Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 429

Cheng Yaojin stared at Li forgetful worry: "boy, you can\'t joke about it. Are you really sure?"

"It\'s natural, uncle Cheng. You see, my nephew has shipped all the gold to the Yongyi gambling house of Wang family in Taiyuan. That is, there is only so much gold in my house, otherwise I\'m going to bet more. In fact, my nephew came to Uncle Cheng\'s house today to borrow gold from Uncle Cheng. I can take the members of the four-wheel carriage shop and wine making workshop as collateral to Uncle Cheng and borrow a piece of gold Ten thousand Liang. I\'ll return it in five days. My nephew will give uncle Cheng interest according to the profit of the public money. Can you? "

Cheng Yaojin laughed, and the palm of Pu fan fell on his shoulder again.

"Wow, hahaha, boy, you think beautifully! If you can win tens of thousands of taels of gold, you want to give me 1000 taels of gold? You dare to bet, and I\'m afraid of farting!"

Li forgot to worry and pretended to be sorry: "Uncle Cheng, there is a risk in this matter. It\'s better to lend the gold to my nephew. How about the risk borne by my nephew? Can I give two thousand liang of gold for the profit?"

"Go away! Say one more word, be careful I throw you out!" Cheng Yaojin said with a smile and scolded: "you bastard, talking so much nonsense, don\'t you just want to encourage me to bet? Don\'t give me a careless eye. What do you think, when I don\'t know?"

Seeing that Cheng Yaojin saw through his ideas, Li forgot to worry, slightly embarrassed, touched his nose and said with a smile: "Hey, uncle Cheng, this is not my nephew\'s chance to get rich. Do you think you\'re old?"

"Let\'s go and have a drink! We\'ll talk as we speak."

"Uncle Cheng, do you want to invite uncle weichi and uncle Qin to the mansion? Hey, solo Lele is not as good as public Lele." what Li forgets you wants is not just to earn some gold from the aristocratic family, but he plans to let the aristocratic family bleed well.

In this way, he and Cheng Yaojin can\'t just come forward and bet together with those national leaders. At that time, he won\'t be afraid that the aristocratic family will lose their eyes and jump over the wall.

Hearing the speech, Cheng Yaojin\'s eyes flashed, and he immediately understood Li forgetful\'s idea.

"Hey hey, you bad boy, you really suit me." he slapped Chumo on the head again: "you three brothers learn a little! Look how bad the Li family is. You three fools have to count the money for others when they are sold!"

His words made Li forget worry and the three brothers of the Cheng family black.

Nima, if you don\'t really beat the old man, Li forgetful will fight with him!

Li forgot to worry and looked up at the sky. He just didn\'t hear Cheng Yaojin. Not angry, not angry. It\'s not worth it to be angry for this old hooligan!

"Somebody, send me a message to the second brother, the old thief Yuchi, the Duke of commendation and the Duke of Qiao... And invite them to come to the house for a drink. I have a banquet today and have business with them." Cheng Yaojin directly reached out to the housekeeper of the house and ordered him to send someone to invite the Lords and elders immediately.

Cheng Yaojin invited him. Although he didn\'t know what had happened, Qin Qiong, Chai Lingwu, Yuchi Jingde, Liu Hongji and Duan Zhixuan were happy to attend the banquet and gather in the Duke of Lu.

"Cheng Zhijie, you old murderer, why do you think you want to invite me to drink today? What\'s the matter? It\'s mysterious. Yuchi Jingde shouted in a broken Gong voice as soon as he entered the lobby.

Cheng Yaojin was also rude. He first threw a jar of wine to Yuchi Jingde before laughing and scolding: "go away. I\'m kind enough to make you rich. You old man, if you don\'t want to earn gold, go slowly!"

His words aroused the interest of these big men. Who would refuse to make gold?

Cheng Yaojin bet with hundreds of officials twice before, but he won tens of thousands of taels of gold and left. The eyes of these princes were red with envy.

"Cheng Zhijie, tell me what\'s good and how much you can earn?" Yuchi Jingde asked after pouring a mouthful of wine into his head and wiping the wine stains on the corners of his mouth with his hand.

"How much you can earn depends on how much you invest and five times the income. Are you interested?"

"Oh? Five times is good? How long will it take to earn it back? If it takes a long time, it won\'t be cost-effective. You can\'t say that it\'s to organize caravans to sell goods in western countries? That\'s ten times the profit, but the time is too long and the risk is great. Moreover, some people in our government are doing business here. It\'s nothing strange." Chai Lingwu heard that there are five times the profit, It\'s a little exciting.

Cheng Yaojin looked up and laughed: "it won\'t take so long. Five days is enough. It depends on whether you dare to gamble!"

His words naturally aroused the interest of Qin Qiong and others, and quickly asked what kind of business it was, which could earn five times the income in five days.

Cheng Yaojin smiled and asked Li forgetful to come out.

"The boy did it. Ask him directly."

Li forgot to worry and was busy giving gifts to a group of national leaders. Then he walked out of his waist, took out the ticket issued by Yongyi gambling house and handed it to the national leaders.

After they saw the ticket pledge, there was another uproar.

"Huxian uncle, you are big enough. Tut Tut, bet 10000 taels of gold. When I was your age, I didn\'t have such pride." Duan Zhixuan looked up and poured down a bowl of wine, making fun of Li forgetful.

Yuchi Jingde glared: "go away, have you seen 10000 liang of gold when your special mother was 16?"

"Yuchi old man, do you want to compete with someone?"

"Come on! I\'m afraid you won\'t succeed?"

A group of old killers almost performed martial arts in the lobby of the Duke of Lu before they had two drinks of wine.

However, the maidservants of the Duke of Lu didn\'t even lift their eyelids. They were very calm, which made Li forget worry and admire them.

People who want to come to the Duke of Lu have long been used to this situation.

When these old killers get together to drink, there is no time when they don\'t make trouble.

Li Lianyou suddenly reacted. No wonder he had been to the Duke of Lu several times, but he always felt that the layout of the lobby of Cheng\'s house was really rough and crude, which was completely inconsistent with Cheng Yaojin\'s identity.

Moreover, not only was Cheng Yaojin\'s residence like this, but he also visited the residences of several other princes, and the lobby was so simple.

Originally, he was naive to think that this group of military leaders were diligent and thrifty.

Now he finally understood that every time he held a banquet in the lobby of the government, he would be smashed by these old hooligans after drinking.

Just like this group of old men, they were drunk in the main house of his old house in Dingzhou village.

When they were smashed many times, the furnishings of the government hall were naturally replaced with worthless and durable appliances.

After all, the money of the princes was not blown by the wind. They were always smashed up like this. Even Cheng Yaojin and others couldn\'t stand it.

Li forget worry secretly despised these "no quality" old killing talents in his heart, but he had to say something to interrupt Yuchi Jingde and Duan Zhixuan.

"Uncles, please listen to me..."