if he is willing to sit in front of the drawing board and draw portraits every day.

Where dare Li forget to admit it?

He quickly shook his head: "no, no, this was written by my nephew\'s disciple Yan Liben. Hey, although he followed me, he was already better than blue, and his painting skills were inferior to my nephew."

Today, Ma Zhou and Yan Liben are naturally among the birthday guests.

Yan Liben was stunned when he heard his teacher\'s words.

Is this really possible?

There is no trust between people?

This portrait of Yu Shinan was clearly written by Li forgetful. But now he has directly pushed it on his disciples, which makes Yan Liben feel embarrassed?

In the face of the hot eyes of the guests around, Yan Liben wept in his heart and nodded his head.

Li forgot to worry and handed over a "hard work you" look, but he didn\'t feel guilty at all.

If the teacher has something to do, naturally it\'s the disciple who does it. What else can I do? Of course, it\'s used to carry the pot. Wow, ha ha!

Yu Shinan was naturally not satisfied with the gift. He approached and looked carefully for a long time before Yu Chang carefully put it away.

"Ha ha, Ziyou, you\'ve really bothered. I\'m ashamed to accept it. I\'ll take it, I\'ll take it! Thank you so much!"

On one side, Yu Chang also thanked and bowed to Li forgetful sorrow. There is no doubt that this portrait of Yu Shinan will become an heirloom of the Yu family in Yuyao.

After a hundred years of waiting for Yu Shinan, this portrait must be hung in the ancestral hall of Yu family in Yuyao to accept the incense worship of Yu family.

After Yu Shinan\'s sketch and portrait were put away, everyone turned their attention to another maid holding a copper box.

Today\'s gift from Huxian Bofu is really an eye opener.

Naturally, people are more and more curious about this last gift called "input"