Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 410

Li forgot to worry, but no matter how Geng Fengyu of Shangyao Bureau and the doctors glared at him, they were not allowed to enter.

As a man with a black stomach, Li forgets to worry about his revenge. He has already taken a small black book and wrote a note on it to Geng Fengyu and others who spoke ill of him before.

Li Er also heard Li forget worry, but ignored it and helped his daughter-in-law into the hall. Little fat Li Tai blinked and hurried up.

Li Er naturally likes Geng Fengyu of Shangyao Bureau.

If Li forget worry really saved Li Chengqian, it will undoubtedly prove the incompetence of Geng Fengyu and a group of doctors in Shangyao Bureau.

What\'s more, Li Er wants to understand now.

After all, Li forget worry is his nephew without five clothes. He dares to take such a big risk and insists on treating Li Chengqian. Naturally, it makes sense.

So Li forgot to worry about the people in the pharmaceutical Bureau. Li Er just didn\'t hear it.

Li forgot to worry about pulling the beautiful boss into the hall, turned around and closed the door with a bang. He was so angry that Geng Fengyu and others stamped their feet outside.

"Dad, mom..." Li Chengqian, who was still lying on the operating table, wept at the sight of Li Er and the eldest grandson queen.

"Chengqian, don\'t cry, don\'t cry. How about a stomachache?" the eldest grandson queen was overjoyed to see her son wake up.

She gently stroked Li Chengqian\'s little face, which lacked blood color, tears of heartache and pearls of broken lines.

"Hurt, still hurt." Li Chengqian was so frightened that Li forgot to worry, and his face was almost white.

Nima, isn\'t it that Sun Simiao and Liu Shenwei cut in the wrong place?

"But it used to be abdominal colic, but now it doesn\'t hurt, but it hurts on the belly."

Li forgot to worry and finally took a breath. This smelly boy is gasping for breath!

Since there is no colic in the abdomen, it means that the inflamed appendix has indeed been removed. As for belly pain, that\'s not surprising. Anyone who has a cut in his belly has to hurt.

Empress Chang sun and Li Er didn\'t understand the difference. Hearing Li Chengqian say that they had a stomachache, they couldn\'t help turning around and looking at Li forget their worries.

Li Er was even more furious: "Li forget worry, you bastard said to treat Chengqian? Why is he still suffering from abdominal pain? Is this intestinal carbuncle cured?"

Li forgot to worry and quickly picked up the porcelain basin containing the removed appendix: "uncle and aunt, this is Chengqian\'s intestines with carbuncle and gangrene in his abdomen. They have been removed by sun Laoxian and his disciples. Now Chengqian feels pain, but the wound cut in his abdomen is painful. After a few days of cultivation, the wound will heal."

Seeing the bloody appendix in the porcelain basin, empress Chang sun exclaimed, covered her face with her hand and dared not look again.

Li Er didn\'t respond and looked closely.

He is the emperor right away. He has been in battle for a long time. I don\'t know how many people killed by himself. How can he be afraid of this intestines.

"Well, sure enough, carbuncle and gangrene have been removed from Chengqian\'s body?"

"It\'s natural, uncle. You see, the wound is still here." Li forgets to worry, pointing to Li Chengqian\'s abdomen and saying that the wound has been bandaged.

"The dry intestinal carbuncle is cured?" the empress Chang sun couldn\'t care to cover her eyes and couldn\'t wait to ask.

Li forgot to worry and hesitated for a moment. He replied honestly, "Auntie, you have to see if Chengqian\'s wound will be infected and inflamed these days. As long as there is no inflammation, Chengqian can recover when the wound heals."

Empress Chang sun doesn\'t know medical skills, so she can only look at Li Er. Li Er knows what Li forgets, but his face is bitter.

"Ziyou, do you know that none of the wounded soldiers in the army died of wound infection. Can Chengqian really survive when he is so young?"

Li Er saw the cut off bad intestines. He had no doubt about what Li forgetful had said before, and his title to Li forgetful was restored as before. But thinking of the fatal problem of wound infection, I just put down half my heart, but I couldn\'t help pulling it up again.

"Uncle, that\'s why I didn\'t let you in before. Can you smell the smell in the palace?"

Li Er was so reminded by him that he couldn\'t help twitching his nose: "it seems that it tastes like wine, but it\'s different."

"Uncle Shen Ming, this is the smell of alcohol. Alcohol is the essence extracted from wine by little nephew, specially used for sterilization and disinfection to avoid wound infection."

Li forget worry simply took out the story of fooling Sun Simiao and gave Li Er and empress Chang sun some popular science about what bacteria are and what disinfection is. Including Sun Simiao\'s attempt to make the divine medicine "penicillin", they all explained it.

As for the cephalosporin capsule, he concealed it and didn\'t say it.

After all, he was exhausted after saving Li Chengqian this time. He couldn\'t explain the source of the cephalosporin capsule with Li Er, so he simply didn\'t mention it.

Li Er listened suspiciously. After learning that Sun Simiao was now experimenting with penicillin, he was excited for a moment and grasped Li forgetful\'s shoulder with both hands: "Penicillin really has such miraculous effect? Can it really prevent wound infection? If so, most of the wounded soldiers in the army can survive? Damn, do you know how many robes in the army died of wound infection after injury! If you dare to deceive me, I will not spare you!"

Li forgot to worry and was startled by Li Er\'s excited appearance. What are you doing?

How could he know how Li Er turned over rivers and seas when he heard of the magic medicine penicillin.

In the age of cold weapons, not many people were directly killed by weapons on the battlefield.

Most of the wounded soldiers are due to the lack of effective battlefield first aid and the lack of effective methods to prevent wound infection in the later treatment process, resulting in a very high mortality rate.

Even a miracle doctor like Sun Simiao could not avoid Niu Yong\'s wound infection after Niu Yong was injured, let alone battlefield rescue without any sanitary conditions.

Hearing that there was a way to prevent wound infection, Li Er couldn\'t even care about his son lying on the operating table. Compared with penicillin, the prince\'s safety is not worth mentioning.

"Uncle, take it easy, my nephew can\'t bear my uncle\'s imperial domineering." Li forgets to worry and asks for mercy. His shoulder hurts. This damn Li Er\'s strength is not much smaller than that old man cheng Yaojin.

Li Er is such an asshole that he has no light or heavy hand. It\'s really wrong to destroy the flowers and bones of his motherland like this.

"Stop talking nonsense and answer me quickly."

"If this... This penicillin can be made, it will naturally be effective in preventing wound infection. However, I don\'t know if sun Laoxian can succeed."

Li Er immediately looked at Sun Simiao and said, "Sun Qing, are you sure you can make that penicillin?"

"I will do my best."

"Well, thank you, sun Qing. I will allocate another 100000 yuan for sun Qing\'s trial production. Once penicillin is trial produced, I will be rewarded!" Li Er did not hesitate to allocate a large amount of money, which shows his importance to penicillin.

Hearing the speech, Li forgot to worry. His eyes brightened, rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "uncle, nephew, I also have an unkind request..."