Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 422

Liu Dalang, who was restless and walking around the door of the operating room, heard a woman\'s scream in the room. He was so frightened that he trembled and almost fell to the ground.

"Dad, Dad, what\'s the matter?"

Carpenter Liu was also frightened: "no, I don\'t know. Don\'t be afraid, Dalang. The voice just now seems not to be that of your mother-in-law, but that of empress su."

"Yes, it\'s lady Su\'s voice." Liu carpenter\'s other two sons also hurriedly replied, which made Liu Dalang feel a little relieved.

Then he reacted: "what\'s Mrs. Su\'s name? Isn\'t it inside..."

"Don\'t think nonsense, don\'t do anything. There are old sun immortal and Lang Jun." Carpenter Liu comforted himself. His father and son were confused and didn\'t understand what was going on in the operating room.

And Liu Dalang\'s mother, who is even more disoriented at the moment, can only recite "Taoist bless, Taoist bless..."

It was the beauty boss who screamed. When Sun Simiao cut the belly of Liu\'s daughter-in-law with a lancet, the blood immediately seeped out.

Su Changqing, who had never seen such a scene before, was immediately startled and couldn\'t help but cry out.

Her voice didn\'t scare Sun Simiao. She almost scratched the edge of the knife.

Both Li forgetful and Sun Simiao raised their heads and glared at the beautiful boss.

She also reflected now that she had just behaved so shamefully. Hurriedly covered his face with his hand and apologized: "I\'m sorry, I didn\'t react just now. I was scared."

"Changqing, you go and prepare hot water. You can wash the children later. By the way, let the Liu family prepare loose clothes and replace them after the operation."

The embarrassing preparations before the operation have been completed by the beauty boss. Seeing that she is so afraid of seeing blood, Li forgets worry and simply sends the beauty boss away.

Li forgot to worry about being driven to the shelf. Inexplicably, after two operations, he found that he had exercised himself. At least he saw Sun Simiao cut the belly of Liu\'s daughter-in-law with a lancet. He wouldn\'t feel sick and want to vomit.

Not even looking at a wisp of Liu\'s daughter-in-law lying on the operating table, Li forgot to worry that he didn\'t feel beautiful at all. After all, a woman with a big belly and a big bloody hole will not feel fragrant and beautiful if she is mentally normal.

Beauty boss did not refuse, obediently out of the operating room.

As soon as she came out, she was surrounded by Carpenter Liu\'s family.

"Lady Su, how\'s my mother-in-law? Why is there no sound in it?"

"Where\'s the baby? Was the baby born?"

At the thought of seeing the bloody wound just now, the beauty boss couldn\'t help but have some nausea. She frowned, covered her mouth with her hands, and replied with disgust: "she didn\'t come out. Old immortal sun just opened your daughter-in-law\'s abdomen."

"What? Cut open your belly? What do you mean, Miss Su?"

"God, this man\'s belly has been cut open. Can he still live?"

"My poor son!"

The beauty boss didn\'t know how to explain to the Liu carpenters. He could only comfort them with Li Chengqian\'s story: "you forgot how old immortal sun saved the crown prince? Don\'t worry, it\'s okay."

Although she said so, the Liu carpenters were still scared to death. Anyone who heard of such a thing could not calm down. The whole family began to cry silently and felt that their daughter-in-law could not live.

In the operating room, Sun Simiao is still working with Li forgetful to study how to perform the operation.

"Huxian Bo, this is the birth palace, and the fetus is in it. Where should the birth palace be cut? How long should it be cut?"

Li forgot to worry and rolled his eyes. Where did he know this? Let\'s go with fate

Sun Simiao is also an expert in art. Although he has never had surgery, he dares to start. Seeing that Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t give any advice, he simply cut open the uterus by feeling

When Sun Simiao took a wet and wrinkled baby out of the Liu\'s daughter-in-law\'s belly, Li forgetful was completely stunned.

This old Taoist priest is really a god! Worthy of being the king of medicine!

Can it succeed?

He did not care about filth. He quickly reached out to take the baby and held it clumsily and carefully.

Seeing that the baby didn\'t move, Li forgot to worry suddenly thought of the plot in the TV play and slapped the baby on the ass.

Suddenly, the baby in his arms made a cry. The sound was so loud that Li forgot to worry and felt his ears ringing.

Outside the operating room, carpenters Liu\'s family, who had been crying, were stunned when they heard the child\'s cry.

The next moment, the expression of ecstasy appeared on the face of carpenter Liu\'s family. Liu Dalang grabbed his two brothers: "my baby, it\'s my baby! Erlang and Sanlang, do you hear me? It\'s my baby crying, hahaha, I have a baby!"

He was ecstatic, but carpenter Liu slapped him in the head: "laugh a fart, your mother-in-law doesn\'t know life and death!"

Hearing his father\'s words, Liu Dalang\'s face collapsed again, but when he heard the baby crying in the house, he couldn\'t help turning up the corners of his mouth

The beauty boss also brought hot water at this time, and was surprised to hear the baby crying.

"Forget your worries, the child has been born? Boys and girls?"

Li Qieyou looked down at the baby in his arms and replied, "boy, lose money and goods, China Construction Bank."

The beauty boss couldn\'t help but cover her mouth and steal fun: "Liu Dalang heard you. I have to work hard with you. This is Datang. Having a boy is what they want."

Li forgot to worry and said, "hum, I like girls. How nice a sweet little cotton padded jacket is. Hey, Changqing, shall we have a daughter in the future?"

The beauty boss was made pretty and blushed by his words. He stared at him, carefully reached out to take the baby and washed it in warm water.

Neither of them had the experience of taking care of the baby. After some frantic tossing, they finally cleaned the baby and wrapped the baby with the prepared wrapping cloth.

For the rest, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help. He simply went out of the operating room with his beautiful boss holding his child. Leave Sun Simiao to clean up the mess and sew up the wound.

Now that the unprecedented caesarean section has been completed, the child was born safely, but whether Liu\'s daughter-in-law can survive depends on whether her life is hard enough. There is no way for Li to forget his worries.

When the beautiful boss came out of the operating room holding the baby, carpenters Liu and his family all knelt down and kowtowed to Li forgetful.

"Lang Jun, you are my resurrected parents. I dare not forget the kindness of saving my life! I should make a report!"

"What are you doing? Get up quickly! Ha ha, congratulations to Dalang, who gave birth to a boy with a handle! Carpenter Liu, congratulations on your grandson. You are not afraid that no one will inherit the good skills of the old Liu family."

Hearing that it was a boy, carpenter Liu\'s mouth was so happy that he couldn\'t close. The baby was the first grandson of the Liu family!

Liu Dalang\'s mother hurriedly took the baby and held it carefully in her arms. Even Liu Dalang wanted to see it and was driven away by her.

Originally, today wenpo said that it was difficult to protect the mother and son, which made the carpenter Liu family feel devastated, but unexpectedly, Li forgot to worry and pulled them out of the abyss.

Looking at the crying baby, carpenter Liu just got up from the ground, but knelt down again: "please give the baby a name. Without your help, there is no chance of this little thing being born. Please give him a name!"

Name? Li forgets to worry a little. What he doesn\'t have the most talent is to name it.

Liu, boy, what\'s your name? Urgent, online, etc!