Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 451

When Li forgets sorrow and returns to the mansion, Yang Zuo has been waiting in the main room for a long time.

"Brother Xuqing, I\'m fine! I haven\'t seen you for many days. I miss you very much. How can I come to my house today?" Li forgetful and Yang Zuo smiled and saluted each other.

Now he has been granted the title of Kaiguo County Bo by imperial edict, and there is a big gap between them. And he firmly disagreed. Yang Zui called him his title. Therefore, he and Yang Zui simply matched each other with words and called each other brothers. It was easy to get along with each other.

In fact, there is a great age difference between them.

Yang Zuan\'s son is not a few years younger than Li forgetful.

However, the ancients did not care much about age differences.

You can see that old man Yu Shinan, who is 70 years old, is still willing to make friends with Li forgetful.

"Ziyou, brother, I\'m here to send you a post today." Yang Zui Shuxu said with a smile.

Li forgot to worry with a smile and joked: "what post did brother Xuqing send? But did his wife add children to brother Xuqing? Or did brother Xuqing fill in his new house?"

He said that Yang Zuan filled his new house, which meant asking him if he had taken another concubine. Yang Zui is also romantic. When he was middle-aged, he had a beautiful wife and several concubines. He was very natural and unrestrained, which made Li forget his worries and envy him very much.

But it\'s also normal. It\'s generally the case in Tang Dynasty. It\'s nothing strange.

On the contrary, just like Fang Yiai\'s father Fang Xuanling, there is only a wife in the family, and there is no concubine room.

Therefore, Mrs. Fang\'s jealousy can be spread through the ages.

Yang compiled by Li Wangyou so funny, not from the old face of a red, hurriedly waved: "son worry not to speak, cough, cough, for brother is for the teacher\'s post."

Hearing that it was Yu Shi\'s post to the south, Li forgets worry. He doesn\'t continue to tease Yang Zuo. He quickly asks, "what\'s the happy event of Yu Gong?"

"Guru Gu Xi\'s birthday will be on the fifth day of next month. Naturally, we disciples should hold a birthday party for him. So today I\'m here to send a post to Ziyou and invite you to the banquet."

Yang Zuo\'s words made Li forget his worries and laugh: "I must go to Duke Yu\'s 70th birthday! Duke Yu treats me like a nephew. How dare he live a birthday?"

"Ha ha, that\'s natural. My senior teacher thinks highly of my dear brother. I\'m envious of him. The birthday banquet will be held in Puzheng square, my senior teacher\'s residence. I\'ll be waiting for my dear brother."

Birthday worship is quite a grand event in Datang.

Longevity ranks first among the five blessings, and birthday celebrations pay most attention to integers. Every ten will be Daqing.

Therefore, Yu Shinan\'s 70th birthday is naturally a major event.

Needless to say, Yu Shinan is a great Confucian in the world and a senior official of the Imperial Hall. He has countless disciples. On his birthday, even Li Er had to ask the Chamberlain to come and read the imperial edict and give gifts to celebrate.

After seeing Yang Zuan off, Li forgot his worries and began to wonder what he should give Yu Shinan as a gift.

If you want to send some gold jewelry, the old man must not like it.

Last time I didn\'t have the money to buy the Xiangyang hillside, I asked Yu Shinan to borrow 1000 copper coins for emergency. But when he had money, the old man didn\'t want him to pay back.

It can be seen that Yu Shinan doesn\'t care about these blocking objects at all.

But it seems that it is too "light ceremony and heavy affection" to send some poems, calligraphy and paintings.

Although the old man certainly likes it, I don\'t know how many dignitaries in Chang\'an will pay a birthday. It seems too shameful to send his poems so lightly.

If you don\'t do well, you have to spread it that he is so stingy and stingy. It\'s not beautiful.

For a time, Li forgets his worries. This gift is really a knowledge.

When the beauty boss came out and saw his sad face, he was curious to ask what happened.

Li forgets to worry. After a while, Yu Shinan said about his 70th birthday. He is worried. He doesn\'t know what gift to send.

The beautiful boss smiled with beautiful eyes: "it\'s not easy. Send birthday cake. It\'s delicious and delicious. And no one in Datang has seen cream cake? It\'s a rare thing."

Li forgot to worry and said, "can you make cream cake?"

"Hmm!" the beautiful boss held up his proud neck and looked like a little public show that you don\'t see who I am.

Li forgot his worries and was overjoyed. He came forward and hugged the beauty\'s boss and pecked hard on her pink face.

His sudden attack surprised the beauty\'s boss. Under his shame, his weak powder fist immediately rained on Li forgetful\'s chest.

It\'s the so-called flirting, that\'s it.

Since the beautiful boss can make cream cakes, Li forgets to worry about giving gifts and plans to sit back and enjoy it.

Cream cake is used as a birthday gift. I\'m afraid it\'s better to send some calligraphy and paintings to future generations. But in Datang, it\'s perfect.

Sure enough, a good wife is better than a good field.

"Hey, Changqing, please tell me about the gift. Duke Yu\'s birthday is on the fifth day of next month. Look at the schedule."

When Li forgot to worry about the gift, he crossed his legs, drank tea and hummed a tune leisurely, looking like a foolish son of the landlord, not to mention how hated he was.

The beauty boss couldn\'t help hating him.

She couldn\'t help but stretch out her thin fingers, quickly and accurately clamped Li forgetful\'s ears and twisted them gently

"Ouch, pain, pain, let go, let go! Changqing, what are you doing?" Li forgetful ate the pain and shouted again and again.

"Hum, do you still want to enjoy your success? Beautiful! That birthday cake is a gift from me. What gift do you want to give to Yu Gong? Go yourself!" the beautiful boss snorted coldly.

Li forgets to worry as soon as listens to her words, not from the silly eye.

"Hey hey, Changqing, what are you talking about? You don\'t know Yu Gong. What gift do you give? Good, I\'d better give the cake." Li forgets worry and jokes about him as a beauty boss.

Su Changqing glanced at him: "Duke Yu has a son, do you know?"

"Er, I know. Yu Chang\'s handwriting is clear. I met him when I went to Duke Yu\'s residence. Hey, Duke Yu is OK enough. He\'s old enough to have a son. Yu Chang is 28 years old now, but Duke Yu is 70."

Li forgot to worry about Yu Shinan\'s gossip and was also in high spirits.

Yu Shinan had children in his forties, which is not surprising in later generations. But in Datang, it really belongs to Lao laizi, which is a strange story.

The beauty boss asked again, "there is a lady named Yun in Yu Chang. Do you know?"

"Well, how could I know that? Yu Chang and I just know each other, but we are not familiar with each other." Li forgets worry and doesn\'t understand what the beautiful boss means.

"Hee hee, the Yun family is very close to me now. Well, she can be regarded as a best friend. She invited me to Yu\'s house to celebrate her birthday yesterday. Do you know?" the beautiful boss smiled very proudly, but Li forgot to worry and was silly.

"Qiaodou sack! Wait, Changqing, when did you know the Yun family? You\'re still a best friend? Are you kidding?" Li forgets worry. In a hurry, even the island dialect soared out.

He didn\'t know that Su Changqing really didn\'t lie to him