Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 425

After hearing the report from the Yamen service, Lu Dejing, the magistrate of Wannian County, did not delay and directly promoted the third class yamen service.

Li Er himself lost filial piety because of the change of Xuanwu Gate, so he paid more and more attention to promoting filial piety.

One of the ten unforgivable felonies in the Tang law is disobedience, which has the same status in the criminal world as rebellion.

Those who beat their parents are beheaded.

In the Song Dynasty, the punishment for disobedience was more severe. Those who abused their parents had to be beheaded and dumped on the streets, which was even worse in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The reason why the ancient Chinese law punished disobedience so strictly was not only to respect filial piety, but also to maintain the ruling position of the emperor. Even one\'s own father can\'t disobey, and the same is true for your father.

So in ancient China, disobedience was no less than suicide.

If it is true as these people who reported to the government said, the man called Fang Dalang will die.

It was the first time that Li forgot to worry. He was naturally curious to see such a disobedient son sent to an official in Datang. He got off his horse with Niu Wu, followed the people who reported to the official, and went into the county government hall to watch the trial.

Lu Dejing sat on the lobby and raised his eyes to see Li forgetful among the crowd and hurriedly took his seat to salute.

"I\'ll see the transferred County uncle."

Li forgot to worry and saluted back: "Lu Ming\'s house, I passed by your Yamen. When I saw someone reporting to the official, I was curious to watch. I was disturbed."

"Huxian uncle, please take your seat." although Lu Dejing knows that the relationship between Li forgetful and the aristocratic family is worrying, he is only a collateral of the Lu family of Fan Yang. Why would he offend Li forgetful.

What\'s more, after Li forgets worry was added to the founding County, the official products have been on it, so he will not lose his courtesy.

Li Qieyou smiled and waved his hand, saying that he would just stand aside and have a look. Lu Dejing could only salute again and returned to the court to prepare for the trial.

The case is very simple. As the people who escorted Fang Dalang to the official said, the disobedient son\'s father died early, and his mother Fang pulled him up.

But when Fang Dalang grew up, he mingled with Qingpi in Chang\'an City and got a bad smell. His neighbors don\'t like him on weekdays.

Fang Dalang likes gambling and often goes in and out of the gambling house.

Originally, people in Tang Dynasty were fond of gambling. This one is nothing. But ordinary people only bet on happiness, but Fang Dalang lost his family.

Some copper money his mother saved hard was sent to the gambling house by him. Not only that, but also he owed a lot of rotten debt.

Today, he lost copper money in the gambling house again. In a moment of anger, he was eager to turn over the money, so he ran home and rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find the copper money.

After being stopped by his mother, the goods became angry and moved against his mother.

After the neighbors learned about the Fang family, they were angry, so they surrounded aunt Fang and escorted Wu\'s son to see the official.

Aunt Fang loves her son dearly. When she comes to the lobby, she suddenly repents. The old woman kept saying that her son didn\'t hit her, but she fell down and was misunderstood by the neighbors.

Aunt Fang defends her son. Naturally, the crime of disobedience cannot be sentenced.

Although Lu Dejing was angry, he also understood aunt Fang\'s feeling of licking the calf as a parent. Finally, he could only find a reason to let the Yamen beat Fang Dalang up 20 boards and drive him out of the county yamen.

Li forgot to worry about this and shook his head again and again. He didn\'t believe that such a gambler would repent because of this fight.

However, Fang Dalang\'s mother didn\'t want to watch her son beheaded, and others had nothing to do about it.

When the crowd dispersed in the lobby, Li forgot to worry and met ludjing again.

"Lu Mingfu, these gambling houses are really hateful. The sage should order to prohibit these harmful gambling houses." Li forgets worry and says angrily.

Lu Dejing shook his head: "Huxian Bo doesn\'t know. These gambling houses do hide dirt and often breed trouble. There has been a debate on whether to ban gambling in the court, but..."

He lowered his voice and continued, "but who owns those gambling houses?"

Li forgets to worry. Naturally, he doesn\'t know the secret, so he can only shake his head.

"In Chang\'an City, there are 72 gambling houses, all of which are controlled by the Grand Duke of each country, five surnames and seven hopes." Lu Dejing explained in a low voice.

In fact, this is no secret. Even the Yamen servants in Wannian County in Chang\'an city are clear, and Li Er, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, knows it all the more.

Tang people like gambling. Naturally, this gambling shop blooms everywhere in Chang\'an city.

Even Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde have gambling houses in Chang\'an city.

So it\'s too difficult to ban gambling in Chang\'an city. Even if someone puts it up in the court, it is difficult to pass the court discussion.

It was the first time that Li forgot to worry about such a thing. He couldn\'t help but be dumbfounded.

This gambling house is the income of major families. It\'s not easy to ban gambling. If Li forgets worry and dares to put forward the prohibition of gambling, I\'m afraid Cheng Yaojin\'s old man can kill him right away.

To understand this, Li forget worry can only smile and shake his head.

In fact, he sold lottery tickets with Li Er, and he didn\'t gamble openly.

Even the large-scale polo field and polo League planned by Li forget worry can\'t get rid of gambling at that time. He really hasn\'t put forward the prohibition of gambling.

To understand this, Li forget worry can only say goodbye to Lu Dejing. After leaving the Wannian county yamen, he mounted his horse and continued to go to Qiu\'s house.

Not far away, he saw a familiar figure and got into a courtyard in xuanyang square.

At the gate of the courtyard, there was a challenger with the words "Yongyi gambling house".

Li forgot to worry and was stunned. Isn\'t this Fang Dalang who was just beaten in the court? I just got out of the county government and limped to gamble again? What a talent!

Li forgets worry and doesn\'t bother to take care of this shit. Sooner or later, this gambler will die, which is not worthy of sympathy.

When he was about to leave, he was stunned to notice that there was another pick in front of the gambling house, but he was stunned by the content written on it.

It\'s crazy. Can you bet on such a thing?

Why is the owner behind Yongyi gambling house so brave? Aren\'t you afraid that Li Er will become angry and destroy their nine families?

Li forgot to worry about it, turned his horse\'s head and went to Wannian county government.

Seeing that Li forgets his worries and returns, he hurriedly came forward to salute: "see the transfer County uncle, but there\'s something else to find the Ming House?"

Li forgot to worry and shook his head: "no, I have something to ask you. Do you know the origin of Yongyi gambling house? Which is the owner behind it?"

Several yamen servants looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and replied in a low voice, "Hui Huxian Bo is the Wang family in Taiyuan."

Li forgot his worries and suddenly realized that only five surnames and seven hopes could get such a thing.

Don\'t you see them forcing Li Er to return to Li Yuan in the Tai Chi hall? Li Er has nothing to do with them.

Find out the owner behind Yongyi gambling house. Li forgets worry and doesn\'t go to Qiu\'s house. He greets Niu Wu and goes straight back to Dingzhou village