Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 420

As an ordinary person in later generations, if someone suddenly comes to tell you that his wife has dystocia and asks you to help, the first reaction of normal people must be very ignorant.

Li forget worry is the same. He hasn\'t recovered for a long time. Liu Dalang\'s mother-in-law has difficulty giving birth. Why is Mao coming to find himself?

"Liu Dalang, you silly goods, what are you waiting for? Hurry to show the micro and invite old immortal sun! Come to me for what to do."

Liu Dalang cried on his face: "my father has invited the micro old immortal sun to come, and he said the same. He said that my mother-in-law\'s baby is not in the right fetal position and the umbilical cord is around the neck, so he is helpless. He also asked the husband to save my mother-in-law and child."

Li forgets worry. Hearing that Sun Simiao can\'t help it, he is even more stupid. The medicine king has no choice. What can he do?

When he was stunned, he heard the noise outside and came out to see what happened. When he heard that Liu Dalang\'s daughter-in-law had a difficult birth, he blurted out: "hurry to have a caesarean section! Are you still stunned?"

what? caesarean birth?

Li forgot to worry and looked at the beautiful boss foolishly. Are you sure you\'re not talking nonsense?

Who will have a caesarean section? You or me? Or Sun Simiao?

"Forget your worries. You and Sun Simiao can operate on Li Chengqian\'s appendix. Should this caesarean section also be done?"

Li forgets to worry and has no words. Can this special meow be a thing?

Besides, cut Liu Dalang\'s daughter-in-law\'s belly open. What can we rely on to prevent her wound from inflammation? There is no cephalosporin capsule. As for the penicillin that Sun Simiao wants to make, he can\'t even see the shadow.

If you really want to open your belly for Liu Dalang\'s daughter-in-law and survive, it really depends on whether your life is hard enough.

"Forget worry, what are you doing? Go, it\'s important to save people!" the beautiful boss was also anxious and pushed Li forget worry to go out.

"I, that, I..." Li forgot to worry and immediately burst into a sweat. He said incoherently, "ask Niu Wu to bring home the alcohol quickly! Hey, what\'s the matter!"

"I see, you go quickly, and I\'ll let Niu Wu bring the things later." the beauty boss said urgently.

Li has no choice but to forget his worries. Now he can only wait and see. He had to follow Liu Dalang out of the house and trot to Liu carpenter\'s house.

Liu Dalang thought that Li forgot to worry about running too slowly. He simply bent down, carried Li forgot to worry on his back, and ran home.

The goods were worried about their mother-in-law and aunt. They ran so fast, but they suffered. Li forgetful, lying on his back, was knocked so that he almost didn\'t vomit.

When Liu Dalang ran back to his house and put Li forgetful down, Li forgetful\'s little face turned white and a cold sweat burst out.

He glared at Liu Dalang angrily. He didn\'t have time to find the trouble of this silly goods. He hurried to the inside of the house.

Since ancient times, giving birth to a child is a woman breaking through the gates of hell.

Not to mention these ordinary peasant women, even the concubines in the Imperial Palace who died of childbirth are countless.

Aunt Liu Dalang has dystocia. It\'s basically one leg. She has stepped into the Naihe bridge.

At this time, Li forgot to worry about the difference between men and women. He pushed the door and entered the house. Liu Dalang still wanted to follow in, but his father Liu carpenter caught him.

"You silly bastard, the women inside have babies. What are you doing in there?"

"How did Lang Jun and sun Laoxian get in?" Liu Dalang said, stifling his neck. He was worried about his mother-in-law and aunt. Where could he care about these.

"Bullshit, Mr. Lang, who is he? He and old immortal sun are miraculous doctors, okay? Are miraculous doctors human?"

Li forgot to worry when he just stepped into the room. Hearing carpenter Liu\'s words, he almost tripped over his own foot. What did the old man say? Why isn\'t he human?

He couldn\'t care to discuss whether he was human or not with carpenter Liu. He looked at Sun Simiao and asked, "how\'s old immortal sun and Liu Dalang\'s wife? Is it dangerous?"

Sun Simiao shook his head: "I\'m helpless now. The umbilical cord of the fetus is around the neck and the body position is not correct. I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for adults and children to protect. Hey, Huxian uncle, do you have a way?"

Sun Simiao had an inexplicable expectation for Li forget you since Li forget you proposed a laparotomy to cut Li Chengqian\'s intestines with carbuncle and really saved the prince in this way. He thought that the young County uncle might have some wonderful ideas.

Li Qieyou did not disappoint him, but Sun Simiao was stunned by his words.

"Yes, up to now, you can only have a caesarean section."

"Laparotomy? How to do it?"

"Cut open your stomach, take out the fetus, and then sew up the wound." Li forgetful worry said quite simply. It\'s not that he spared no words, but that he only knew so much about caesarean section.

Who knows how to operate caesarean section?

Li Qieyou also feels wronged. He is a student of e-commerce in the second university. How can it be reduced to the point of having to operate on others to save lives? I\'m really ashamed of my education for many years.

"It\'s that simple? It\'s better to try?" Sun Simiao was excited.

I treated Li Chengqian before. It seems so.

Cut open her belly, cut off her intestines and sew up the wound... This woman can\'t have children. It seems that she can do this.

"Try it..." Li forgot to worry and sighed. He could only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Liu Dalang\'s mother-in-law and aunt could not live, so he had to listen to fate.

Anyway, without surgery, Liu Dalang\'s mother-in-law and aunt will die. It\'s better to have a fight.

"Then send the little lady to Xianwei. After I came back from Chang\'an, I arranged an operating room like the one you said in the east palace. It\'s just suitable today." Sun Simiao said immediately without hesitation.

Medical fanatic Sun Simiao tried a surgical operation and was naturally full of interest.

During his time taking care of Li Chengqian in the East Palace, he asked Li forget worry about surgery every day.

What is an operation, how to arrange the operating room, what surgical instruments are needed, why should they be disinfected with alcohol, etc... Li forgetful is often speechless and can only cope with "curious baby" Sun Simiao with a little common sense and imagination he learned from watching TV dramas.

After returning to the microscopic view from Chang\'an City, Sun Simiao immediately ordered someone to arrange an operating room and planned to study surgery in depth, which is just in use today.

Li forgot to worry, nodded, walked out of the house and said to the anxious Liu family father and son, "Liu Dalang, your mother-in-law and aunt, I and sun Laoxian, can try to save you, but may not be able to protect your mother-in-law and aunt. It\'s a great risk. Are you willing to try?"

Liu Dalang and his father looked at each other. Without hesitation, he flopped down on his knees: "yes, I do. Lang, please save my mother-in-law. If... If there\'s something good or bad, I\'ll never complain. Then, it\'s all my mother-in-law\'s life... Please let Lang and sun Laoxian heal."

In this era, there is no such thing as medical trouble in future generations.

Not to mention now, Liu Dalang also knows that his mother-in-law and aunt are in danger and may die at any time. If they can\'t be saved, the Liu family and their son can\'t help complaining about Li forgetful and Sun Simiao. They still have to thank him for his love to save them.

Li Qieyou was not hypocritical, and ordered, "in that case, take your mother-in-law and aunt to show the micro immediately and prepare for the operation."

Liu Dalang naturally didn\'t understand what surgery was and didn\'t dare to ask.

Hurriedly removed the door panels at home and asked wenpo and his mother to dress their mother-in-law. Together with his father and two brothers, he carried his groaning mother-in-law and aunt to Xianwei